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Can Dogs Eat Greek Yogurt?

Back in the 2000s, the market for healthy food saw a sudden and explosive rise in Greek yogurt’s popularity, and it’s remained a beloved healthy option for breakfast and snacks ever since. A protein-packed and nutrient-rich milk product with a rich, creamy consistency, boasting a lovely blend of sour and sweet, it can go with practically anything – making it the perfect healthy substitute for mayonnaise or sour cream, or a more nutritious base for desserts.

Since it’s such a healthy and tasty treat for us, you may wonder if the same applies to your pup. Well, the answer is yes, dogs can eat Greek yogurt! In fact, it offers a considerable amount of health benefits for your pup when given the right way. 

So what benefits does Greek yogurt offer dogs exactly? Are there any drawbacks to feeding them this treat? Keep reading as we answer these questions in-depth and give you advice on how to feed your pup Greek yogurt without risking his health and safety. We’ll also give you a few ideas on how to incorporate it into your homemade treat recipes, so stay tuned!

Benefits of Feeding Your Dog Greek Yogurt

There are so many types of food we eat on a regular basis that are bad for our dogs, which doesn’t help in curbing their constant begging for the food on our plates. Luckily, Greek yogurt is one of the select foods that are safe – and even healthy – for your pup! Here are a few of the health benefits it offers:


Greek yogurt is a great source of protein, containing as much as 15 to 20 grams of protein in one serving. This is equivalent to a few ounces of meat, so it makes for a great, protein-rich but meat-free snack for your dog to add a bit of variety to his diet. 

Protein is an essential part of a dog’s daily diet. It’s made of amino acids that help promote skin and coat health, build healthy muscles, facilitate tissue repair, and boost the immune system. It also contributes to speeding up dogs’ metabolism, which is especially useful for dogs who are overweight or borderline obese. 


Besides being high in protein, Greek yogurt is also rich in calcium. Like with humans, calcium helps promote proper bone and teeth development in dogs, as well as improves their overall health and satisfies their daily nutrition needs. 

In fact, calcium deficiency can occur when they don’t get enough calcium in their diet, which can affect their movement and cause numerous health issues. 


Greek yogurt is chock full of nutrients and vitamins that are highly beneficial for dogs, including:

  • Vitamin B12 – Helps maintain proper digestion and healthy brain function. Also encourages blood cell formation
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) – Aids proper metabolism of nutrients and gives the body more energy. 
  • Vitamin A – Supports good vision, promotes bone growth, encourages reproduction, and boosts immune response 
  • Potassium – Promotes healthy muscles and nerves. Also essential for good heart health.
  • Phosphorus  – Aids in maintaining cell structures and facilitates cell energy production. Also builds strong bones and teeth
  • Zinc – Essential for the immune system and illness prevention. Promotes good thyroid function and skin and coat health. 


Dogs with digestive issues such as recurring problems with gas or diarrhea can benefit from probiotics. These live, healthy bacteria grow naturally in your dog’s gastrointestinal tract, but when these microbes get destroyed, your pup’s digestive system might suffer. 

Giving your dog probiotics can help promote proper digestion and as a result, improve his gut health and relieve his stomach issues. They can also help fight against illnesses, boost the immune system, and encourage the production of nutrients and vitamins in your pup’s body. 

The good news is that Greek yogurt is rich in probiotics! Some Greek yogurt products feature good bacteria found in your dog’s gut, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus casei.

Take note, though, that there are plenty of better sources of probiotics such as probiotic supplements if your pup needs higher amounts of probiotics. 

Less Lactose & Sugar

Your dog may salivate over your ice cream or yogurt, but these dairy products are extremely unhealthy for him. If you really want to give him a sweet treat, go for Greek yogurt instead! 

Greek yogurt is strained several times during processing, removing the whey products found in regular yogurt. The repeated straining not only lowers the amount of lactose in Greek yogurt but also gives it a thicker, creamier consistency that your pup is sure to love. 

Plus, Greek yogurt also contains only about half of the sugar that regular yogurt has. Again, this is because of the straining process which removes most of the natural sugars and carbohydrates from Greek yogurt. 

This means that the occasional consumption of Greek yogurt is healthier for your dog than giving him ice cream or any other sweet treats for humans. 

What To Avoid When Feeding Your Dog Greek Yogurt

Having laid out all the health benefits of Greek yogurt for your pup, it’s important to note that feeding him this treat does come with a few health risks. After all, Greek yogurt is still human food, which means it may do more harm than good to your dog if its consumption is not tweaked to his specific needs. Here are a few things to avoid when feeding your dog Greek yogurt:

Artificial Sweeteners

Make sure to buy only plain, unsweetened Greek yogurt if you plan on giving it to your dog. Never feed your dog sugar-free Greek yogurt! This product may contain artificial sweeteners like xylitol, which can be extremely toxic to dogs. 

Consumption of any food product with xylitol can cause a sudden drop in your dog’s blood sugar and lead to xylitol poisoning. Symptoms of this include:

  • Vomiting 
  • Seizures
  • Tremors
  • Weakness
  • Incoordination
  • Collapse
  • Coma

If your dog has eaten Greek yogurt containing xylitol, take him to your vet or call Pet Poison Helpline as soon as possible. 

High-Fat Variations

While Greek yogurt contains higher amounts of protein and lower amounts of sugar than regular yogurt, it’s still high in fat and calories. It’s true that it contains healthy fats that may be beneficial for your pup, but too much of it can be harmful to his health. 

Giving your dog high-fat Greek yogurt on a regular basis may not have any immediate effects, but it can lead to obesity or pancreatitis over time. To avoid this, stick to low-fat versions of Greek yogurt instead. 


As with other human foods for your dog, moderation is key. Greek yogurt is a treat, which means it shouldn’t take up more than 10% of his daily caloric intake. One to three spoonfuls of it should suffice.

Make sure as well to check with your veterinarian before giving your dog Greek yogurt. He may be on a special dietary regimen or have a health condition that will prohibit him from eating this treat. 

Greek Yogurt Treats For Your Dog

The good news is that Greek yogurt is as versatile as it is healthy! You can mix it with anything to make a rich, delicious treat for your dog on a special occasion or after a stressful event like a vet visit. Here are a few Greek yogurt treat ideas to spoil your pup with:

Greek Yogurt & Berries

Blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, raspberries, and strawberries are safe and healthy for dogs! Combine any of these with Greek yogurt and you can make a sweet, tasty, nutrient-packed dessert for your pup. You can also freeze the mixture and serve it to him cold! 

Greek Yogurt & Peanut Butter

The ultimate rich and creamy snack that’s canine-friendly! Mix yogurt and peanut butter together to give your dog extra protein and a boost of energy with a treat that’s sure to become his next favorite. 

Greek Yogurt & Banana

Low in calories but high in potassium and other vitamins and minerals, these two ingredients just make sense together. You can mix them in a bowl or blend them together to create frozen treats for your pup!

Dog Biscuits With Greek Yogurt

If you’re a fan of making your own dog biscuits instead of buying them from a pet store, you’ll find that Greek yogurt is one of the best additions you can incorporate into your next batch! Make sure to use beef stock cubes for extra flavor, quick oats for better texture, and whole wheat flour for a healthier overall treat. 

In Closing

As a pet parent, you may find it irresistible to give your dog a taste of the food on your plate. The good news is that you can safely share some foods with him, including Greek yogurt! It’s packed with nutrients that can boost his health and put him in a good mood, too. Just make sure to buy plain Greek yogurt and keep his consumption in moderation so you can let him have this sweet and delicious treat without worry. 

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