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Can Dogs Eat Matcha?

As more and more people worldwide make health-conscious decisions on their foods and drinks, matcha has become more popular. Matcha is a healthier alternative because it’s packed with antioxidants known to offer many health benefits, such as reducing the risk of heart diseases, aiding weight loss, and improving brain function. 

The health benefits of matcha might get you thinking, “If matcha is healthy for me, does that mean it’s also healthy for my dogs?” As a pet owner, you’ll likely want to spoil your dogs every chance you get, and that means sharing some of your favorites with them. 

Fortunately, matcha powder is safe for canines, so you can share some with your pets. In fact, matcha powder is healthy for dogs because it contains several vitamins and minerals and provides the following health benefits:

Boosts Immune System

Because it contains antioxidants, feeding your dogs with matcha can help boost their immune systems. This will help your dogs stay healthy even as they age and lessen their risk of catching infections and diseases. 

Helps Prevent Cancer

The antioxidants found in matcha can also minimize your dogs’ risks of certain types of cancer, such as stomach and liver cancers. Antioxidants, specifically beta carotene, also prevents the development of cancer cells as it enhances the white blood cells in your dogs’ immune systems. 

Helps Maintain Healthy Weight

Similar to humans, some dog breeds are prone to obesity. Breeds like Pugs, Beagles, Border Terriers, Cocker Spaniels, and Labrador Retrievers gain weight quickly. Overweight dogs have higher risk of developing high blood pressure and other health problems when they age. 

Diluting matcha powder in water can help dogs maintain a healthy weight as it contains compounds that break down excess fat. Matcha is also known to improve cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure. 

Improves Bone Health

Matcha can be beneficial to canines, especially those suffering from osteoarthritis, because it contains a high concentration of fluoride, a mineral that slows down osteoarthritis and strengthens bone formation. It also prevents the breakdown of bone tissue among canines. 

Boosts Oral Health

Did you know that periodontal disease is one of the most prevalent diseases among dogs? According to statistics, at least 80% of dogs worldwide suffer from periodontal disease.

Matcha can help improve and maintain your dogs’ oral health because it reduces dental plaques. Letting your dogs drink matcha tea regularly (matcha powder diluted in water) also helps prevent bad breath.

Prevents Dandruff and Dry Skin

Dandruff is a common skin condition among canines caused by having oily or dry skin. Dandruff causes your dogs to scratch a lot, which can cause skin irritations, redness, and even open wounds. Luckily, matcha can prevent these problems as it can help soothe dry and irritated skin. 

Studies show that blending matcha powder into your dogs’ diets for at least 60 days can significantly reduce itching. Matcha also has antimicrobial and antifungal properties that fight off bacteria and mites that cause dandruff. 

Makes Coat Healthier

If your dogs’ hairs are always matted or have become dull due to their age, matcha can help. Matcha can give your dogs’ coats healthier shine and luster, as well as stimulate hair growth. 

Can Dogs Eat Matcha Ice Cream?

No, your dogs shouldn’t eat matcha ice cream because it contains excessive amounts of salt and sugar. Not to mention most canines are lactose intolerant, which means their bodies can properly digest milk. Feeding your dogs food that contains milk, such as matcha ice cream, can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and loose stools. 

Can Dogs Eat Matcha Cake?

No, you should never feed your dogs with matcha cake. Store-bought matcha cakes use artificial flavorings and colorings that can trigger stomach upset in canines. Additionally, matcha cakes contain too much sugar, which can lead to obesity and kidney problems when fed to dogs regularly. 

How About Matcha Cookies?

No, matcha cookies are a no-no for dogs. Matcha cookies are high in sugar and don’t have any added nutritional value. Giving your dogs matcha cookies will only do more harm than good, so it’s best to remove them from your dogs’ diets. 

Talk to a Vet

Matcha provides several health benefits to canines, but you should add this superfood abruptly to your dogs’ diets. Remember, dogs have sensitive stomachs, and feeding them anything new might lead to diarrhea and other problems. 

Before sprinkling a generous amount of matcha powder to your dogs’ kibbles and water, reach out to your vet first. Inquire what’s the best way to incorporate matcha powder into your dogs’ diets. Ask as many questions as you can to ensure that your dogs remain safe and healthy as you feed them matcha. 

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