The safety of toxicity of any houseplant is a big concern to those who have house pets. Is Calathea orbifolia among the cat-friendly plants, or is it poisonous?
Calathea orbifolia is ornamental plant species in the family Marantaceae or arrowroot family, also known as prayer-plants because they raise their leaves upwards in the evening as if they are praying. It is native to the tropical Americas and makes a perfect pot plant.

The exquisite charm created by its pale silver-green large round leaves with dark-colored veins or markings, and its excellent air purifying ability makes C. orbifolia a fantastic choice of a houseplant.
Good stuff still, Calathea orbifolia is not toxic to your cats or dogs. Other famous calatheas like Calathea medallion, Calathea ornata, Calathea lancifolia (Rattlesnake plant), Calathea makoyana (peacock plants), Freddie, and C. warscewiczii are also cat-friendly.
However, before we convince you to buy a Calathea orbifolia house plant, let us hint at growth and care requirements.
First, they require high humidity, just like their native tropical Americas of not less than 50%. If you live in places with lower humidity, you may have to buy a humidifier, mist them, wipe leaves with a damp cloth (once a week), place them in your bathroom or kitchen.
Secondly, as tropical forest floor plants, they require indirect light. Direct sunlight will damage their leaves and make them less vibrant.
Thirdly, these plants require a temperature of 18°C – 24°C but can tolerate lows of 15°C. Very high temperatures often make the leaves to begin curling, while too low will make them droop.
Additionally, they need well-drained moist soil. Avoid too soggy soil as it may make their roots to rot. The right choice will be a mix of two parts of coir or peat to one part of perlite will work well.
Finally, they need little pruning need (remove old brown leaves), don’t like to be reported, propagate by division, and may need fertilizer when growing.
Besides the various Calathea species and cultivars that make perfect houseplants, you still have many others to choose from, including bromeliad, ghost plants, Paddys wig, spider plant, wax plant, moth orchid, polka dot plant, cast iron plant, among others.
Please don’t risk your pet’s or children’s life by having toxic plants in your house unless you are will to children and cat-proof the areas you place them.