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Can Dogs Eat Sticky Rice?

Sticky Rice is a staple food in many Asian countries.

These are healthy, tasty, and can make our tummies full without spending too much because of their cheap price.

Many people can’t live without rice because it has become a complimentary dish to any meal served throughout the day.

These are undoubtedly safe and healthy for people. But is it the same for dogs?

Can dogs eat Sticky Rice?

Yes, dogs can eat Sticky Rice. These are healthy for dogs because they are a rich source of carbohydrates, potassium, and protein.

However, you should only give them in moderation because Sticky Rice contains sugar which can cause obesity if dogs overeat them.

In this article, we’ll dive deeper into what Sticky Rice is, its content, its effects on dogs, and the pros and cons of feeding to your furry companions.

What Is Sticky Rice?

Sticky Rice, also called glutinous rice or sweet rice, is a staple food in Asia that features a round-grain shape with a matching sticky and glue-like texture because of the absence of starch amylose. This is the reason why Sticky Rice is very sticky.

One serving of Sticky Rice contains 119 calories, 1 gram of fat, and 0 cholesterol, making it a low-calorie diet essential for your dog’s fitness.

However, a cup of Sticky Rice contains 25 grams of carbohydrates and 3.1 grams of sugar which can cause excessive weight gain in dogs if they overeat.

Nonetheless, a moderate intake of carbs is healthy for your dog because this fuels their brain, heart muscles, and nervous system.

Is Sticky Rice Safe For Dogs?

Yes, Sticky Rice is safe for dogs because it doesn’t contain harmful or toxic ingredients. Sticky Rice is also a healthy food for your canines because it’s a rich source of carbohydrates that they need to fuel proper growth and development.

Sticky Rice also has a sweet taste and smooth texture that your dog will surely love. However, Sticky Rice isn’t a staple meal for dogs, so you shouldn’t feed it to them regularly.

Sticky Rice needs to be incorporated into a nutritionally balanced diet fit for your dog’s age, size, and breed.

Can Sticky Rice Poison Dogs?

No, Sticky Rice isn’t poisonous to dogs because it doesn’t contain harmful or toxic ingredients.

But dogs should only eat Sticky Rice in moderation or occasionally because it contains high amounts of carbohydrates and sugar, which can cause excessive weight gain, especially if your dog isn’t physically active.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Sticky Rice To Dogs?

Higher Energy Levels

As mentioned, carbohydrates are the main energy source, and proteins are an additional one. Both nutrients are abundantly present in rice. The vitamins and minerals in rice aid and enable various metabolic processes that indirectly increase the dog’s energy levels. 

One of the best benefits your dog can get from eating Sticky Rice is they get higher energy levels. Sticky Rice is a rich source of carbohydrates that fuels your dog’s energy reserves. The sodium and potassium present in Sticky Rice can also improve your dog’s metabolism.

We highly recommend feeding your dog with Sticky Rice if they easily get tired. You can also mix this with their dog food for a more balanced diet.

Fitness And Weight Loss

Sticky Rice can facilitate fitness and weight loss in your dog if they eat them in moderation. Rice is proven to help remove the stored water and fats from the body, which is excellent for obese dogs.

Its dietary fiber content can also promote regular bowel movements, which can help them lose weight.

One serving of Sticky Rice contains just 1 gram of fat and zero cholesterol, which is excellent for weight loss. It can also make your dog easily feel full, so they’re less likely to eat other foods.

Gluten-Free Grain

Sticky Rice is a gluten-free food that features anti-inflammatory properties to help your dog’s digestion and overall health. It also has a soothing effect on their digestive system, making this an excellent meal for dogs with allergic reactions to gluten.

Rice also doesn’t contain any milk content, so these are perfectly safe for lactose-intolerant dogs.

Better Digestive System

Sticky Rice is a rich source of dietary fiber which improves your dog’s bowel movements and promotes healthy digestion.

This makes it an excellent solution for dogs suffering from constipation and diarrhea. Sticky Rice also goes well with chicken meat if you need to give your dog a bland diet to treat indigestion.

Healthier Heart And Blood Flow

Sticky Rice can help improve your dog’s cardiovascular system because it is rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are essential in reducing the risk of illnesses like cancer and heart diseases. It does this by reducing the damage caused by the oxidation of free radicals.

The low sodium, fat, and cholesterol of Sticky Rice can also help stabilize blood vessels and maintain optimal blood pressure levels.

What Are The Risks Of Feeding Sticky Rice To Dogs?


Some dogs are allergic to rice and other grains. Don’t give lots of Sticky Rice to your dog if it’s their first time eating it.

Observe them for a few minutes after they eat half of a cup. If they show skin rashes, itching, or uneasiness, they might be allergic to rice. However, rice allergies are a bit rare in dogs.

Heavy Metal Content

Sticky Rice can contain heavy metal content like mercury, cadmium, nickel, and lead.

However, this metal content is rare and is only present in rice grown near industrial mines and factories. These heavy metals can accumulate in the body and cause chronic poisoning.

Obesity And Diabetes

Sticky Rice is a high-carb food because one serving contains 25 grams of carbs. This isn’t good for dogs suffering from obesity and diabetes because this can worsen their weight loss issues.

Sticky Rice also contains sugar that can worsen diabetes. Don’t overfeed your dog with Sticky Rice because this can easily add up as stored fat and lead to excessive weight gain, especially if they lack physical exercise.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Dogs Eat Sushi Rice?

Yes, dogs can eat Sushi Rice as long as they eat this in moderation. Dogs shouldn’t overeat Sushi Rice because it contains lots of carbohydrates which can easily add up as fat if they don’t have much physical exercise. Dogs need to convert carbohydrates to energy to maintain a fit body.

Can Dogs Eat Rice Daily?

No, dogs shouldn’t eat Rice daily because their digestive system works differently than ours. They can’t efficiently convert all the carbohydrates they consume into energy so these carbs may be converted into stored fats.

This will lead to excessive weight gain and obesity. Just give Sticky Rice to your dogs occasionally and in moderate amounts.

Can Dogs Eat Brown Rice?

Yes, dogs can eat Brown Rice as long as they do this in moderation. Brown Rice is also more nutritious than Sticky Rice or White Rice because it still has the bran and the germ where most of the vitamins and minerals are found.

But this makes its texture rougher, which your dog might not like. Brown Rice also contains more protein, which is essential for your dog’s muscle growth.

Can Dogs Eat Black Rice?

Yes, dogs can eat Black Rice which is low in calories and rich in carbohydrates and protein. Black Rice is also a rich source of fiber which can improve your dog’s digestive system and help deal with diarrhea and constipation.

Dogs can also easily feel full after eating Black Rice, so they’re less likely to eat other foods that can cause excessive weight gain.

Is Rice Better Than Oatmeal For Dogs?

Yes, Rice is better than Oatmeal for dogs because instant oats already have added sugar, fats, and artificial ingredients. Even some oatmeals contain an artificial sweetener called xylitol, which is very toxic for dogs.

Meanwhile, Rice is completely natural and doesn’t contain any harmful ingredients. It is also a rich source of carbohydrates essential for your dog’s energy reserves and proper growth and development.

So, Can Dogs Eat Sticky Rice?

Yes, dogs can eat Sticky Rice. But this should be given in small amounts to your dog to prevent obesity caused by its high carbohydrate levels. Also, make sure your dog isn’t allergic to rice or grains to prevent indigestion problems.

Sticky Rice is healthy for dogs as long as they eat moderately. It’s also rich in carbohydrates, fiber, and minerals like copper, zinc, and Vitamin B.

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