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Can Dogs Eat Custard?

Dogs can easily melt our hearts with just one look, especially if we’re eating and they’re asking for a share of it.

In times like this, we usually give our dog a small part of the food we’re eating.

In this case, Custard.

But can dogs eat Custard?

Yes, dogs can eat Custard as long as it’s in a small amount. It shouldn’t have any flavoring like chocolate, caramel, or vanilla.

Custard isn’t toxic. But it contains many artificial ingredients unhealthy for dogs, like food coloring and flavoring. It also has too much sugar, leading to excessive weight gain, upset stomach, and dental problems.

But is Custard really bad for dogs? And are there other alternatives you can give your dog aside from Custard?

In this article, we’ll answer all these questions, so you’ll know why Custard isn’t healthy and safe for dogs, especially if they’re consumed in large amounts. 

What Are The Ingredients Of Custard?

There are many different Custard recipes. However, most Custards are made of the same common ingredients like cheese, sugar, eggs, sweetened milk or cream, and artificial coloring and flavoring.

Custard can also include corn starch, flour, and gelatin. But these aren’t necessary because egg yolks can act as thickeners.

Why Shouldn’t Dogs Eat Custard?


Dogs shouldn’t eat Custard because milk is its main ingredient, along with cream and eggs. Most dogs can’t digest milk because they are lactose intolerant.

This means they don’t have enough lactase to break down the lactose present in milk. A small amount of milk won’t usually have any harmful effect on dogs. But overconsumption of milk can lead to diarrhea, stomach pains, bloating, and vomiting.


Another main problem with Custard is it contains too much sugar. A single serving of Custard contains 28 grams of sugar.

This is too much for dogs because their digestive system isn’t designed to process large amounts of sweet foods. A serving of Custard also contains 247 calories and 8.9 grams of fat which is unhealthy for dogs, especially if consumed regularly.


Custard contains artificial additives like synthetic flavoring and coloring. These can be toxic to dogs because of their chemical composition. An example is chocolate which is dangerous for dogs because their stomach can’t properly digest it.

Overeating chocolate can lead to poisoning and is usually characterized by increased heart rate, fever, restlessness, and muscle tremors. This can even lead to death.

What Happens To Your Dog If They Ate Custard?

Custard is dangerous for dogs if consumed in large amounts. It’s then safe to avoid giving Custard to dogs to ensure safety.

Some common effects of overconsumption of Custard are diarrhea and vomiting. This can worsen after a few hours and lead to fever and muscle tremors caused by the consumption of too much sugar, fats, and milk.

Is Custard Safe For Dogs?

Custard isn’t safe for dogs if they eat a lot. But it won’t necessarily have any adverse effects on their health if they just eat a small amount.

Just make sure that Custard isn’t included in their daily diet. If possible, just limit them to eating one spoon weekly. Or better, not at all.

Custard contains milk, artificial additives, and lots of sugar which can cause obesity, hypertension, and diabetes in the long run.

Can You Give Custard To Dogs?

Custard is unhealthy for dogs, especially if they overeat because of its high sugar content, leading to excessive weight gain.

Custard also contains milk which is hard to digest for some lactose-intolerant dogs. We recommend you avoid giving Custard to your dog if you want to ensure they stay healthy and safe.

Best Alternatives To Custard

Fruit Popsicles

Fruit popsicles are a great alternative to Custard because it’s healthier and safe for dogs. It depends on what fruit you want to mix with low-fat yogurt before freezing.

But watermelon, banana, and pumpkin are some of the most common ones. Just make sure that you don’t add sugar.

Toys With Food

Give your dog a toy stuffed with frozen food like pumpkin or peanut butter. This stimulates their mind while eating. This is also an effective way to ease their boredom and make them calmer inside your home.

What To Do If Dog Eats Custard?

Don’t panic if your dog ate lots of Custard. Immediately bring them to the nearest vet to get the best medical intervention for your dog. This is very important because dogs can experience severe stomach pains and vomiting if they consume too much milk and sugar.

On the other hand, you’re safe if your dog is lactose tolerant and it didn’t eat too much Custard. Just observe them for a few hours and see if they show symptoms of sugar overdose like vomiting, weakness, and incoordination.

So, Can Dogs Eat Custard?

Dogs can eat small amounts of Custard occasionally. However, we don’t recommend giving them Custard because this contains too much sugar, artificial additives, and milk. Sugar overdose can lead to obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and dysplasia.

Some dogs are also lactose intolerant which means that their bodies can’t properly digest milk, leading to stomach pains, indigestion, and vomiting. There are many other treats you can give your dog, like frozen fruits which are healthier and safer.

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