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Can Dogs Eat Granola?

Some dogs are pretty picky eaters, and they likely won’t even entertain the thought of trying something as crunchy as granola. However, if your dog is less fussy and is more than happy to gobble up anything you hand them, it’s important to understand what types of foods are safe for them to eat.

Granola is a mixture of oats and nuts that is often eaten with milk. It is a healthy snack for humans and contains a number of beneficial ingredients. It can be consumed alone, as well as in bars and other forms. 

But can dogs eat granola?

Yes, dogs can eat granola, although it’s probably not a good idea.

Granola can be an excellent food choice for both humans and dogs, and it’s not just because it tastes good. Like all human foods, there are some variations of granola that are better for your pooch than others. 

Some ingredients in granola, such as raisins or chocolate chips, are toxic to dogs and should be avoided entirely, while others may be safe in small doses but not necessarily something you want to feed your pup on a daily basis.

Does granola offer any health benefits for dogs?

Granola is a staple of many pantries and breakfast tables. It’s crunchy, delicious and packed with healthy ingredients like oats and nuts. But do they offer any benefit for your dogs?

Granola is high in fiber

Granola is typically high in fiber which can make you less hungry, and same goes for your dogs. Fiber can help your dog feel full, which is helpful in regulating their weight.

Granola can lower cholesterol levels

The oats in granola contain a compound called beta glucan which is known to lower cholesterol levels to prevent the risk of getting a heart disease. Additionally, granola can also be a good source of protein, thanks to the nut ingredients.

Granola contains probiotics

Some granola mixes contain yogurt, which contains probiotics that can benefit your dog’s intestinal health. Probiotics are live microorganisms that improve and restore the gut’s natural microflora.

Granola is a good source of antioxidants

Granolas may contain antioxidant-rich ingredients like chia seeds, strawberries, blueberries or coconut. These antioxidants have anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the risk of chronic inflammation to your dogs.

Antioxidants can also boost your dog’s immunity and prevent the risk of getting severe illnesses like cancer.

What makes granola unsafe for dogs?

A typical commercially-available granola contains rolled oats, puffed rice, nuts, dried fruits like raisins, chocolates, honey, and other sweets like sugar or maple syrup. 

Granola may contain toxic ingredients

Surely, you’ve already heard about dogs and chocolate, or dogs and raisins. Chocolates and raisins are considered toxic for dogs and should not be given to them even in small amounts. Some nuts such as macadamia or walnuts are also bad for your dogs to eat.

Granola is high in sugar

Although sugar is not inherently toxic for your canine friends, too much sugar can cause a whole lot of health problems for them.

Weight gain and obesity are some of the common health problems your dogs may develop because of overconsumption of sugar. They can also get stomach issues, dental problems or diabetes.

As pet owners, you should watch out for their sugar intake so they won’t encounter these health problems in the long run.

Granola may contain artificial ingredients

Commercially-available granola are mass-produced and are made to stay on grocery shelves for long. So it is not unlikely that they may contain artificial ingredients such as preservatives.

These preservatives can cause stomach upset in dogs, especially since they have a more sensitive stomach than us humans. Their bodies might react negatively because of these food additives.

Here are some common symptoms your dogs might exhibit:

  • Vomiting
  • Weakness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Rapid breathing
  • Diarrhea

Another artificial ingredient you should be mindful of is xylitol. Xylitol is an artificial sweetener which is toxic for dogs. Even small amounts of this sweetener can cause serious health problems like seizures, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), liver failure, or in worse cases, death.

If you suspect that your dog ate anything that contains xylitol, you should contact your veterinarian immediately.

Granola may cause allergic reactions

Some dogs may be sensitive to grains, so they might be at risk for any allergic reactions. Allergic reactions in dogs usually result in itchiness and dry skin, accompanied by constant scratching.

Dogs may also exhibit inflamed paw pads, ear infections, or gastrointestinal upset. If your dogs show any of these symptoms, it’s best to consult with your trusted veterinarian for immediate care.

Can dogs eat granola bars?

Unlike regular loose granola cereals, granola bars are mixed with honey or other sweetened syrup, and formed and baked into rectangular bars. The same principle applies with regular granola.

As long as there is no presence of toxic ingredients, dogs can eat granola bars, but it’s not highly recommended. Like what we’ve mentioned above, it contains additional sweetened syrup to obtain its rectangular form. 

Honey is nothing to worry about, but the other additional syrup ingredients are added sugars which can contribute to different health issues your dogs might encounter.

Can dogs eat granola with honey?

Honey is perfectly safe for your dogs to eat. In fact, honey provides a lot of health benefits both for you and your dogs. Although, it is worth noting that you should only give them honey in small amounts.

Giving your dogs a little bit of honey mixed in dog-friendly granola bars or cereals can be a good snack for them to enjoy.

Can dogs eat granola with yogurt?

Yes, as long as there are no toxic ingredients in the mix, your dogs can enjoy a small portion of granola and yogurt. As mentioned above, yogurt contains probiotics that can promote a healthy digestion and good gut health.

Can dogs eat peanut butter granola?

Your dogs can enjoy peanut butter granola, as long as the peanut butter doesn’t contain xylitol. Peanut butter is a common ingredient in homemade dog treats.

However, some peanut butters available in the market contain xylitol, so you should always check the label for its presence.

Make your own dog-friendly granola at home

Given these benefits and risks brought by granola, it is totally up to you if you want to feed your dogs some. You can opt to make your own dog-friendly granola mix or granola bars that they can enjoy at home.

For example, you can make these easy Blueberry Granola Treats for your furry friend. You’ll just need some oats, eggs, flour, cinnamon, and blueberries for this treat!

Conclusion – can dogs eat granola?

Dogs can eat granola, but there are certain precautions to take before feeding it to them. 

First, make sure that your dog isn’t allergic to any of the ingredients in your granola recipe. Second, make sure to only feed them plain, unsweetened granola. The sweeteners and other ingredients used in most granola cereals and granola bars can be toxic to dogs. 

Being mindful and aware of these precautions might be a hassle, but we can all agree that it’s better safe than sorry. 

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