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Can Dogs Eat Triscuits?

We love to eat biscuits. They’re delicious, easy to eat, and can fill up our tummies pretty fast. Not to mention that they’re affordable compared to other snacks.

One of the most popular kinds of biscuits out there are Triscuits.

They’re a great snack for people. But are these safe for our fellow canines?

Can dogs eat Triscuits?

Yes, they can. But dogs shouldn’t eat too many Triscuits as this contains salt, wheat, fats, and fiber. Having too many ingredients inside your dog’s body can lead to health issues like obesity, salt poisoning, hypertension, and diarrhea.

This article will discuss the effects Triscuits have on dogs and if they’re safe to eat. We’ll also show you what Triscuits are made of and if these are healthy for dogs.

What Are Triscuits?

Triscuits are snack crackers shaped as flat square wafers. These are made from baked whole wheat wafers.

It is one of the oldest cracker brands in the market as it was invented in 1900. It was then granted a patent in 1902 and has been sold in the market since then. It started as a 100% whole grain wheat snack containing only oil and salt.

However, the latest trends and global health standards required many food producers, including Triscuits, to feature Non-GMO ingredients. This is why it has its own Non-GMO Project Verified label on its packaging.

Are Triscuits Healthy For Dogs?

Dogs can eat Triscuits because they don’t have toxic ingredients. However, it’s not very healthy for dogs. A single serving of Triscuits, which includes six crackers, contains 120 calories and 3.5 grams of fat.

This is too much for dogs and can cause obesity in the long run if they eat Triscuits regularly. One serving of Triscuits also contains 20 grams of carbohydrates and only 3 grams of protein.

This makes it a low-protein diet which isn’t ideal for dogs, knowing that they need lots of protein to supplement bone and muscle growth. Nonetheless, Triscuits also contain Iron and Potassium, which can make up for their lack of solid nutritional value.

Are Triscuits Safe For Dogs?

Triscuits are safe for dogs as long as they don’t overeat them. A few treats of Triscuits won’t hurt your dog, but make sure that they aren’t a part of your dog’s regular diet.

Triscuits are like other crackers, already highly processed and can be unhealthy for dogs if consumed in large amounts.

Why Your Dog Shouldn’t Eat Triscuits?

Triscuits are processed foods that contain lots of salt, which can be detrimental to your dog’s health.

These also have high carbohydrate content, making your dog obese if consumed regularly. Instead of giving your dog human food, it’s better to provide them with treats specifically made for dog consumption.  

Should Dogs Avoid Eating Triscuits?

Yes, dogs should avoid eating Triscuits because these contain large amounts of fat, salt, and carbohydrates. These ingredients can cause detrimental effects on your dog’s health.

Your dog might enjoy the crunchy texture and sumptuous taste of crackers, and it’s hard to deprive them of the food they love to eat. But ensuring they stay safe and healthy is better than making them temporarily happy at the expense of their health.

What Will Happen To Your Dog If They Overeat Triscuits?

Possibility Of Life-Threatening Diseases

Your dog can suffer different kinds of life-threatening diseases like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and cardiac arrest if they overeat crackers like Triscuits. These contain too many calories that can lead to excessive weight gain and complicate more serious illnesses.


Triscuits contain high amounts of fiber which can cause diarrhea in your dog if they overeat. There are also some cases where this leads to vomiting and stomach pains. Keep your dog hydrated with ice cubes and water if they show such symptoms.


The main ingredient of Triscuits is whole wheat. Make sure your dog is lactose tolerant. Dogs can suffer allergic reactions to lactose-based foods like wheat if lactose intolerant.

So, it’s better to avoid giving Triscuits to dogs regardless if they’re allergic to lactose. Anyway, there are many other better alternative snacks out there that are safer and healthier.

Salt Poisoning

A single serving of Triscuits contains 160 mg of sodium, too much for dogs. This can cause salt poisoning if consumed regularly in large amounts. Symptoms of salt poisoning are dehydration, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and weakness.

Can Puppies Eat Triscuits?

No, puppies can’t eat Triscuits or any other crackers because their digestive system is still underdeveloped. This makes their stomachs very sensitive to human food. Avoid giving Triscuits or other human food to puppies to ensure their safety.

Can Dogs Eat Crackers?

Yes, dogs can eat crackers as long as these don’t contain harmful ingredients like garlic powder and chili.

The crackers shouldn’t have any spicy flavor or too much salt content. Also, avoid crackers with canola oil and sea salt because these can irritate your dog’s digestive system. If you want to ensure safety, it’s better if you just avoid giving them crackers.

So, Can Dogs Eat Triscuits?

Yes, dogs can eat Triscuits as long as it is in small amounts. Dogs should never eat Triscuits regularly and at frequent intervals because these contain too much salt, carbohydrates, fats, and calories.

These can lead to obesity and cause severe diseases like obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and indigestion problems. Although Triscuits aren’t toxic to dogs, it’s still better to avoid giving these crackers to dogs if you want to ensure they stay safe and healthy.

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