Spearmint is a member of the mint or sage family native to Europe, especially around the Mediterranean region and in some parts of Asia. This flowering plant has “oblong or lance-shaped serrated leaves and a tapering cluster of small purplish flowers,” notes New World Encyclopedia.
- Other names: It goes by different names that include Mentha spicata, viridis, M. crispa, Sage of Bethlehem, as well as names such as garden, mackerel, common, lamb, spire, Our Lady’s mint.
- Use: The herb has uses in culinary and folk medicine while its essential oil in making pesticides, aromatherapy, flavoring toothpaste, confectionery, shampoos, soaps, and so on.

Is it safe for dogs?
Spearmint plants, leaves, or flowers are not safe for dogs. If these animals eat an excessive amount, they will cause poisoning that will have symptoms, including diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and weakness.
Its toxicity is considered mild, and it is due to the presence of essential oils that are harmful to dogs, cats, and even horses.
Also, do not let your fluffy friend eat foods that have this herb, including sauces, soups, stews, grilled, or roasted ones.
Finally, do not let your dog eat spearmint candy or any other candy since they are often sweetened by xylitol that may cause liver failure and low blood sugar.
But some say it is safe
Contrary to those who consider this herb toxic or bad, SfGate.com notes that you should not worry if your pooch eats spearmint leaves as they may help improve its breath.
Similarly, Medium.com notes that it “helps to reduce weight in dogs. Also, good for dogs who have colic, diarrhea, nausea. It helps balance metabolism, stimulates the gallbladder.”
Is spearmint oil safe for dogs?
The reason why this dicotyledonous plant is toxic to your canine friend is due to its essential oil. This fact, therefore, clearly indicates that spearmint essential oil is not safe for dogs. Its toxicity is severe, being pure.
In the case of toxicity, induced vomiting, supportive care, and other treatments may help to manage the poisoning.
Why some note it is safe, we maintain the fact that spearmint essential oil and plant are harmful to pooches. Do not give or use their product on your canine friend unless a savvy pet veterinarian okays its use.
Would it be safe to give my dog a water additive that includes spearmint extract?
What if spearmint or wintergreen essential oil is used in a diffuser? Is it still harmful to a dog?
Diffusing spearmint essential oil will help reduce cough and make phlegm lose, relieve headache, promote respiration, among many other benefits. Unfortunately, like many other essential oils, the use of spearmint or wintergreen essential oil around your dog isn’t recommended as the oil is toxic to these pets.
Toxicity arises from the fact that if they inhale the oil, it will get absorbed into their body via the lungs. Also, using spearmint essential oil topically on dogs is also dangerous. Some of the symptoms of toxicity include diarrhea, nausea, weakness, and nausea