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Can Dogs Eat Ants? 

You might be wondering what in the world would make someone ask that question. Believe it or not, there are a lot of people who own pets and don’t have a clue about what their furry friends can and can’t eat.

Maybe your dog found an ant hill in your backyard or maybe what you thought was a dog is actually an anteater… Nevertheless, if you find your dog munching on a lot of ants – you likely have the question “can dogs eat ants?”

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the answer to that question and also provide some information about the nutritional value of ants for dogs. So, can your pooch snack on some ants? Let’s find out!

Dogs & Ants Relationship

Dogs and ants have a bit of a love-hate relationship. In the wild, dogs will often chase and eat ants. However, in some cases, ants can also be a nuisance to dogs. For example, if an ant hill is located in your dog’s favorite spot to lay down, he or she may avoid that area altogether. 

Some dogs are also allergic to ant bites and can experience swelling, redness, and itching at the site of the bite. If you notice any of these symptoms in your dog after he or she has been around ants, it’s best to take them to the vet right away.

Your dog will almost certainly be fine if they ate just a few ants, but if you think they may have eaten a ton of ants and are exhibiting some negative side effects please call your veterinarian. 

Are Ants Nutritious for Dogs?

Now that we’ve answered the question of whether or not dogs can eat ants, you might be wondering about their nutritional value. After all, if your dog could benefit from a little extra protein in his or her diet, ants might seem like a good option. 

Unfortunately, ants are not particularly nutritious for dogs. In fact, they are mostly made up of water and don’t contain a lot of nutrients that your dog needs. So, while an occasional ant probably won’t hurt your dog, there’s really no reason to feed them to your pup on a regular basis. 

If you’re looking for a protein-rich treat for your dog, there are plenty of other options out there that will be much more beneficial for his or her health. For example, you could try feeding your dog some cooked chicken, beef, or fish. Just be sure to avoid giving your dog any bones, as they can splinter and cause serious health problems.

Are Ants Dangerous for Dogs?

Generally speaking, ants are not dangerous for dogs. However, there are a few things to keep in mind. If your dog eats a large number of ants, he or she may experience an upset stomach or diarrhea.

Do Ants Pose a Threat to Dogs?

Another thing to consider is the type of ant your dog comes into contact with. Some species of ants, such as fire ants, can be very aggressive and their bites can be quite painful. 

Fire ants are also known to swarm, so if your dog disturbs their nest, he or she could end up being covered in bites. If you live in an area where fire ants are prevalent, it’s best to keep your dog away from them altogether.

Types of Ants that are Edible to Dogs

While we don’t recommend feeding ants to your dog at all, there are a few types that are safe for them to eat. Here are a few of the most common edible ants:

  • Carpenter antsCarpenter ants are typically found in wooded areas and their nests can often be found in trees. Carpenter ants are safe for dogs to eat, but they aren’t particularly nutritious.
  • Pavement antsPavement ants are small black ants that are commonly found near sidewalks and driveways. They get their name from the fact that they often build their nests in cracks in pavement. Pavement ants are safe for dogs to eat, but they aren’t particularly nutritious.
  • Pharaoh antsPharaoh ants are small yellow ants that are often found in homes. They get their name from the fact that they were once used as an insecticide in ancient Egypt. Pharaoh ants are safe for dogs to eat, but they aren’t particularly nutritious.

What if My Dog Accidentally Ate Ants?

If your dog accidentally eats a few ants, there’s no need to panic. Chances are, your dog will be just fine. However, if your dog has eaten a large number of ants or if you notice any strange symptoms, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and call your vet.


While there are a few benefits to feeding ants to your dog, there are also some potential risks. If you do decide to feed your dog ants, be sure to only give them a small number at a time and monitor them closely for any signs of illness. It’s also important to make sure that the ants you’re feeding your dog are safe for them to eat. If you’re unsure about which type of ant is safe for your dog, it’s best to err on the side of caution and avoid giving them any at all.

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