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Can Dogs Eat Bamboo Shoots?

Also called Bamboo Sprouts, bamboo shoots have become a favorite among many due to the distinct flavor it gives to Asian dishes. Bamboo shoots are the edible shoots of several bamboo species and have a fairly earthy and sweet taste. What makes them different from other ingredients is that they retain their crunchiness even when cooked. 

If you love cooking with bamboo shoots at home, the thought of giving the vegetable to your dogs might have crossed your mind too many times. Besides, there’s nothing better than sharing your meals with your fur babies, right?

Fortunately, bamboo shoots are one of those human foods that you can share with your dogs. In fact, giving bamboo shoots to your dogs can provide tons of health benefits, such as:

Promotes Cardiovascular Health

The heart is one of your dogs’ most important organs, which is why you should spend resources to keep it healthy. You can easily achieve this goal by feeding your dogs with bamboo shoots.

According to a study, bamboo shoots contain phytonutrients and phytosterols that help canines dissolve harmful LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol in their bodies. As a result, the blood circulation in their arteries increases. Having high levels of LDL cholesterol in the body raises your dogs’ risks for heart disease and even stroke. 

Balances Cholesterol Levels

Like humans, your dogs can also suffer from arteriosclerosis, where too much cholesterol accumulates inside their arteries. This is a health problem you can avoid when you feed bamboo shoots to your fur babies. 

A study published by the Washington State University suggests that bamboo shoots can help dogs stabilize their glucose levels, resulting in a significant decrease in LDL cholesterol in their bloodstreams. 

Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties

In some countries, the juice of bamboo shoots is commonly used as a topical agent to heal external wounds. Others would even ingest the juice of bamboo shoots to treat ulcers.

One study proved that these practices are actually beneficial because of the anti-inflammatory properties of bamboo shoots. This vegetable also contains pain-killing compounds that can provide relief to canines who are suffering from arthritis, joint pain, and other types of chronic inflammation. 

Boosts Immune System

Thanks to the high levels of vitamins E and A, giving your dogs bamboo shoots can help improve their immune system. These vitamins are powerful antioxidants that reduce the damage caused by free radicals in your dogs’ bodies and make their immune systems stronger against germs and bacteria. 

Rich in Minerals

Aside from giving your dogs a well-balanced diet, do you know that feeding them bamboo shoots can also prevent any deficiencies? Bamboo shoots are packed with minerals, such as calcium, zinc, phosphorus, and magnesium, promoting healthier growth and stronger bones. Bamboo shoots are also rich in fiber that can improve your dogs’ digestive health. 

Low in Sugar and Calories

Feeding your dogs with snacks that contain too much sugar and calories can eventually take a toll on their health. Excessive sugar intake can put your dogs at risk of diabetes and obesity. 

Your dogs will be safe from any of these chronic illnesses when you replace high-sugar snacks with bamboo shoots. This vegetable is naturally low in sugar and calories yet very filling and healthy. 

How Should You Prepare Bamboo Shoots for Dogs?

While bamboo shoots offer multiple health benefits to canines, it’s crucial to feed them the vegetable in the ‘right way.’ Dogs have naturally sensitive stomachs, and giving them too many bamboo shoots in one sitting can do more harm than good. 

Remember these tips when preparing bamboo shoots for your four-legged friends:

First, you should only feed your dogs with bamboo shoots in moderation. Just like any other food, feeding them bamboo shoots in large quantities can cause digestive upsets. Therefore, ensure that you’re only giving small amounts of bamboo shoots to your dogs, ideally once a day. 

Second, only give your dogs cooked bamboo shoots. Raw bamboo shoots often contain cyanogenic glycosides that can trigger gastrointestinal problems like abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, and vomiting. Cyanogenic glycosides can be removed by boiling or cooking the vegetable for a few minutes. 

Third, see to it that you’re feeding freshly cooked bamboo shoots cut into small pieces. Canned bamboo shoots contain additives that may trigger gastrointestinal upset in dogs. It’s also important to cut the bamboo shoots into small, bite-sized pieces to prevent your dogs from choking, especially if your dogs are small or young. 

Fourth, introduce bamboo shoots into your dogs’ diets slowly. Ideally, you should introduce the vegetable over a period of one to three weeks to allow your dogs’ digestive systems to adjust. Remember, bamboo shoots aren’t part of your dogs’ natural diets, and feeding too many at first can cause diarrhea and other digestive disorders. 

Can Dogs Eat Other Parts of the Bamboo?

No, bamboo stalks, leaves, skins, and seeds are harmful to dogs, so make sure that you don’t give them any. These parts of the bamboo plant are toxic to canines. 

Can Puppies Eat Bamboo Shoots?

Yes, your puppies eat bamboo shoots. In fact, bamboo shoots are a great chewing toy for puppies because the crunchiness of the vegetable allows their adult teeth to grow out. 

How Many Bamboo Shoots Should You Feed Your Dogs?

Bamboo shoots should be served as occasional treats to your dogs, not a staple in their diets. Make sure that you feed them small servings (a tablespoon will do) of bamboo shoots in a day. 

Work With Your Vet

Bamboo shoots provide tons of health benefits for your furry friends. However, it’s important to talk to your vet before giving any to your dogs. Abruptly changing their diets to introduce bamboo shoots can cause health problems, such as diarrhea and vomiting. 

By talking to your vet, you’ll be guided on how to properly and safely introduce bamboo shoots into your dogs’ diets. This will ensure that your dogs’ bodies can adjust to the vegetable and minimize their risk of any health problems.  

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