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Can Dogs Eat Barbecue Chips?

Because it’s available everywhere, barbecue chips have become a staple in most households. These are filling snacks that can make parties and movie nights more fun. Your leisure time will never become a bore when you’re snacking on some barbecue chips! 

And because you’d love to share everything with your dogs, the idea of giving them some barbecue chips might have already come to mind. Your dogs deserve all the best things in life, and that includes feeding them a few pieces of barbecue chips, right?

Unfortunately, barbecue chips are a no-no for your furry friends. Aside from not having any nutritional value, barbecue chips contain harmful ingredients for your dogs, namely:

Barbecue Seasoning

Seasoning can make human foods taste delicious but can be toxic for dogs. Barbecue chips contain excessive amounts of seasoning that has onion and garlic. Both of these can cause your dogs to be ill or even die. 

Vegetable Oil

Vegetable oil is an essential ingredient in creating barbecue chips. And while human bodies can tolerate this ingredient, your dogs can’t. Vegetable oils are highly caloric and can trigger several health issues in dogs, such as liver complications. 

Garlic Powder

Barbecue chips also contain garlic powder. This ingredient is toxic to dogs because it causes oxidative damage to their red blood cells, leading to hemolytic anemia. This health condition can cause several symptoms, such as lethargy, lack of willingness to exercise, fainting, and difficulty in breathing. 

Onion Powder

All parts of the onion are toxic to dogs, including processed powders. In fact, onion powders are more potent than fresh onions and are more detrimental for your dogs. Your dogs can experience several symptoms after ingesting onion powder, such as diarrhea, panting, and depression. 


Paprika is another seasoning that should never be included in your dogs’ diet. Eating paprika can cause stomach upset in your dogs, which can eventually worsen to diarrhea. When left untreated, diarrhea can trigger dehydration in your furry friends. 


Barbecue chips are packed with carbohydrates, and feeding them to your dogs can lead to weight gain and obesity. Aside from having a shorter life expectancy, obese dogs are at risk of developing several health problems, such as arthritis and diabetes.

When Should You Take Your Dogs To The Vet?

Almost all of the ingredients used in barbecue chips are harmful to dogs. If your dogs accidentally ate some barbecue chips, take them to the vet the moment they exhibit any of these symptoms:

  • Coma 
  • Depression
  • Diarrhea 
  • Poor appetite
  • Vomiting

Can Dogs Eat Unflavored Potato Chips?

Since barbecue chips contain ingredients harmful for dogs, you might start to think that other junk foods, such as unflavoured potato chips, are safer. However, they’re not. Even unflavoured potato chips contain high amounts of additives, salts, and sugars that can be toxic to dogs. These ingredients aren’t safe for pets and will only cause stomach problems. 

Can Dogs Eat Sour Cream Or Cheddar Chips?

Unfortunately, no. These varieties of chips are also unhealthy and dangerous for dogs. Stay on the safe side, keep all types of potato chips to yourself, and never share any with your dogs. 

Are There Any Healthier Alternatives To Barbecue Chips? 

To ensure that your dogs remain happy and healthy, never feed them any flavored and unflavored chips and opt to incorporate healthier alternatives to their diets. There are actually many options to choose from, such as:


This fruit is available almost everywhere and can be served to your dogs fresh. You can also put a few slices of the fruit in an ice cube tray and freeze it for a couple of hours or overnight to create healthy popsicles. 

Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is a great snack for your furry friends as this is packed with heart-friendly fats and vitamins B and E. Make your dogs’ snack time more stimulating by putting peanut butter into a Kong or other chew toys. 


Salmon is packed with omega-3 fatty acids. This nutrient is essential for your dogs to have healthy and shiny coats and robust immune systems. You can steam or cook the salmon for your dogs; just make sure that you’re not adding any seasoning or flavoring. 

Be A Responsible Pet Owner

Barbecue chips are convenient and delicious snacks for humans, not for your canine friends. As a pet owner, you need to discipline yourself and never share your barbecue chips with your dogs — even if they start to use those cute dog eyes on you. 

If your dogs accidentally ate barbecue chips, rush them to the vet immediately. Never attempt to solve the problem on your own, as this can only do more harm than good.  

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