Cayenne pepper is one of the Capsicum annuum cultivars with mostly red berries used as a hot spice in various dishes. However, it is possible to get cultivars with yellow or purple fruits. Other members of the C. annuum are jalapeños, bell peppers, Count Dracula, Explosive Embers, NuMex Memorial Day, among others.
While not as hot as the Capsicum chinense varieties, cayenne is an intense or hot chili pepper variety since it does have capsaicin (8-methyl-N-vanillyl-6-nonenamide), an active compound responsible for the burning sensation when it touches a mucous membrane of mammals or even sensitive skin parts.

Therefore, since it has capsaicin, cats shouldn’t eat cayenne pepper as it will cause severe gastrointestinal distress and a lot of discomfort in their mouth. Your cats can vomit, drool, or have runny noses or eyes if they eat cayenne pepper.
Besides the discomfort, you need to know that cats don’t like spicy foods at all. Our sense of taste and those of cats are different, and what we consider as tasty may not be appetizing to these pets.
Finally, it is good to mention that cats don’t like the cayenne aroma, which is why it is used to keep them away. It is one of the most commonly used varieties in many homemade feline and rabbit repellents.