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Can Dogs Eat Fruit Roll Ups?

Fruit Roll Ups are a fun and tasty sweet snack for people. And we might think of sharing some of these to our canine companions so they’ll know how good these treats are. But is this safe?

Can dogs eat Fruit Roll Ups?

No, dogs can’t eat Fruit Rolls Ups because they are very harmful to them. Fruit Rolls Ups contain too much sugar which can cause obesity, diabetes, and hypertension.

These can also cause hyperactivity and dental issues, so it’s best to avoid giving Fruit Rolls Ups to your pets.

In this article, we’ll discuss the effects eating Fruit Rolls Ups has on dogs. We’ll also show you what to do if your dog ate these, including the best alternatives you can give them.

What Are Fruit Roll Ups?

Fruit Roll Ups are sweet candy treats made from fruit puree, sugar, corn syrup, and other undisclosed ingredients.

These are rolled into a paper tube spread evenly on a cellophane backing sheet so the candy won’t stick to the packaging. These have a hard and sticky texture which makes them chewy.

One piece of Fruit Roll Ups contains 52 calories, 12 grams of carbohydrates, and 6.9 grams of sugar. These make Fruit Roll Ups harmful for dogs because their calorie, carbohydrate, and sugar levels are too high for their bodies to properly digest and metabolize.

Regularly eating Fruit Roll Ups can lead to obesity in dogs, which can worsen to more severe illnesses like diabetes, hypertension, and pancreatitis.

One piece of Fruit Roll Ups also contains 44 milligrams of sodium and 41 milligrams of potassium. Also, note that Fruit Roll Ups don’t have any protein essential to your dog’s muscle health.

Are Fruit Roll Ups Safe For Dogs?

No, Fruit Roll Ups aren’t safe for dogs. Instead, these are harmful for canines because they contain too much sugar.

Consuming high sugar levels can mess up your dog’s glucose levels and make them extremely lethargic.

There are even some cases when overconsumption of sugar led to seizures. Long-term effects of eating sweet foods on dogs are diabetes, obesity, and hip dysplasia. Regularly eating Fruit Roll Ups can also lead to obesity because of their high-calorie content.

Fruit Roll Ups contain artificial colors and additives that are detrimental to your dog’s health because they are carcinogens and can cause extreme behavioral changes.

These treats also have GMOs like corn syrup which are also considered carcinogens. These can cause gastrointestinal problems in dogs in the short term.

Can Fruit Roll Ups Poison Dogs?

Fruit Roll Ups can’t poison dogs. But they are unhealthy and harmful to their health. Fruit Roll Ups contain too much granulated sugar and artificial additives that pose health risks to dogs.

Consuming too much sugar can lead to obesity and lead to diabetes and hypertension which can shorten your dog’s life. Meanwhile, the artificial additives present in Fruit Roll Ups are carcinogens that increase the chances of your dog suffering from cancer in the long-term.

Fruit Roll Ups can also cause dental problems because sugar and sweet particles in the treats can get stuck on their teeth and mouth.

These then become breeding grounds for bacteria and plaque buildup. Dogs that always eat sweet foods have a higher chance of suffering from halitosis and cavity buildup. Overconsumption of sugar in the long term can even cause heart complications.

Why Dogs Shouldn’t Eat Fruit Roll Ups?

High In Sugar

Fruit Roll Ups contain too much sugar which isn’t good for dogs. A dog’s digestive system isn’t naturally designed to process large amounts of sugar because these can’t be metabolized and converted into energy.

Instead, the consumed excess sugar becomes stored fats which cause obesity. These can also increase glucose levels and cause diabetes.

These illnesses can then lead to other health conditions like hip dysplasia because their hip bones can be dislodged from their original position caused by their heavier body weight. The sugar present in Fruit Roll Ups is artificial and granulated which is an unhealthy kind of sugar.

The sugar dogs need to be active and energetic are those coming from fruits and vegetables because they can be easily converted into energy.

Artificial Ingredients

Fruit Roll Ups contain artificial ingredients like food coloring and other undisclosed additives that can harm your dog’s health. Artificial food coloring is known as a carcinogen and can cause behavior changes in dogs.

Fruit Rolls Ups contain GMOs like corn syrup which are also considered carcinogens and can increase the chances of your dog suffering from cancer in the long term.

The short-term effects of consuming artificial ingredients are allergic reactions, food hypersensitivity, abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Dental Issues

Eating sweet foods like Fruit Rolls Ups can cause dental issues in dogs. Granulated sugar found in Fruit Rolls Ups can get stuck on your dog’s teeth and gums and initiate the buildup of bacteria that can cause tooth cavities.

Dogs that eat candies are also likely to suffer from halitosis because sweet food particles easily latch onto the gums.

If you want your dog to have good breath, avoid giving them sweets like Fruit Rolls Ups. You can also give them raw beef bones because these can remove stuck food particles and whiten their teeth.


Fruit Roll Ups are also dangerous because they are a choking hazard, especially since dogs usually gobble up a whole bunch if they love the taste.

The hard and chewy texture can stick to their throat and digestive tract and cause indigestion problems. These can also block their breathing if they eat a lot.


Dogs can suffer from indigestion problems if they eat Fruit Roll Ups. These treats are very sweet because they contain high amounts of sugar which can disrupt the normal balance inside your dog’s digestive tract. This can lead to diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach pains.


Sugar serves as fuel to your dog’s energy. If they consume too much of it, they’ll become hyperactive.

One piece of Fruit Roll Ups contains 6.9 grams of sugar, which is too much for dogs. Give them two or more pieces and they’ll consume very high amounts of sugar which can lead to hyperactivity.

Your dog will then act crazy because of the excessive sugar content they consumed from the Fruit Roll Ups.

What To Do If Dogs Eat Fruit Roll Ups?

You shouldn’t panic if you see that your dog ate Fruit Roll Ups. Instead, the first thing to do is to check how much your dog consumed. They’ll be fine if they just ate a small amount, like a one-half piece or less.

Let your dog drink water to flush out the sugar particles inside their mouth. However, you should immediately bring your dog to the nearest veterinarian if they ate more than two pieces of Fruit Roll Ups because they can suffer from sugar overdose.

Dogs that consumed too much sugar can experience stomach pain, lethargy, diarrhea, and vomiting. Bringing them immediately to the vet can lower the intensity of the effects of eating Fruit Roll Ups.

You should immediately bring your dog to the vet if they already have diabetes and gastritis to prevent their pre-existing medical condition from worsening.

What Are The Best Alternatives To Fruit Roll Ups?

Instead of giving your dog candies and other sweet treats made for people, it’s better if you give them low-calorie foods that are high in protein.

Some of the best choices out there are chicken breast, beef tenderloin, and eggs. You can give these foods as occasional treats by cutting them into small bits. These foods are rich sources of calcium and protein which help strengthen your dog’s bones and muscles.

You can also give Greek Yogurt to your dog because it contains lots and vitamins and nutrients that can improve their digestive system.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Fruit Roll Ups Kill Dogs?

No, Fruit Roll Ups can’t kill dogs. However, these can harm your dog’s health because they contain too much sugar. Overconsumption of sugar can lead to obesity, diabetes, and hypertension, which is why dogs should avoid eating sweet foods.

Dogs can also suffer short-term effects like stomach pains, vomiting, and diarrhea if they ate many Fruit Roll Ups. Although Fruit Roll Ups aren’t toxic, they are unsafe for dogs.

Can Fruit Roll Ups Make Dogs Act Crazy?

Yes, Fruit Roll Ups can make your dog act hyperactive. These treats contain too much sugar, which serves as fuel for their energy.

Can Puppies Eat Fruit Roll Ups?

No, puppies shouldn’t eat Fruit Roll Ups because these contain too much sugar which can harm their premature digestive system.

Fruit Roll Ups are already harmful for adult dogs, even more so with puppies. 

So, Can Dogs Eat Fruit Roll Ups?

No, dogs shouldn’t eat Fruit Roll Ups because these contain too much sugar which can lead to obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and dental problems. The artificial coloring present in Fruit Roll Ups can also cause digestive issues which can mess up your dog’s health. 

It’s better to give your dog fresh fruits like apples, bananas, and oranges, instead of processed snacks like Fruit Roll Ups.

These are safer and healthier for dogs because they only contain natural elements and are a rich source of vitamins and nutrients essential to your dog’s proper growth and development.

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