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Can Dogs Eat Brisket?

Many people are under the impression that dogs can eat almost anything. Well, this isn’t exactly true. Dogs are omnivores, so they can eat meat and vegetables. But, this doesn’t mean that all meats and vegetables are safe for dogs to eat. 

Pet owners love to share their food with their dogs. There are also times when we let them eat some leftovers or scraps. There is nothing really wrong with that; in fact, you produce less waste that way.

However, it’s better to check first if the food is suitable for your dogs.

For instance, a beef brisket seems like a good kind of meat to share with your dogs. But as a good pet owner, you should stop and check first if giving a slice of brisket to your dogs is a good idea.

Can your dog eat brisket?

The quick answer is yes and no. Brisket is a type of beef cut that comes from the breast or lower chest of a cow, and it is typically served as a dish in restaurants and at home.

Brisket meat isn’t toxic to dogs. In fact, it’s a good source of protein. However, it is not recommended to give brisket, especially when smoked or processed, to your dogs because of its high salt and fat content. It can also contain seasonings that may be considered toxic to your dogs.

High in salt

Most brisket dishes contain high amounts of salt, especially smoked brisket, since salting is usually part of its process. Too much salt can cause dehydration to your furry friends.

Salt poisoning is another thing you should consider. Dogs can experience vomiting, diarrhea, and weakness due to excessive salt consumption.

High in fat

Brisket contains a good amount of fats that can cause weight gain and other weight-related problems like obesity. Canine obesity is one of the most common health problems in dogs, which is also related to hormonal imbalances or a decrease in their metabolic functions. 

Excessive fat consumption can also lead to elevated blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, and pancreatitis. Dogs can also experience vomiting, diarrhea or stomach upset due to overconsumption of fatty foods.

It may contain spices and seasonings that are toxic to dogs

A lot of brisket recipes call for the use of seasonings such as onion powder, garlic powder, and paprika. These spices are considered harmful for dogs.

Onion and Garlic

Onion and garlic, both in fresh and powdered form, contain compounds that are considered toxic for dogs. Onion and garlic are vegetables from the Allium family that contain thiosulfates, which are harmful to your furry friends.

Thiosulfates can cause damage and rupture to your dog’s red blood cells, which can result in hemolytic anemia.

If you think your dog accidentally consumed onion and garlic, make sure to bring them to your local vet clinic immediately.

Paprika and Pepper-Based Spices

Paprika isn’t inherently toxic to dogs. However, like other pepper-based spices, it can cause irritation to your dog’s nasal cavity and digestive tract.

Dogs can’t handle spicy food as humans do. They are more prone to gastrointestinal irritation since they have sensitive bodies.

Spicy food can cause nausea or diarrhea to your dogs, especially when eaten in large quantities.

May contain small bone fragments.

Although it is highly unlikely, you should never try to eliminate the possibility of a brisket having small bone fragments that can hurt your dogs. These small bone fragments can cause choking to your dogs. 

You might think bones go well with dogs, but small bone fragments are a no-no. Some bones can easily splinter and cause gum damage, or even in your dog’s digestive tract if they happen to swallow it accidentally.

Once they do, you should act immediately. Watch for signs of weakness, excessive panting, or any signs of discomfort from your dogs. If you can dislodge the bone from their mouth or throat, you should do it as carefully as you can. You can also go to your nearest vet clinic for immediate care.

Can you give raw brisket meat to dogs?

Some pet owners engage their dogs in a raw diet, but including brisket isn’t the best idea. Despite its high protein content, brisket is chewy and dense. 

Your dogs may not be able to chew and digest the meat properly because of its texture. Choking can also happen.

Indigestion can also lead to other stomach problems for your dogs, like stomach aches or vomiting.

Can you give smoked brisket to dogs?

You should definitely not give dogs smoked brisket or any smoked meat for that matter. Smoked meat usually contains very high amounts of salt and sugar as part of its curing or preservation process.

Salt and sugar can cause health problems to dogs, especially in large amounts.

Nutritional Value of Brisket

Aside from protein, brisket also contains nutrients such as Vitamin B, iron, and potassium. However, because of the high fat and cholesterol levels, it is not an ideal nutrient source for dogs.

You shouldn’t consider adding brisket to your dog’s diet. Instead, opt for other protein-rich food that is more beneficial for dogs, like chicken, turkey, beef mince, or fish.


While beef brisket isn’t considered toxic, it is not ideal to add it to your dog’s meal plan. Brisket is high in fat and salt, which can cause severe illnesses, such as obesity or pancreatitis, to your canine companion. 

Smoked and cooked brisket may also contain harmful ingredients, like onion and garlic that are toxic to them.

As pet owners, it’s always essential to ensure the safety of our pets. This includes making sure that the food they eat is safe for them to consume. There are times when we can’t deny sharing our food with them, especially when they’re being adorable.

Still, it’s vital that we stick to healthier and safer food options for our dogs. We all want our dogs safe and minimize any spontaneous visits to our local vet clinic, don’t we?

As always, seek your vet’s advice for any dietary concerns for your dogs.

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