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Can Cats Eat Black Pepper?

The peppery and sharp aroma of black pepper flavor makes it a popular spice and seasoning used in many cuisines worldwide. Is black pepper safe for cats or poisonous?

Black pepper refers to the spice obtained from peppercorn fruits of the Piper nigrum. This flowering vine in the family  Piperaceae’s family, native to South India. There are six black pepper variants, i.e., green, pink, tellicherry Black, Malabar Black, Muntok white, and Sarawak white.

Can Cats eat black pepper
Buy It: McCormick Classic Ground Black Pepper, Large Size, 3 oz., $3.18, Amazon.

Can cats at black pepper?

There are studies no cat-specific on whether black pepper is safe for cats or harmful. However, we can assure you that cats don’t like the peppery aroma and unlikely to eat this spice or food rich in this spice.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), “black pepper oil is extracted from dried black peppercorns is an active pesticide ingredient used for repelling mammalian pests such as dogs, cats, groundhogs, and squirrels.” The use as a repellent shows that these animals don’t like its aroma at all.

Secondly, foodfurlife.com notes that “black pepper may well be toxic to cats over time given it contains both terpenes and essential oils (3% essential oils), which are known to be harmful to cats, especially when directly ingested (over time, causing damage to the kidneys.”

However, the FDA considers its essential oil as generally recognized as safe for use in food and doesn’t cause any adverse effects.

Additionally, as noted by EPA, “no toxic effects have been identified in mammals, birds, or fish. No adverse effects are expected based on the widespread use of black pepper oil and the lack of reported adverse effects. Oil of black pepper is intended to repel small mammals, and therefore is not expected to harm target or non-target organisms.”

This may perhaps point to the fact that black pepper may not be toxic to cats. However, more studies are required to ascertain the potential long-term effects of this spice.

Finally, many home remedies claim this spice keeps cats away; i.e., it is a potent repellent, which means that kitties will not eat it.


It is not clear whether black pepper is safe for cats or not. However, we recommend you don’t give it to your feline pa because they are unlikely to like its peppery scent. Also, while mild, it does have some hotness, which your kitties may not like

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