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Can Dogs Eat Raw Turkey Bacon?

Often presented as a healthy alternative to traditional pork bacon, turkey bacon has become a breakfast and sandwich essential for many households. Pet parents who love spoiling their precious pups may wonder if it’s safe to feed them turkey bacon. Some may even consider feeding it to dogs raw. After all, dogs in the wild eat raw meat, right? 

While raw diets for dogs have seen a meteoric rise in popularity over the years, feeding your dog raw meat—including raw turkey bacon—can have dangerous repercussions. It can pose serious risks to his health and lead to foodborne illnesses and other issues. 

There’s more to learn about this topic, so keep reading as we go in-depth into the risks of feeding your dog raw turkey bacon, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of feeding it to him cooked. We’ll also discuss how you can safely give your pup turkey bacon, so stay tuned!

Dangers of Feeding Your Dog Raw Turkey Bacon

Any form of raw meat can be dangerous to dogs, especially when they’ve been raised on dog food and cooked food. This is why raw turkey bacon is incredibly unhealthy and even downright hazardous to your dog. Here are a few of the risks that come with feeding it to your dog. 


Raw meat like raw turkey bacon can contain harmful bacteria, including salmonella. Dogs who consume food contaminated with this bacteria are likely to develop a foodborne illness called Salmonellosis. 

This disease can be infectious to humans, which means you and your family are at risk of infection when they come into contact with the infected dog’s fur or stool. Worse yet, infants, young children, and senior adults are at higher risk for this infection. 

Salmonellosis in dogs can manifest in symptoms such as:

  • Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Dehydration
  • Depression
  • Lethargy
  • Weight loss
  • Fast heart rate
  • Spontaneous abortion in pregnant dogs

If your pup has consumed raw turkey bacon, especially in large quantities, it’s crucial to take him to the vet as soon as possible. This will help prevent foodborne illnesses from developing and protect your dog’s health as well as your and your family’s safety.  

Additives & Preservatives

Dry-cured meat like turkey bacon typically contains plenty of preservatives to ensure the longevity of its color and flavor. This includes synthetic nitrates, which have been found to form carcinogens that put humans at higher risk for cancer. 

While studies linking cancer and cardiovascular disease in dogs to excessive amounts of nitrates in their system have not yet been conclusive, the health risks associated with them are still concerning. It’s best to avoid having your pup eat food high in preservatives like raw turkey bacon. 

High Fat 

Did you know that raw turkey bacon has a higher percentage of fat than its cooked counterpart? This is because bacon loses fat as it cooks. 

Eating anything high in fat regularly is incredibly unhealthy for dogs. This can lead to obesity, which can then result in a whole host of health issues, such as osteoarthritis. 

Canine pancreatitis has also been linked to high-fat diets and eating high-fat human foods. 

Benefits of Feeding Your Dog Cooked Turkey Bacon

So if feeding your dog raw turkey bacon is a big no-no, is it okay to give him cooked turkey bacon instead? Well, the short answer is yes—but only infrequently and in small amounts. 

Given occasionally, turkey bacon can actually be a healthy treat for your pup! Here are a few of its health benefits:


Dogs need protein to give them a daily boost of energy, as well as build strong muscles and promote skin and coat health. A serving of two slices of turkey bacon contains around 4.7g of protein, so giving your pup a few slices of turkey bacon once in a while can be a delicious, high-protein treat for him. 

B Vitamins

Turkey bacon is packed with B vitamins that aid enzyme function and nerve function, improve digestion, and promote healthy metabolism in dogs. 

Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids have been found to have positive health effects on dogs, including giving them healthy skin and shiny coats, reducing inflammation, and improving joint health. Turkey bacon is a great source of these fatty acids!

Less Fat & Calories

Compared to pork bacon, turkey bacon contains less fat, sodium, and calories. If your pup is (understandably) obsessed with bacon but you’re concerned about how unhealthy bacon is for him, then turkey bacon is the next best thing!

Risks of Feeding Your Dog Cooked Turkey Bacon

While giving your dog turkey bacon once in a while is perfectly acceptable, making it a part of his diet is not advisable. Here are a few of the health risks of feeding your dog turkey bacon regularly: 


Since it’s processed meat, turkey bacon is exceedingly high in sodium—even more so than pork bacon. This means eating it regularly can lead to or exacerbate heart and kidney disease in dogs. 

The high-sodium content of turkey bacon can also lead to excessive thirst, which can result in bloat or gastric dilatation and volvulus in dogs. This is a life-threatening disease that will require urgent surgical care. 

Even worse, eating too much high-sodium food in one go can lead to sodium poisoning in dogs. Symptoms of this include:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Seizures
  • Tremors
  • Lethargy
  • Difficulty breathing

Make sure to call your local animal poison control center or take your dog to the vet if he has eaten too many slices of turkey bacon without your knowledge and displayed any of these symptoms. 

Fat & Calories

It’s true that turkey bacon contains less fat and calories than pork bacon does, but eating it in large amounts can still lead to dogs going over their daily fat and caloric needs. 

Obese or overweight dogs on special diets for weight management should stay away from turkey bacon altogether.


Some turkey bacon products may be seasoned with spices like garlic powder and onion powder. Both of these are toxic to dogs and can lead to gastrointestinal issues, Heinz body anemia, and other health issues. 

If your dog has eaten turkey bacon seasoned with garlic powder or onion powder, take him to the vet immediately for safety. 

How To Safely Feed Your Dog Turkey Bacon

We’ve all been there—no matter how many times you say no, your dog keeps begging for the food on your plate. If you can’t resist his adorable puppy eyes, the good news is that you can give him a little turkey bacon safely! Follow these tips to make sure you give him this treat without putting his health at risk:

Cook the turkey bacon first 

Never feed your pup raw turkey bacon to avoid foodborne illnesses. When you cook the bacon, make sure as well to remove the grease before giving it to your pooch. 

Choose plain, low-sodium turkey bacon

Check the ingredients of your turkey bacon to see if it’s been seasoned with herbs and spices that may be toxic to your pup before giving it to him. It’s also ideal to opt for low-sodium turkey bacon as much as possible to avoid increasing your furry companion’s salt intake further.  

Give it to him one piece at a time

Your pup may simply wolf the slices down without chewing properly. This can lead to choking, so it’s best to break the bacon off into pieces and give him one piece at a time. 

Use it as a topping

For a healthy snack, blend veggies and cooked turkey breast together and top it off with crispy turkey bacon. 

Keep it to a limit

Treats should account for no more than 10% of your pup’s daily calories, and this rule applies to giving him turkey bacon. One or two slices should be more than enough as a treat for him! 

It’s also best not to give him turkey bacon daily, even as a treat, to avoid health complications that come with eating processed meat on a regular basis. 

If you’re giving it to him as a pill pocket, it’s all the more worthwhile to keep turkey bacon treats few and far between. This way, he’ll be much more excited to eat it and less likely to reject the medication! 

Opt for turkey bacon dog treats

Some dog food brands offer dog treats with turkey bacon as a main flavor or ingredient. It’s safer to stick with these treats if you want your dog to enjoy the taste of this food more regularly since they’re specifically made for canine consumption.

In Closing

It’s never a good idea to give your dog raw turkey bacon. If he’s consumed it without your knowledge, take him to the vet as soon as possible to get ahead of any health problems. 

That said, cooked turkey bacon can be a healthy occasional treat for your precious pup! Make sure to follow the tips above to give him this treat safely, so your pooch can enjoy it to the fullest. 

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