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Can Dogs Eat Pecans?

As dog owners, we all want what’s best for our furry pals and sometimes we can’t resist giving them human food as a reward. Let’s be real, we can’t resist their adorable faces and let them indulge from time to time. Our snack time becomes their snack time and snacks are best consumed when shared.

Pecans, like other snacks, look like the perfect bite-sized treat for your pet dogs, but can dogs eat pecans? Are pecans good for dogs? 

Pecans are tree nuts natively grown in North America and Mexico and are widely used in different desserts, such as muffins, cookies, cakes, or pies. They also make a delectable healthy snack because pecans are a good source of protein, fiber, and unsaturated fat.

But can dogs eat pecans?

The safest answer is no. While eating pecans can be beneficial for humans, given a good amount of nutrients, dogs can get sick from pecans, especially if consumed in a large amount. 

If your dog happens to eat a small amount, let’s say a piece accidentally fell on the floor, they’re probably alright. But pet owners shouldn’t offer pecans as a regular treat to dogs, and here’s why.

Are pecans toxic to dogs?


Pecans come from the same family of trees as walnuts and hickories, called Juglandaceae. These nuts contain a chemical compound called juglone, which is considered toxic for dogs and horses.

If your dog happens to ingest huge amounts of pecans, it can lead to severe effects such as:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Tremors
  • Seizures


Aflatoxins are cancer-causing toxins produced by molds (Aspergillus species) that commonly grow in agricultural crops like rice, corn, peanuts, and tree nuts. Aflatoxin poisoning can affect both humans and animals.

There are several types of aflatoxin that can occur in nature, but these four are particularly harmful to humans and animals: 

  • Aflatoxin B1
  • Aflatoxin B2
  • Aflatoxin G1
  • Aflatoxin G2

According to the World Health Organization, most cases of exposure to aflatoxin derive from consumption of nuts, grains, and other products contaminated with molds. Detecting aflatoxin infection in humans and animals is challenging because of varying symptoms and other immunity factors. Aflatoxin detection can only be made by conducting laboratory tests on the contaminated food or feed.

There have been many cases of human and pet food recalls in the US caused by the presence of aflatoxin in high amounts. This toxin is very harmful to the body. In fact, the US Food and Drug Administration set a guidance that states that if a food contains more than 20 ppb (parts per billion) is considered adulterated already. That’s equivalent to 0.000002%!

Since molds and other fungal contaminants can be really hard to see with the naked eye, it is advisable to avoid giving them to your dogs. Also, practice the habit of checking the food’s shelf-life or best before dates before buying or eating them.

Pecans may cause gastrointestinal issues

Pecans are naturally high in fat, with 20 grams per ounce, so this may cause some gastrointestinal problems for your dogs, such as diarrhea, gastroenteritis, or pancreatitis.

The size of pecans may also cause problems, particularly for smaller dog breeds, as it may be considered a choking hazard. Because of their texture, pecan nuts can be hard to digest and may cause intestinal blockages to your dogs.

These blockages and other intestinal issues can lead to seizures or even death.

What should you do if your dog ate pecans?

If your dog accidentally ate a piece of pecan, they will probably be fine as long as it wasn’t moldy or too salty. But observe your dogs for the possible onset of symptoms mentioned above. 

If you think your dogs consumed pecans in a large amount, it’s best to call or go straight to the vet immediately.

Do pecans have any health benefits for dogs?

As mentioned earlier, pecans are a good source of proteins, fiber, and unsaturated fat. They also contain vitamins, such as vitamin A and vitamin E, minerals, and antioxidants.

But to get the most out of these nutrients, your dogs need to consume a lot of pecans and we’ve already touched on the possible effects if your dog eats loads of pecan nuts. It’s safe to say that the risks involved considerably outweigh the health benefits.

So, if you’re looking for healthy treats containing these nutrients, you can pick other alternative treats that are safer for your dogs to enjoy without worrying about the possible health risks.

What nuts can dogs eat?

A lot of nuts contain high amounts of oil and fat, so overconsumption can lead to gastrointestinal problems, such as pancreatitis. 

Are peanuts or almonds good for dogs? Yes, peanuts and almonds are generally safe for your dogs to consume. Just keep in mind that they contain a large amount of calories, fats, and oils.

How about cashew nuts? Can dogs eat cashews? Like peanuts and almonds, cashews are also safe for your dogs to consume.

Peanut, almond, and cashew nut butters are also safe for your dogs to eat, provided they don’t contain the artificial sweetener xylitol.

Xylitol is a sugar alternative usually found in gums and candies but is also commonly used in peanut and other nut butters. It is very toxic to dogs and can be very life-threatening. Dogs who ingested xylitol can experience hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) or in worst cases, liver damage.

Other nuts that are toxic to dogs

Along with pecans, you should also avoid giving your dogs the following tree nuts and their products:

These nut varieties contain toxins that are considered lethal for dogs, especially when ingested in large portions. If you’re a dog lover who often shares your food with your furry pals, you should also double check for the presence of these nuts in any food, before offering them to your dogs.

Be mindful as well of other ingredients, such as chocolate or raisins, that are mixed with nuts. These ingredients also contain toxins that are harmful to your dog’s health.

Salted nuts can also pose danger, because too much salt may lead to dehydration or salt poisoning in dogs. High amounts of salt can also cause high blood pressure, or kidney and heart problems.

Are pecan nut shells toxic to dogs?

Pecan nut shells can be considered a physical hazard to your dogs. Because of its texture, it can easily become a choking hazard or intestinal blockage, especially to smaller dog breeds.

If your dog accidentally ate a nut shell, you should immediately check their mouth and see if you can remove the shell. If they accidentally ingest it, you can perform a modified Heimlich maneuver by giving their chest a sharp rap to dislodge the object.

In case they become unconscious after removing the choking hazard, you can perform CPR until they can breathe on their own.

Remember, our dogs have different bodies than we do. They require different dietary needs from humans. What’s good and healthy for us may not be for them, and may result in health problems in the long run.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

Can dogs eat pecan pie?

Pecan pie is a popular holiday and Thanksgiving dessert in the US and is considered a Southern US cuisine specialty. Pecan pies are commonly made from eggs, butter, and sugar. 

The high level of sugar in a pecan pie is not good for your dogs, because it may lead to health problems like obesity or diabetes. Some pecan pies also contain chocolate and alcohol, particularly bourbon or whiskey. We already know that those two ingredients are bad for your furry pals, so it’s not a good idea to feed your dogs pecan pie, no matter how hard they whine and beg for a slice.

If your dog ate pecan pie by accident, they’ll probably have an upset stomach. But it’s a good idea to check in with your vet for any advice.

Can dogs eat pecan ice cream?

On top of the health risk, we’ve associated with pecans, pecan ice cream contains high amounts of sugar. When your dogs eat a lot of sugar, they may be prone to obesity or diabetes. They can also get dental problems like tooth decay.

Some dogs are also lactose-intolerant so they can experience diarrhea after eating pecan ice cream. Pecan ice cream is also high in fat, which can lead to cardiovascular problems.

So don’t let your dogs eat pecan ice cream.

In a Nutshell

Pecans for dogs isn’t the best idea. Despite the healthy benefits pecans offer, these yummy nuts can bring in more harm to our dogs. 

If you’re interested in including human food into your pet’s diet, it’s good to do research like what you’re probably doing right now. There are lots of foods that are safer for them to eat like bananas, carrots, eggs, and salmon.

Pecans can cause toxic poisoning or gastrointestinal issues to dogs, so it’s better to be safe than sorry. If you have a running list of food dogs should not eat, you should definitely include pecans, along with walnuts, macadamia, and hickory nuts on your list.

Can dogs eat pecans? The safest answer is no. If you happen to be a pecan-lover, it’s best to keep their paws off your pecans. You can store them in a high or safe place to make sure they don’t get any. Don’t worry, your furry pals won’t hold that against you.

For any concerns regarding pecans and other types of food, you can always seek advice from your trusted vet. And always remember that moderation is the key to everything.

For more helpful tips and articles about pets and pet care, make sure to check out other articles in the blog.

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