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Can Dogs Eat Moss?

One of the funniest things about dogs is that they think using their stomachs.

As weird and as metaphorical as that sounds, that’s the reality of our canine companions. It’s in their nature to sniff anything they find interesting outside, or if they like it, taste them, and ultimately eat the whole thing up.

An excellent example of this is Moss. These are small flowerless plants that grow anywhere. When you bring your dog for a walk around the park, field, or your neighborhood, you can see them.

But are these safe for dogs? Can dogs eat Moss?

Yes, dogs can eat Moss as long as they don’t have any pesticides or fertilizers. Dogs should also avoid some types of Moss like Rock Moss and Rose Moss because these have toxic elements that can harm canines.

In this article, we’ll dive deeper into the effects of eating Moss on dogs. We’ll also show you why dogs like to eat Moss and answer some of the most frequently asked questions about the matter.

Is Moss Safe For Dogs?

Yes, Moss is safe for dogs because they are mostly non-toxic. So, dogs won’t experience any problems when they eat Moss. However, some kinds of Moss can cause minor gastrointestinal irritation, like Peat moss.

But you don’t have to worry too much about this because these are just temporary conditions. You need to consider if the Moss your dog eats is exposed to pesticides and fertilizers.

These are toxic to dogs because they contain many chemicals that can harm your dog’s health. There are some cases where dogs became sick after eating Moss because the Moss they ate was exposed to herbicides.

Can Moss Poison Dogs?

Most types of Moss aren’t poisonous to dogs because they don’t contain any toxic elements. However, dogs might experience minor stomach pains and diarrhea if they overeat Moss.

This also depends on the breed, as smaller dogs are more prone to indigestion problems after eating Moss.

There are also many varieties of Moss, with each having a different effect on your dog. Another consideration you should make is if the Moss that your dog eats is exposed to insecticides and pesticides. If they are, then this can poison your dog.

Insecticides are used to kill pests in the plants to grow correctly. These contain toxic chemicals that can poison your dog.

You should immediately seek veterinary help if you see your dog show symptoms of insecticide poisoning after eating Moss. The most common poisoning symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea, excessive thirst, and anxiety.

What Happens To Your Dog When They Eat Moss?

Most varieties of Moss are non-toxic, so they can’t harm your dog. However, some types of Moss can cause adverse reactions like indigestion, skin and eye irritation, and difficulty breathing.

But most kinds of Moss are harmless. The real worry here is if the Moss was exposed to pesticides because these contain toxic chemicals that can poison dogs.

Stomach pain, sneezing, and red and watery eyes are some of the other health effects dogs can experience if they eat Moss exposed to insecticides.

Why Do Dogs Like To Eat Moss?


One of the biggest reasons dogs like to eat Moss is that they are aesthetic. Moss has a distinct and attractive appearance because of its bright green color. They also have a unique texture because they’re soft and grainy.

Moss even has its distinctive taste, which is very interesting for dogs. It’s like seeing your dog scamper around the beach and feeling the sand. Dogs love new experiences, and eating Moss while enjoying its aesthetic look, feel, and taste is one of these.


Moss contains vitamins and minerals that aren’t present in regular dog food. Dogs find this new taste interesting, especially since they feel more active and energetic when they eat Moss.

Some of the nutrients found in Moss are calcium, Vitamin B, chromium, magnesium, and zinc. These help strengthen your dog’s immune system and strengthen their bones and muscles.

Natural Behavior

Another reason dogs like to eat moss is that they are descendants of wolves. Their ancestors are naturally carnivores, eating plants like grass and moss.

It’s not surprising that their direct descendants, dogs, would also do the same and show the same interest in Moss. It’s in a dog’s instinct to forage for food like Moss that naturally grow anywhere.


Your dog may be suffering from Pica if they are addicted to eating Moss. Pica is a medical condition that causes dogs to eat non-food things like dirt, wood, and plastic.

Although Moss is edible, your dog likely thinks that these are like other non-edible items, so they eat them.

Consult a veterinarian if you think your dog is suffering from Pica because this can lead to severe indigestion, constipation, and intestinal blockage, which might need surgery.


Dogs might feel too bored, and that’s why they eat Moss. Dogs usually do this when they don’t receive enough attention or lack activities that require physical and mental stimulation. They’re just looking for ways to release their accumulated energy.

One way to do that is by eating Moss. Dogs love to play and chew exciting things, like objects they have just discovered. These reasons can provoke them to eat Moss.

Why Shouldn’t Dogs Eat Peat Moss?

Difficulty Breathing

Dogs can experience difficulty breathing if they eat Peat Moss because this Moss variant is toxic to canines.

Peat Moss carries a fungal skin disease called cutaneous sporotrichosis, affecting your dog’s breathing. Although this is usually temporary, it can worsen to more severe health problems if left untreated. It can even lead to death in worse cases.

Skin Irritation

Dogs must avoid playing or rolling in areas that have Peat Moss because this can lead to skin irritation. Peat Moss contains grains that can cause inflammation in dogs.

If you see your dog playing or walking in an area where there is Peat Moss, immediately remove them from that place and thoroughly wash them with soap and water. This rinses away any Peat Moss particles that might have stuck on their fur and coat.


Peat Moss can cause indigestion in dogs because of its texture and components.

Although these don’t pose any severe health conditions, it’s still best to stop your dog from making contact with Peat Moss because there’s a high tendency for them to gobble up a whole bunch because of their soft texture and unique taste.

Examples of indigestion problems include diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach pain.

Eye Infection

Dogs exposed to Moss can suffer from eye infections because small pollen and grain particles can enter the eye.

Immediately wash your dog’s eyes if you suspect that small Moss particles entered their eyes. You can wash their eyes with saline solution, dog eyewash, or just clean water. Wash one eye at a time to properly remove any stuck particles.

How To Stop Dogs From Eating Moss?

The best way to stop dogs from eating Moss is by implementing positive reinforcement. You reward them every time they follow your orders, just like avoiding Moss. We recommend giving treats to your dog once they follow your command.

Some of the best treats you can give them are small bits of chicken breast or Greek Yogurt. These are safe and healthy for dogs because they contain many nutrients like fiber, protein, Vitamin B12, and selenium. These strengthen your dog’s bones, muscles, and immune system

This is a great way to redirect your dog’s attention from Moss. You can also engage with them by playing games or having activities with your family, including your dog. This makes them feel excited and happier.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Moss Are Safe For Dogs To Eat?

Ball Moss, Spanish Moss, Irish Moss, and Sphagnum Moss are some of the Moss varieties safe for dogs to eat. But you shouldn’t include this in their daily diet because it can cause allergies and indigestion problems.

Is Sea Moss Safe For Dogs To Eat?

Yes, dogs can eat Sea Moss because it is a rich source of calcium, fiber, and Vitamin K. These help improve your dog’s digestive system and strengthen their respiratory health.

Is Compost Poisonous To Dogs?

Compost is poisonous to dogs because it is a mixture of molded food and garden waste.

These product mycotoxins can cause severe health reactions in dogs and even be fatal.

So, Can Dogs Eat Moss?

Yes, dogs can eat most varieties of Moss, except for Rose Moss and Peat Moss. Most Moss varieties don’t contain any toxic elements, so that dogs can eat them safely.

However, we don’t recommend including Moss in your dog’s daily diet because it can cause indigestion problems.

There are many other healthier foods you can give them, like Chicken breast, Greek Yogurt, and fruits like apples, oranges, and bananas, that can make them healthier and stronger.

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