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Can Dogs Eat Nacho Cheese Doritos?

Eating Doritos on a taco Tuesday night with your family or friends is a nice way to relieve yourself from pressure and bond with your loved ones. These snacks are tasty and can give you that satisfying feeling of a full tummy.

But what if your lovely pooch decides to join the party and asks for their fair share? What will you do? Will you give in to their plight? Or will you deny them the pleasure of tasting one of the best nacho snacks?

But before answering these questions, it’s important first to ask…

Can dogs eat Nacho Cheese Doritos ?

Unfortunately, not. Dogs can’t eat Nacho Cheese Doritos because they contain too much salt, artificial ingredients, and fats. These also have empty calories, which can add excess weight to your dogs.

We’ll dive deeper into what Nacho Cheese Doritos is, its effects on dogs, and if these are safe to give to canines.

What Is Nacho Cheese Doritos ?

Nacho Cheese Doritos is a corn chip brand made by a renowned global snack food company, Doritos. It is also one of the most popular Doritos flavors, alongside Salsa Verde, White Cheddar, Spicy Ranch, and Chili Cheese.

One serving of Nacho Cheese Doritos is equivalent to 11 chips containing 150 calories, 7 grams of fat, and 16.5 grams of carbohydrates. These are too high for your dog, which can lead to excessive weight gain and obesity in the long run.

Although one pack only contains 0.9 grams of sugar, Nacho Cheese Doritos still contains other ingredients like milk and soybeans that can cause indigestion problems in dogs.

Is Nacho Cheese Doritos Safe For Dogs?

No, Nacho Cheese Doritos isn’t safe for dogs because its main ingredient is corn which can cause indigestion problems like vomiting, stomach pain, and diarrhea.

Nacho Cheese Doritos also contains many spices and preservatives that can harm your dog’s sensitive stomach. This snack is considered junk food for people, so we also don’t recommend this for dogs. It just doesn’t have any nutritional value.

Can Nacho Cheese Doritos Poison Dogs?

Yes, Nacho Cheese Doritos can poison dogs because it contains many seasonings composed of different kinds of onions, garlic, and other spices.

One pack of Nacho Cheese Doritos also contains 210 mg of sodium. This is too much for dogs because their digestive system isn’t very effective in processing high amounts of salt.

This can lead to liver failure, gallstones buildup, and urinary tract infection. Although Nacho Cheese Doritos doesn’t contain enough ingredients to immediately kill a dog, its sodium, spices, and artificial ingredients content are enough to cause adverse effects on their health.

Why Dogs Shouldn’t Eat Nacho Cheese Doritos ?

Full Of Salt

Nacho Cheese Doritos contains too much salt, which is toxic for dogs. A single serving comprising 12 chips has 210 mg of sodium. This is too high for dogs. A dog’s digestive system isn’t very effective in processing large amounts of salt.

This also causes them to experience extreme thirst because they need to drink lots of water to regulate their body’s high salt levels. Dogs can also suffer from vomiting, drowsiness, and seizures in worse cases if they consume too much salt from their diet.

Empty Calories

Doritos are not ideal for pets because these are snacks designed for human consumption. Nacho Cheese Doritos is full of empty calories that will just add excess weight and fats to your dog.

These also contain high levels of fats and salt, which can cause many illnesses for your furry pets. The most common diseases caused by overeating fats and salt are heart disease and pancreatitis. Dogs can also suffer from obesity if they regularly eat junk foods like Doritos.

The ideal amount of calories your dog should eat daily is around 400 to 500. And 12 Doritos chips already give your dog 150 calories.

This means they only have 250 to 350 calories left to consume daily. Make the most out of your dog’s daily calorie intake and do your best to provide them with nutritious foods instead of junk food snacks with empty calories.

High Fat Levels

Nacho Cheese Doritos has high fat levels, which are harmful to your dog’s health. One serving of Doritos contains 8 grams of fat. It might not be that much for people. But this is already too high for dogs because this constitutes around 40% of the recommended daily fat intake.

Compare that to the 10% fat intake for people, and you’ll see the stark difference. Nacho Cheese Doritos also has high amounts of sodium and spices that can irritate your dog’s digestive system.

Artificial Ingredients

Nacho Cheese Doritos contain many artificial ingredients like artificial flavoring and coloring. These snacks also have a dye color, which can cause the breakdown of red blood cells and lead to kidney damage over time.

Eating foods that contain food coloring can also lead to stomach irritation because dogs have a shorter digestive tract.

This makes it harder for dogs to break down artificial ingredients like coloring, flavoring, dyes, and preservatives. Dogs can experience vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of appetite if they consume lots of these food ingredients.

Dental Issues

Dogs that eat junk foods like Nacho Cheese Doritos have higher chances of suffering from dental issues like plaque and cavity build-up, halitosis, and gum disease.

Chips particles can easily get stuck on your dog’s teeth and cause the buildup of cavities, especially if you don’t brush them regularly. This can also lead to toothaches which can cause mood swings in your dogs.


Doritos are chips that can easily break up when chewed. These are also tasty, so dogs will probably gobble them up even without chewing them properly. This can cause choking and be fatal if there are lots of chips stuck. 

What To Do If Dogs Eat Nacho Cheese Doritos ?

You don’t have to worry if your dog ate a few Doritos because this won’t significantly affect their health. Just let them drink lots of water because Doritos are very salty.

Letting them drink water can dilute the high salt content they consume and lessen the severity of health risks associated with overeating salty foods. 

We also recommend that you watch them closely for signs of indigestion problems. Bring them immediately to the nearest veterinarian if you see any signs of uncomfortable behavior or if they ate many Doritos.

What Are The Best Alternatives To Nacho Cheese Doritos ?

Instead of giving Doritos or other chips to dogs, it’s better to provide them with healthy treats like chicken breast bits. These are rich in protein which is essential to your dog’s muscle growth.

You can also give your dog Greek yogurt to strengthen their bones because it is rich in calcium. Its probiotics can also improve their digestive system.

Homemade fruit ice cream is also a nice treat for your dog because it is a rich source of Vitamins A and C, especially if you add apples, mangoes, and oranges. Just make sure you don’t add any sugar or flavors because these can upset your dog’s stomach.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Do Dogs Like Doritos So Much?

Dogs have a strong sense of smell, which is why they easily get attracted to Nacho Cheese Doritos . The main ingredient of these chips is ground corn which has a distinct smell that easily attracts dogs.

Dogs also don’t need to chew Doritos as much as eating meat or dog food because these are already very crunchy and thin. Add in the fact that these have very tasty flavors, and you have a food that’s highly addictive for dogs.

Dogs see Nacho Cheese Doritos as a tasty treat they’ll always choose over dog foods with a milder taste.

Are Nacho Cheese Doritos Safe For Dogs?

No, Nacho Cheese Doritos isn’t safe for dogs because it contains ingredients harmful to dogs. Doritos has garlic and onion powder which can upset your dog’s stomach.

These chips also have high salt and fat levels, which can cause pancreatitis and obesity in the long run, especially if they overeat Doritos regularly. Nacho Cheese Doritos also has artificial ingredients, milk, corn, and cheese, harmful to dogs.

How Many Nacho Cheese Doritos Can Dogs Eat?

We don’t recommend giving Nacho Cheese Doritos to dogs because these contain harmful ingredients. These chips also have empty calories and lack nutrients or vitamins essential to your pooch’s health and development.

But if you really can’t stand their irresistible puppy eyes, you can just give them one piece. And that’s it!

So, Can Dogs Eat Nacho Cheese Doritos ?

No, dogs can’t eat Nacho Cheese Doritos . These are junk foods that don’t have any health benefits. Its main ingredients are corn and milk, which can cause allergies in dogs, especially if they are lactose intolerant.

Doritos also contain too much salt and fat which can cause obesity and pancreatitis in the long run. These also have empty calories, which will just eat up the recommended daily calorie intake.

Nacho Cheese Doritos will surely put a smile on your dog’s face because they’re tasty. But the satisfaction they get isn’t worth it, knowing that eating Nacho Cheese Doritos will only cause them more harm than good.

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