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Can Dogs Eat Loquats? 

Fruits are healthy for humans, which is why you’ll likely think that you can share all varieties of fruits with your dogs. Your furry friends need proper nutrition to stay happy and healthy, so adding fruits to their diet seems like the best thing to do, right? 

Not all fruits are safe and healthy for your dogs, so you need to be cautious when feeding them some. Fortunately, loquats are one of those fruits that you can share with your dogs every now and then. This fruit can actually bring the following health benefits to your dogs:


Loquats contain healthy levels of protein that can help your dogs’ bodies function properly. Your dogs need protein every day as it supplies amino acids necessary to build their cartilage, tendons, ligaments, skin, and hair. Protein also supports your dogs’ immune systems and reduces their risk of illnesses and diseases. 


Fiber is necessary for your dogs to have healthy digestive tracts. Fiber works by preventing the overgrowth of bad bacteria in your dogs’ intestines and helps their colon recover from injury. Fiber also softens the stool of your pooches, so they can have healthier and more regular bowel movements. 

Vitamin A

Loquats also contain vitamin A that plays many essential roles in the health and wellness of your dogs. According to studies, vitamin A supports healthy vision, proper bone growth, and better immune response among growing dogs. 

Vitamin B6

Your dogs can’t remain healthy if they don’t get enough vitamin B6 every day. This vitamin is responsible for their nervous system and red blood cell production, as well as glucose regeneration. Vitamin B6 also helps metabolize energy in dogs. 

Additionally, vitamin B6 is also known to improve the heart health of your furry friends. A diet rich in vitamin B6 can help regulate homocysteine levels in your dogs’ bodies. Having unhealthy levels of this chemical can harden their arteries, resulting in cardiovascular diseases and even heart failure. 


Loquats are also packed with folate that can improve your dogs’ ability to produce DNA, form blood cells in their bone marrows, and control blood levels of amino acids. Folate is also necessary to ensure rapid cell growth during infancy, adolescence, and pregnancy. 


Another health benefit your dogs can enjoy from loquats is manganese. This nutrient is essential in the energy production of your dogs and maintaining normal nerve and muscle functions. Your dogs also need magnesium to keep their heartbeats steady and keep their bones strong. 

When your dogs have too little magnesium in their bodies, they can experience several symptoms, such as chronic diarrhea, diabetes, liver disease, and acute kidney failure. 


Loquats also have potassium that’s vital for your dogs’ overall health. Potassium ensures that your dogs’ nerves, muscles, and heart function properly. Potassium also boosts the metabolism of your dogs to ensure that their bodies can easily break down carbohydrates and fats from foods. 

Potassium can also improve the nervous system of your furry friends, making it easier for them to learn and memorize tricks. With a healthier nervous system, your dogs’ mental sharpness is at its peak!

Are There Any Health Risks Of Over Feeding Dogs With Too Much Loquat? 

Too much of anything is bad — and that includes feeding your dogs with too much fruit. Keep in mind that your dogs’ bodies aren’t built to consume large quantities of fruit, and giving them too much loquat can lead to the following health risks:

Upset Stomach

Feeding your dogs with too much loquat can cause them to have an upset stomach. This will likely happen if you never feed your dogs with loquats in the past. 

Gastrointestinal Blockage

The seeds of the loquats can get stuck in your dogs’ digestive tracts and can cause blockage. When this happens, your furry friends need to undergo expensive surgeries for treatment. 


If your dogs can’t tolerate loquats, their bodies will try to get rid of the fruit by vomiting excessively. When left untreated, this can cause dehydration among your furry friends. 

How Much Loquat Can Dogs Eat?

Loquats should only make up 10% of your dogs’ diets. Feeding them more can put them at risk of experiencing the side effects mentioned above. 

Can Dogs Eat Loquat Seeds?

No, your dogs should never eat loquat seeds. The seeds contain cyanide that can cause poisoning among dogs. This will likely happen if your dogs accidentally consume several loquat seeds. Moreover, loquat seeds are huge, which can become a choking hazard to your dogs. 

If you’re going to feed loquats to your dogs, remove the seeds first, and never feed them with whole loquats. Only the flesh of the fruit is healthy and safe for dogs, so make sure to only serve them that part. 

When Should You Take Your Dogs To The Vet?

If your dogs don’t show any symptoms after eating loquats, there’s no need to take them to the vet. This shows that their bodies were able to tolerate the fruit.

However, if your fur babies start to show symptoms of breathing difficulties, excessive drooling, lethargy, and convulsions, rush them to the vet immediately. These are common symptoms dogs experience when they accidentally ate loquat seeds, or their bodies can’t tolerate the fruit.

Work With A Vet ASAP

Feeding your dogs with loquats is challenging as you need to pay attention to the quantity you give and how often you give the fruit to them. Not knowing any of these things can take a toll on your dogs’ health — feeding them too much of the fruit once is enough to make them very ill. 

To ensure that your dogs remain safe and healthy as you incorporate loquats into your dogs’ diet, consult a vet first. Ask pieces of advice to determine whether loquats are best for your dogs and if they are, what’s the best amount to give at a time.  

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