Home » Cats » Is Calathea Warscewiczii Toxic to Cats?

Is Calathea Warscewiczii Toxic to Cats?

The velvety green leaves with dark green bandings and a deep maroon underside make the Calathea warscewiczii a lovely houseplant. Is it cat-friendly or not?


Botanical name Calathea Warscewiczii or Goeppertia warscewiczii
Common name (s)Calathea Jungle Velvet
Native regionCentral and South America
FamilyMarantaceae (arrowroot or prayer plant family)
SafetyNon-toxic to cats and dogs
Growing and care needsModerate to very high
Calathea Warscewiczii cat safe


Like all of the rest of the genus Calathea plants, Calathea Warscewiczii is not poisonous or toxic to cats or dogs, making it a fantastic choice for people looking for an indoor pot plant. However, it needs good care to thrive.

Besides calatheas, other safe plants include bromeliad plant, peperomia ginny, aluminum plant, ghost plant, maidenhair fern, polka dot plant, lipstick plant, goldfish plant, African violets, Christmas cactus, and true palms, like ponytail, majesty, parlor or areca, etcetera.


As tropical forest floor plants, they require indirect light. Also, ensure a humidity of at least 50%, temperatures of 65-85ºF (18-29ºC) but can tolerate up to 60ºF (15ºC) and well-drained moist soil (one pert of perlite to two parts of peat will work well).

Finally, water this houseplant regularly, but don’t make the soil soggy, and consider balanced fertilizer during the growing season. It doesn’t need much pruning, only prune old brown leaves.

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