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Can Dogs Eat Jackfruit?

You might have seen a jackfruit during your last grocery run, so you wonder what this spiky fruit tastes like.

Jackfruit is a fruit that is usually found in Southeast Asia and is also popular in Brazil. In the US, it gained traction as a meat substitute for vegan and vegetarian dishes. Because of the fruits increasing popularity, many pet owners wonder if this fruit is safe for their dogs or pets to eat.

Dogs can be picky eaters at times, so it is normal for dog owners to try out some new food for their dogs to eat, and jackfruit may be one of them.

Can dogs eat jackfruit?

Yes, dogs can eat jackfruit, and the fruit also contains a lot of nutrients. While there isn’t a lot of research about jackfruit and its main benefit to dogs, the nutrients it contains can still help maintain their health.

What are the health benefits of jackfruit?

Rich in Antioxidants

Jackfruit contains vitamins like Vitamin A and Vitamin C, which are antioxidants that help combat different diseases by boosting your dog’s immune system. It also contains carotenoids and flavanones that have anti-inflammatory properties.

Antioxidants are known to prevent different illnesses by protecting the body cells from inflammation, oxidative stress, and degeneration. Cell damage is caused by free radicals in the body, and antioxidants work to prevent damage by binding with free radicals to neutralize them.

Aside from being antioxidants, Vitamin A and carotenoids are also known to maintain good eye health and night vision. These antioxidants can also prevent viral infections and chronic illnesses such as heart diseases and cancer.

Can regulate blood sugar

Jackfruit’s moderate fiber content helps regulate the body’s blood sugar levels. Jackfruit also has a medium glycemic index, which means it doesn’t cause a spike in blood sugar.

Glycemic index refers to the measure of how quickly a food contributes to the increase in blood sugar levels. Foods with a low or medium glycemic index can help slow digestion, keeping hunger at bay.

Other foods with a low glycemic index that you can consider for your dogs are broccoli, lettuce, eggplant, strawberries, and peanuts.

Contains protein

Although jackfruit isn’t exactly rich in protein, it’s still a good addition to your dog’s diet. A cup of jackfruit contains approximately 3 grams of protein.

Jackfruit, especially if unripe, is often compared to pulled pork as it has a similar texture and can be used in savory dishes as well as sweet ones. The unripe jackfruit is more often used in savory dishes as an alternative to meat.

Promotes healthy digestion

The fiber content from jackfruit aids in promoting your furry friend’s healthy digestion. One of fiber’s main functions in the body is to feed the beneficial gut bacteria as a prebiotic. These good gut bacteria occupy the gut and fight the bad bacteria to prevent them from flourishing.

Good bacteria also help in boosting gut immunity by acting like a protective layer in the digestive tract. They also help in the absorption of nutrients by breaking down the food into smaller molecules.

Preparing jackfruit for dogs

Now that we have established that dogs can eat jackfruits, let’s check the ways how you can prepare jackfruit for dogs.

Jackfruit is usually sold canned in syrup, frozen, or dried. Ripe jackfruits are usually used in sweets and desserts, while the unripe fruit is usually included in vegetable dishes or as meat alternatives.

You should only let your dogs eat the pulp or flesh of the jackfruit. The flesh is the safest part for them to consume because it is soft and easy to chew. You can give them small pieces of the flesh or cook them as thin strips or chips.

Don’t let them chew the rind

Jackfruit is commonly identified by its tough and spiky exterior, so never let your dogs chew on them. The exterior of jackfruit can cause piercing wounds to their mouth or throat. The rind can also cause choking because of its hardness.

Remove the seeds

You might be asking, “can dogs eat jackfruit seeds?” so read on.

The seeds of jackfruit are large enough to cause choking or intestinal blockages, so it’s important to remove them or keep them away from your dogs to avoid any accidents.

The seeds are actually edible for humans and are often eaten as a snack in Asian countries when boiled or roasted. Cooked jackfruit seeds have a similar taste and texture profile to cooked chestnuts.

Like the fruit itself, jackfruit seeds also contain antioxidants and other essential nutrients like magnesium and phosphorus.

However, there aren’t any significant studies that link to the benefits of eating jackfruit seeds for your dogs. So to be safe, it might be better not to risk letting them eat the seeds at all.

Remove the latex from the flesh

Inside the jackfruit’s spiky exterior is another substance called latex, which can cause allergies to you or your dogs. This white sticky substance found in the flesh or meat of the jackfruit is known to cause allergic reactions or anaphylaxis in people with latex allergies.

Make sure to wash the flesh to completely remove the latex from the flesh before feeding the fruit to your dogs to prevent any allergic reactions.

Cook the fruit as plainly as possible

If you’re looking to prepare the flesh into cooked strips or chips, make sure not to put any spices or seasonings. 

Jackfruit chips are common snacks that usually contain high amounts of salt and other flavorings that can be detrimental to your dog’s health in the long run. Don’t give them canned jackfruit as well, because of its high sugar content from the syrup.

We recommend cooking a more dog-friendly jackfruit snack for your dogs to prevent stomach upset or other illnesses.

Symptoms to look out for

As with any other food, there are a lot of things to consider when allowing your dog to eat anything new. It’s important that you know the dog’s body and how it will react. Give your dogs small pieces of jackfruit to eat and observe them for any allergic reactions.

Eating jackfruits in excess can cause gastrointestinal issues for your dogs, and here are some symptoms you should watch out for:

  • Stomach upset
  • Diarrhea
  • Flatulence
  • Vomiting

While jackfruit isn’t toxic for dogs, always keep in mind to give them the fruit in moderation. 


If the question “can dogs eat jackfruit?” has ever bothered you, then don’t worry! Jackfruit is safe for your dogs to consume in small amounts. The fruit is nutritious for dogs and contains many important vitamins and minerals, including potassium, magnesium, and vitamin C. Additionally, jackfruit is a good source of protein and dietary fiber.

However, you should always exercise caution when giving your dogs new food to try. Always consult your vet for any questions related to their diets to prevent any illnesses.

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