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Why Is My Dog Throwing Up Yellow Bile?

As a pet owner, seeing your dog vomit yellow foam is nerve-wracking. This behavior isn’t normal, and you’re probably wondering what could have caused your dog to produce yellow vomit and how you can prevent the situation from happening again.

We understand your dilemma, and we’re here to help. In this article, we’ll talk about everything you need to know about dogs vomiting yellow bile – from the underlying cause to possible solutions.

Why Is Your Dog Vomiting Yellow?

To treat your dog’s vomiting, it’s crucial to use clues to determine the cause of the issue. In this case, your first clue should be the color of your dog’s vomit, which is yellow.

Generally, when yellow is present in your dog’s vomit, it means that their bodies are expelling bile. Bile is a natural digestive fluid produced by your dog’s kidney. Bile plays a significant role in maintaining a healthy digestive system in dogs as it helps break down food and send nutrients throughout the body. Bile travels from your dog’s gallbladder and then into their small intestine.

Yellow bile often comes in foamy liquid or thicker yellow mucus. And when your dog starts vomiting yellow bile, it could be one of the following reasons:

Food Allergies

Dogs naturally have sensitive digestive tracts, which is why certain types of food can cause allergies. Some of the common food allergies in dogs include:

  • Beef
  • Corn
  • Dairy
  • Egg
  • Fish
  • Lamb
  • Rabbit
  • Soy

Keep an eye on your pooch’s digestive habits, especially if you decide to change their diet by removing or adding new food. Oftentimes, abruptly changing your dog’s diet can cause an upset stomach and vomiting.

Your dog can also develop allergies from the food they have been consuming for years. For example, if you regularly feed your dog with chicken, they can eventually get allergic to eat and develop other symptoms aside from an upset stomach vomiting.

Dogs usually develop food allergies within one to five years of age. Changes in their environment, such as moving to a new home or being surrounded by new people can also result in food sensitivities in dogs.

Empty Stomach

Bile can irritate their dog’s stomach lining and induce vomiting when they often skip meals. This can induce vomiting and trigger bilious vomiting syndrome. When left untreated, this condition can cause abdominal pain and decreased appetite in dogs.

Eating Grass

Seeing dogs eat grass is a common scenario, but do you know that allowing this behavior can actually do more harm than good? Your dog’s digestive tract isn’t built to tolerate large amounts of plants, which is why eating grass will cause them to vomit.

Heatstroke And Car Sickness

A dog throwing up yellow bile can be caused by different environmental factors. For instance, dehydration and the excessive heat can cause heatstroke in dogs. Dogs vomiting yellow bile is one of the most common symptoms of heatstroke, along with reddened gums, excessive drooling, and severe diarrhea.

Protect your dog from heatstroke by never leaving them inside a parked car and making sure that they always have access to clean water. Remember, proper hydration is important in dogs, just as how important it is to humans!

Additionally, your furry friend can be subject to car and motion sickness. Dogs who travel with an empty stomach are prone to car sickness, causing them to vomit.

Foreign Object

Dogs are naturally curious and would tend to eat foods that aren’t supposed to be in their diets. For example, dogs would try to eat large bones, leaves, and even their beddings.

The ingestion of a foreign object is another reason why dogs vomit. Bones, bedding, corn on the cob, and other foreign objects can get stuck on your dog’s digestive tract, resulting in intestinal blockage. Dogs will start vomiting yellow foam in an attempt to dislodge the foreign object from their bodies.

How Can You Treat Dog Vomiting?

Seeing your dog vomiting yellow bile can be alarming, but this problem can actually be treated at home. If you notice your dog throwing up yellow vomit occasionally, you can try the following home remedies:

Prepare Small And Frequent Meals

One of the easiest ways to prevent your dog from throwing up yellow vomit is to prepare small and frequent meals. Doing so helps their bellies full and prevents the build-up of stomach acids in their digestive tracts. However, this doesn’t mean that you should feed your dog more food or more often.

For instance, if your dog eats two cups of dog kibble every day and gives them one cup in the morning and another in the evening, try feeding them half cups four times a day.

Monitor Your Dog’s Current Diet

As mentioned, abruptly changing your dog’s diet can upset your dog’s stomach, resulting in yellow vomit. With this in mind, slowly introduce a new food into their diet. This usually means mixing the new food in with the old food while gradually increasing the amount of the new food and decreasing the old one.

Additionally, it’s also important to ensure that your dog doesn’t consume too many fatty foods. These foods can inflame their pancreas and cause them to vomit yellow foam and suffer from severe abdominal pain. Some examples of fatty foods are bacon, fried chicken, ribs, and hot dogs.

Prepare Easily Digestible Foods

After vomiting, your dog will likely have an empty stomach. And even though feeding them large amounts of food might seem like a great solution, don’t. Making drastic changes in your dog’s eating habits will negatively impact their digestive tract.

Instead, prepare easily digestible meals for your fur baby, like plain white rice and plain skinless boiled chicken. Take note of the word “plain.” You should never add salt, pepper, or any type of seasoning, as this can upset your dog’s gastrointestinal tract.


Whenever your dog vomits, they lose a lot of water from their bodies. Over time, this can cause dehydration and put your dog at risk of several problems.

Rehydrating is a must to treat bilious vomiting syndrome in dogs. You should make sure that your dog has access to clean water all the time, so they can replenish their bodies from the fluids they lost after vomiting.

If your dog is experiencing chronic vomiting, your vet may recommend in-office fluid treatment. This is a quick and easy procedure that involves the use of intravenous fluids. symptoms

Prevent Your Dog From Vomiting

Seeing your dog throwing up yellow foam can be stressful, which is why you should exert time and effort to prevent the ordeal from happening again. You don’t want to go through a rollercoaster of emotions whenever you see dogs vomit, right?

One of the best ways to prevent your dog from vomiting again is by making sure that they are given a lot of exercise and a well-balanced diet. Dogs are like humans and require physical activities and the right diet to stay healthy.

To ensure that your dog gets the highest levels of natural homeostasis, incorporate canine probiotics or high-quality multivitamins into your dog’s diet. This will improve your dog’s digestive process and ensure that their digestive tract doesn’t overproduce stomach acids. 

Still Worried About Your Dog’s Vomit?

Seeing your dog throwing up yellow bile will cause you to worry, especially if it becomes a normal occurrence. You’ll likely start to think that your dog has inflammatory bowel disease and other health conditions that can eventually affect the quality of their life.

If your dog continues to vomit after following all of the recommended treatments mentioned in this article, seek medical intervention right away. A vet will conduct a blood test and x-rays to determine the underlying cause of the problem and identify the best course of action. Seeking veterinary care is one of the best ways to prevent vomiting in dogs.

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