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Can Dogs Eat Raisin Bread?

There are plenty of reasons why a lot of people love raisin bread — it takes minutes to make and is very filling. Raisin bread is also versatile as you can use your favorite ingredients as fillings. Are you a fan of PB&J sandwiches? Replace white bread with raisin bread. Looking for something healthier? Make a veggie sandwich with raisin bread. 

But no matter how filling or customizable raisin bread is, you need to be careful before giving any piece to your dogs. Remember, their bodies are different from humans, and foods that are healthy and safe for you might not have the same effects on them. 

The answer to the question posted here is: no, you should never feed your dogs with raisin bread. Raisins, along with other forms of grapes, are highly toxic to dogs. Vets from the ASPCA Poison Control Center (APCC) state that the tartaric acid in grapes can cause different symptoms in canines, such as vomiting, diarrhea, excessive thirst, and kidney failure. 

How a dog’s body responds after ingesting raisins can vary based on their age and the type and ripeness of the grape used. While some dogs suffer mildly, others eventually develop acute renal failure. When left untreated, acute renal failure can lead to death. 

How Long After Eating Raisin Bread Will Dogs Get Sick?

As mentioned, how dogs respond to raisin bread depends on many factors. But in general, dogs will exhibit symptoms within 24 hours after the ingestion. Some of the most common symptoms include lack of appetite, lethargy, and diarrhea.

What Should You Do After Your Dogs Accidentally Eat Raisin Bread?

Because of the toxicity of raisins, you need to act fast once you find out that your dogs stole some of your raisin bread. Your swift actions will help minimize the effects of the raisin bread on their bodies. Follow the instructions below when your dogs accidentally eat raisin bread. 

Step 1: Examine Your Dogs

Check your dogs for any symptoms. If you notice that they’re sluggish, shaky, struggling to breathe, or experiencing convulsions, take them to the vet immediately. Don’t wait for these symptoms to go away on their own because usually, they don’t.

Step 2: Remove All Raisin Bread

Remove all raisin bread in your home, especially in the trash can. If you want to consume more at home, make sure that the bread is kept in areas that your dogs can’t reach or access.

Step 3: Gather Information

Having sufficient information about the mishap can help your vet recommend treatment. Do you know when your dogs ate the raisin bread? Are you aware of the quantities they ate? What other ingredients does the bread contain? You might have to dig through your garbage to know the brand and ingredient list of the raisin bread. 

Step 4: See a Vet ASAP

You should reach out to your vet regardless of the quantity of raisin bread your dogs ate. It’s important to share everything you know about your dogs. This usually includes their weight, breed, and existing medical conditions. Don’t forget to inform your vet about any drugs that your dogs are taking regularly. With these pieces of information, your vet can easily decide what the best course of action is. 

Can Dogs Eat Bread?

Yes, dogs can’t eat bread but in moderation. Plain and white bread is generally safe for dogs, as long as they don’t have allergies. But because bread doesn’t have any nutritional value, it’s best to give your dogs bread as an occasional treat, never a diet staple. 

Are There Any Dog-Friendly Alternatives?

Yes, there are. In fact, the internet is actually filled with countless recipes of dog-friendly snacks! 

One of our favorites is the peanut butter sandwiched dog treats. Simply mix flour and baking powder to create a dough, cut it into small circles, and bake for at least ten minutes. Once cool, smear peanut butter in the center of these two small cookies, sandwich them together, and feed some to your fur babies!

If you want to take it up a notch, you can also make some turmeric doughnuts for your dogs. All you have to do is mix whole wheat flour, unsweetened apple sauce, and baking powder and bake in a doughnut pan for 20 minutes. Once cool, frost the doughnut with whole milk and pumpkin puree and add a sprinkle of turmeric. 

Choose Dog-Friendly Alternatives

Regardless of how much you love your pets, you should never attempt to spoil them with raisin bread. This will only negatively impact your dogs’ overall health and wellness.

If you really want to give the best to your fur babies, look for dog-friendly alternatives to raisin bread. Feeding your dogs with snacks that are safe for them will give you peace of mind knowing that they will remain healthy today and in the years to come! 

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