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Top 5 Best Cat Shampoos

As naturally fastidious, notoriously independent creatures, cats take bathing and grooming themselves into their own hands. Most adult kitties spend hours licking and combing through their bodies with their tongues; they also use their teeth to chew out stubborn dirt. 

Because they can groom and keep themselves clean so well, most cats will flat-out refuse baths—and they generally don’t need them, anyway. 

However, there are instances when your kitty will need a shampoo session, such as when she rolls around in dirt or gets a flea infestation. As they approach their golden years, some senior cats may also need help grooming themselves and thus require regular bathing.

Selecting the right shampoo can help you prepare for when your naughty kitty needs an emergency bath! If you’re having trouble choosing from the countless options available online, don’t worry. 

We’ve rounded up our picks for the top 5 best cat shampoos based on expert assessments and reviews from fellow cat parents. With this guide, you can be sure you’re getting the best possible product for your precious feline friend!   

1. Burt’s Bees Hypoallergenic Cat Shampoo: Cleanses & Moisturizes With Natural Ingredients

Popular for their line of affordable, high-quality dog shampoos, Burt’s Bees ensures your feline friend doesn’t miss out on the pampering she deserves with their Hypoallergenic Cat Shampoo! Featuring the finest, all-natural ingredients like shea butter and honey, this shampoo is specially formulated to provide top-notch cleansing, conditioning, and nourishing for your kitty’s skin and fur. 

Each wash with this product leaves your kitty fresh with oh-so-soft fur that makes cuddle time all the more enjoyable! The honey in its natural formula also boosts the shine of your kitty’s fur, while the shea butter moisturizes her skin and delivers a deep yet gentle clean. 

This shampoo’s hypoallergenic formulation makes it safe and beneficial for kitties with itchy skin or skin allergies. Cat parents have also written rave reviews about this product, remarking that besides leaving their cats soft and fluffy, it doesn’t have any overpowering fragrances that cats hate.


  • Safe, gentle, and effective cleansing
  • Deeply nourishes and moisturizes your cat’s skin and coat
  • Leaves fur soft and fresh with every bath
  • Free of sulfates, parabens, artificial fragrances, and harsh chemicals
  • pH-balanced, cruelty-free formula: safe for cats of all ages


  • May not be as effective as other products in alleviating dandruff

2. Arm & Hammer 2-in-1 Deodorizing & Dander Reducing Cat Shampoo: Great for Stinky Kitties 

Kitty odor generally isn’t that noticeable—except when your cat starts getting on in years. Senior cats often have a distinct odor that may result from a whole host of age-related health issues or simply due to their old age. If you’ve got a stinky kitty or a mature cat on your hands, The Arm & Hammer 2-in-1 Deodorizing & Dander Reducing Cat Shampoo is the perfect product for you! 

As an Arm & Hammer product, this shampoo is unbeatable when it comes to its deodorizing properties. It eliminates all odors from your cat’s skin and coat with the power of baking soda while also tackling cat dander that can cause allergies. 

Lavender and chamomile also feature prominently in this shampoo, offering a calming scent that ensures every bath is a relaxing experience for your anxious kitty. It’s also infused with aloe vera that helps moisturize and nourish your cat’s skin and coat, leaving her smelling fresh with ultra-soft fur. 


  • Naturally deodorizes and refreshes your cat’s coat
  • Combats cat odor and dander effectively
  • Formulated with lavender and chamomile to keep your kitty calm during baths
  • Nourishes your cat’s skin and coat
  • Leaves a gentle fruity scent on your cat’s fur


  • May not be suitable for cats with dry or sensitive skin

3. Earthbath Hypoallergenic Pet Shampoo: Ideal for Cats with Dry, Itchy, or Sensitive Skin

A product almost universally beloved by pet parents, the Earthbath Hypoallergenic Shampoo is specially formulated for cats and dogs with allergies and sensitive skin. This shampoo offers superior cleansing and moisturizing properties using safe, wholesome, and plant-derived ingredients.  

The coconut-based cleansers in this shampoo gently remove dirt, grime, odors, and even fleas from your kitty’s skin and coat. Organic aloe vera is also a major ingredient in its formula, providing soothing relief for dry, itchy, and irritated skin. The result is clean, fresh, and soft fur with healthy and nourished skin! 

Many customers have reported that this product keeps their cats smelling fresh without using strong artificial fragrances. Its formula is also free of harmful, irritating ingredients like sulfates, parabens, and alcohol. 


  • Provides soothing relief for itch, dryness, and irritation
  • Cleanses your cat’s skin and coat using plant-based ingredients
  • Removes dirt and grime while nourishing your cat’s skin
  • Softens and moisturizes fur
  • Won’t remove topical flea treatment products
  • Soap-free, pH-balanced formula with no fragrances, sulfates, or parabens


  • Some reviews indicate that it may not be the best option for odor elimination

4. Vet’s Best No-Rinse Waterless Cat Shampoo: Best Option for Cats Who Dislike Baths

Kitty baths leaving you bruised and bloody with scratches all over? A waterless shampoo might just do the trick in keeping your feline friend clean without too much of a fight! The Vet’s Best No-Rinse Waterless Cat Shampoo is among the best products of this type on the market, formulated for convenient use and gentle yet powerful cleansing. 

With a natural formula featuring a unique blend of plant-based ingredients, this shampoo cleans, moisturizes, and nourishes your cat’s skin and coat. It’s infused with aloe vera and neem oil that promote skin health and boost coat shine, along with oatmeal that soothes itch and dryness. Plus, it can help detangle fur and keep it soft and irresistibly fluffy. 

All you have to do is apply and massage the foam into your cat’s fur, working your way from her head down to her paws. Let her fur dry for a bit, then brush her vigorously—and you’re done!


  • Keeps your cat clean between baths
  • Delivers gentle yet powerful cleansing
  • Uses natural, plant-based ingredients to boost skin and coat health
  • Soothes itchy and dry skin
  • Moisturizes and detangles fur
  • Features a gentle fragrance
  • Designed for easy and convenient use


  • Not suitable for kittens under 3 months old

5. Douxo S3 PYO Antiseptic Shampoo: Effective Non-Prescription Treatment for Skin Infections & Diseases

If your kitty has a skin infection or a dermatological condition, the Douxo S3 PYO Antiseptic Shampoo can help address and alleviate some of her symptoms. This non-prescription product has antibacterial and antifungal ingredients that combat infections while cleansing, soothing, and hydrating the skin. 

This shampoo contains chlorhexidine, an antiseptic and disinfectant that cleanses the skin, reduces yeast overgrowth, and inhibits bacterial growth. Its formula also includes ophytrium which provides relief for your cat’s irritated skin and keeps it supple and hydrated. 

Besides disinfecting the skin and providing support to its ecosystem, it softens and detangles the fur. It’s formulated to ensure your cat’s coat maintains a healthy shine and fluffy texture while effectively improving mild to severe skin issues. 


  • Addresses and alleviates skin issues caused by bacteria or fungi 
  • Delivers antiseptic cleansing
  • Prevents yeast and bacteria growth
  • Hydrates and soothes irritated skin
  • Moisturizes and detangles fur
  • Free of soaps, sulfates, parabens, phthalates, and colorants


  • Somewhat pricey

FAQs about Bathing Your Cat 

Do Cats Need Baths?

In general, healthy indoor cats don’t really need bathing, save for when they manage to escape and get dirt, oil, and stains all over their fur. 

There are a few exceptions to this generalization, however. Cats who may need occasional or regular baths include:

  • Cats who spend time outdoors
  • Obese or overweight cats who have trouble getting to and grooming certain parts of their body
  • Senior cats or cats with arthritis
  • Cats suffering from itchy or dry skin, skin allergies, skin infections, or skin diseases like dermatitis
  • Cats with fleas
  • Long-haired or hairless cat breeds 

Can I Use Human Shampoo On My Cat?

No, it’s not advisable to use human shampoo on your cat. The pH level of human skin is different from that of cats, which means human shampoo can dry out your cat’s skin and strip off its natural oils. It may also cause irritation and itching, so it’s best to stick to cat shampoos instead. 

How Do I Choose the Right Shampoo for My Cat?

As with your own hair, it’s important to choose the right product for your cat that meets her unique needs and accommodates her grooming habits. Here are a few factors you’ll need to take into consideration:

Type of Shampoo

Cat shampoos usually come down to two types: traditional and waterless. Many cat parents opt for the latter when their cats become vicious, visibly stressed, or even downright aggressive during bath time. 

However, waterless shampoos may not be enough to keep your cat clean if she always gets dirty or if proper grooming has become too difficult for her. What it can do is keep your kitty clean between baths and reduce the need for frequent bathing. 

It’s best to have a good shampoo handy even if your cat doesn’t need regular baths. This will help you stay prepared for accidents, such as when your cat soils herself or simply gets unusually dirty or smelly. 


The ingredients in cat shampoo brands and products vary greatly. It’s important to know which ones to avoid at all costs, as they may irritate your cat’s skin or even put her health at risk. 

These include:

  • Artificial colors & fragrances
  • Formaldehyde
  • Mineral oil
  • Parabens
  • Phenol
  • Sodium benzoate
  • Sodium lauryl sulfate
  • Sulfates 

Gentle Formula

Even if your kitty doesn’t seem to have sensitive skin, it’s still best to opt for shampoos with gentle or hypoallergenic formulas. This reduces the risk of skin allergies or irritation. Some shampoos also have tear-free formulas, which are beneficial for cats who put up a fight during bath time and get shampoo all over their eyes as a result. 

Specific Needs

When looking for the right product for your kitty, make sure to find one that addresses her specific needs. For instance, if your cat has dander or other skin problems, you’ll need to get her a medicated or a non-prescription shampoo specifically formulated to combat those issues. 

For stinky kitties, cat shampoos with powerful deodorizing formulas may be the best option. Certain cat breeds may also benefit from breed-specific formulas. 

How Do I Bathe My Cat?

It’s no secret that cats hate water, and keeping her calm during bath time may be a challenge (to say the least). Don’t worry, though: there are a few ways to survive relatively unscathed from your kitty’s next bath. 

Here are a few helpful tips for bathing your cat with the least amount of stress possible:

  • Prepare everything you need before she gets in the tub or sink. Essential items include cat shampoo, towels, cotton balls, a brush, and rubber gloves if your kitty tends to be overly aggressive during baths. You will also need a cup or a pitcher for rinsing if you don’t have a shower nozzle. 
  • Tire your kitty out. Playing with her for 30 minutes to an hour before the bath will help keep her a little calmer.
  • Trim her nails first. This is vital for cat grooming, and will also help protect you from painful scratches.
  • Introduce water slowly by placing her in the tub gently or getting her head a little wet. Make sure not to pour water on or direct the nozzle toward her face. Once she gets used to the water, you can wet her body and tail. 
  • Apply shampoo and massage it into her fur. Start with her head and go all the way down to her tail. Work as quickly as possible, but see to it that you clean every part of her body. 
  • Give her treats and praises to calm her down or reward her for good behavior. 
  • Clean your cat’s face with cotton balls or a soft cloth.
  • Brush your cat’s body gently to get rid of any stubborn dirt or loose fur. 

In Closing

Cats are usually more than capable of grooming and cleaning themselves. But if your kitty has gotten herself all dirty or has difficulty grooming herself, you may need to get her into that dreaded bath. 

It’s important to have a high-quality shampoo with powerful cleansing properties in your arsenal when the need for a bath arises. Go ahead and choose a product from our list of the 5 best cat shampoos above. Any of these options will help make your cat’s next bath successful and ensure you can once again have a clean, fresh, and happy kitty—even when she gets into trouble! 

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