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Can Guinea Pigs Eat Kiwi?

Fruits are good for our health and wellness. These are typically low in calories and rich in water content, perfect for a summer treat! Moreover, most fruits are packed with essential vitamins and minerals beneficial for everyday life.

Since we enjoy fruits, we want our pet guinea pigs to as well! With so many options, we can’t be so sure if a particular fruit is safe for them. So, can guinea pigs eat kiwi fruits? Are kiwi fruits safe for our guinea pigs? 

This article will review the safety, benefits, and potential risks of feeding kiwi fruit to your guinea pig!

Healthy Diet For Guinea Pigs

Guinea pigs are naturally herbivores, meaning they exclusively have plant-based diets. This comprises a range of foods, including high-fiber grasses and occasional fruits and vegetables.

They should also consume high-quality hay to aid in grinding down their constantly growing teeth. Additionally, there are commercially produced pellets that have been particularly formulated for their optimal nutrition.

Is it Safe To Give Your Guinea Pig Kiwi Fruit?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat kiwi fruit, and it is safe for them to eat in moderation.

Kiwi doesn’t contain any substance that might harm your pet. If your guinea pig likes kiwi fruit’s refreshing taste and you regulate it, there shouldn’t be any problems about feeding them some. 

Additionally, kiwi fruit only has a few calories and is loaded with several nutrients and health advantages. Hence, just like other fruits and vegetables, this is a nutritious treat that is harmless to your pet when consumed in moderation. 

However, it can cause problems if you feed kiwi fruit to your pet in excess. This fruit includes sugar which could be problematic for their health. Moreover, it contains a lot of calcium, which might lead to kidney stones.


So, be mindful of the portion sizes when giving your pet this fruit. Kiwi fruit (or any other safe fruits) should only be offered as a rare treat to avoid potential complications.

Health Benefits of Feeding Your Guinea Pig Kiwi Fruit

Kiwi fruit is not only safe but also nourishing for your pet guinea pig. The following are some health advantages this fruit may provide for your pet.

Low in Calories

Kiwi has a relatively low-calorie count. This is ideal since snacks shouldn’t take up too much of your guinea pig’s diet. 

Moreover, extra calories are converted to fat. So, kiwi will not cause significant weight gain when consumed in moderation. It could, thus, deliver its health benefits without contributing that much to your pet’s mass.


Guinea pigs need water for survival. Like other mammals, your pet has to drink water to replenish the amount used for bodily processes.

Furthermore, their organs won’t work well without water, which might result in dehydration. This fluid lubricates the joints, helps regulate body temperature, and assists the kidneys in removing waste from the body. 

Water makes up approximately 90% of kiwi fruit. Given that guinea pigs require a lot of water, this fruit is abundant with it, which makes it a fantastic source of hydration.


Kiwi fruit is abundant with fiber. 

Dietary fiber is a vital nutrient for guinea pigs as it promotes a healthy digestive tract. It helps maintain the good bacteria in their stomach. This prevents it from damaging their stomach linings.

Additionally, fiber promotes easier digestion, which aids in managing weight gain. It also grinds your pet’s ever-growing teeth, which helps maintain its appropriate length.


Though they are herbivores, guinea pigs require a large amount of protein to sustain their growth. This nutrient serves as the foundation of bones and muscles and aids the maintenance of body cells.

Kiwi includes amino acid-containing proteins that benefit their health, specifically arginine. Guinea pigs need lots of this amino acid as it is essential to support optimal growth and enhance their blood circulation.


Potassium is present in kiwi fruit. This mineral is beneficial for your pet because it supports healthy organ function. This regulates blood circulation and ensures that their heart, kidneys, and lungs are properly working.

In addition, potassium supports nerve impulses, cellular processes, and other bodily activities. It also aids in regulating proper fluid levels in your pet’s body.

Providing your adorable guinea pigs with this mineral will help them avoid potassium deficiency. This condition results in an imbalance in cardiac activity and impairs their muscles.


Kiwi has small amounts of folate (also known as folic acid). This nutrient supports several biological processes, including the synthesis of DNA and red blood cells.

Folic acid is extremely important for your pet. Folate-deficient guinea pigs suffer from slower development, lethargy, and poor energy. Moreover, folate also affects the pregnancy of female guinea pigs along with Vitamin C.


Your guinea pig will benefit from the numerous vitamins kiwi contains.

The most abundant and notable of these vitamins is Vitamin C. Similar to humans, guinea pigs cannot generate this nutrient on their own. Thus, they must supplement it through their food. Vitamin C boosts their immune system, safeguarding their body from infections and diseases.

This fruit also has Vitamin A, which is beneficial for their eyesight. In addition, kiwis also include Vitamin B6, which helps sustain their nerve system and brain. 

Furthermore, the Vitamin E included in kiwis also protects their cells and muscles. And its Vitamin K helps blood clot and shortens the time needed to heal wounds.

Other Minerals

Kiwi fruit also includes various minerals. A few examples of these are iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc. These minerals are vital for your pet to maintain several bodily processes, including reproduction, nutrition absorption, and optimal development.

Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Your pet would also benefit from the antioxidants in this fruit. These defend their cells from the oxidative harm brought on by free radicals. In addition, research shows that kiwi fruit has anti-inflammatory properties which help lessen swelling, irritation, and pain.

What Makes Kiwi Fruit Bad For Guinea Pigs?

Kiwis may be a healthy fruit, but it is not a good idea to overfeed your guinea pig. The following are some potential health complications your pet may encounter if you give them kiwi fruits excessively.


You should not feed kiwi regularly to your guinea pig because it contains sugar. Although lower in sugar content than other fruits, it will be troublesome when consumed in excess. This might result in dental issues and diarrhea.

Sugar is also quite addicting. Hence, you should be careful in giving your pet this fruit so that you would not disrupt their appetite. You also need to be extra wary of diabetes brought by their inability to metabolize excessive amounts of sugar.


Your guinea pig may want more kiwis if they become used to eating it frequently. Thus, this might result in uncontrollable weight gain. 

The lifespan of obese guinea pigs is shorter as they are more likely to experience heart and liver issues. Therefore, you should limit your pet’s kiwi consumption to prevent problems.

Urinary Tract Stones

Kiwi is high in calcium. Despite it not being toxic, this might result in hypercalcemia

This might cause them to develop calcium deposits in their urinary tract which will make peeing difficult and painful. Hence, they will need immediate medical attention to have these stones treated. As such, be extra careful of feeding your pet kiwi to avoid this issue.

What Would Happen If Your Guinea Pig Ate Kiwi Fruit?

It is unlikely that kiwi will cause your pet adverse reactions. This doesn’t contain any poisonous compounds that may harm your pet. However, if you’re still unsure whether your pet can tolerate this fruit, watch out for the following symptoms and contact their veterinarian if necessary:

  • Rashes
  • Sneezing
  • Watery Eyes
  • Constant Scratching
  • Diarrhea

How to Give Kiwi Fruit To Guinea Pigs

Not all guinea pigs will like the flavor of this fruit. If your pet is one of the non-picky ones, it is preferable to peel the kiwi fruit before giving it to them. 

The seeds are also nontoxic and too small to pose a choking hazard, so there is no need to be concerned about removing those.

Furthermore, you should slice the kiwi fruit into tiny portions. Guinea pigs should only consume fruits very rarely (a few times a week). Overfeeding them with kiwis will result in health complications. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Kiwi Fruit Every Day?

No, you shouldn’t give your guinea pig kiwi every day.

This fruit may be healthy, but your pet should also get their recommended diet. They should consume assorted fruits and vegetables to prevent developing a preference.

Additionally, this fruit includes sugar, which might be problematic when consumed frequently. It is recommended to give your guinea pig kiwi fruit no more than twice a week (non-consecutive days).

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Kiwi Skin?

You should not feed kiwi skin to your pet guinea pig.

We don’t suggest that your pet’s sensitive digestive system consume the fuzzy skin of this fruit. Hence, it is recommended for you to peel the kiwi before feeding it to your pet. 

Even though it’s packed with nutrients, your pet might choke on it because of its rough texture. Additionally, it may have residues of pesticides that are hard to remove even after thorough washing.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Kiwi Seeds?

Yes, kiwi seeds are safe for your pet! 

You don’t need to worry as it is completely edible and free of any potentially toxic substances. Besides, it is too tiny and soft to be a choking threat. Still, it is advisable to be at your pet’s side while they are eating kiwi with seeds and be alert for possible issues.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Dried Kiwi Fruit?

Unfortunately, you should not give dried kiwi fruit to your pet guinea pig. Despite the fruit being safe for your pet, dried kiwi fruit may not have the softness it once had. Hence, it may cause choking. It is also heavily coated with sugar, which is highly inadvisable for your pet.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Gold Kiwi Fruit?

Yes, golden kiwi fruit is also safe for your guinea pig.

Compared to regular kiwi, this has softer skin and fewer seeds. Additionally, it is healthier for your pet as it has more Vitamin C.

This, however, also contains a lot of sugar and calcium. Make sure to limit how many golden kiwi fruits your pet consumes to avoid problems, just like you would with green kiwis.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Kiwi Berries?

Yes, kiwi berries are completely safe for your guinea pig.

These are like tiny kiwis with skin that are also edible. Its nutritional value is on par with regular kiwi fruit, making it a nutritious treat for your pet.

But make sure to choose smaller kiwi berries to prevent them from blocking your pet’s airway. Additionally, wash it well and limit how many kiwi berries your pet consumes.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Kiwi Leaves?

Kiwi leaves are edible. However, it’s not advisable to feed them to your pet. 

Aside from possible remnants of toxic pesticides, it also has high calcium content that might result in kidney stones. Therefore, it is advised to avoid feeding kiwi leaves to your pet.

Conclusion: Can Guinea Pigs Eat Kiwi?

Like other pets such as dogs, guinea pigs can definitely eat kiwi! This fruit is perfectly safe for your pet and provides several health benefits. Kiwis are especially rich in vitamins (particularly Vitamin C) and essential minerals. Furthermore, this fruit contains additional benefits for your pet as it contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities.

However, you shouldn’t feed your guinea pig too many kiwis. This contains sugar, which can ruin their teeth and affect their appetite. Additionally, this fruit has a lot of calcium, which could cause a build-up of calcium deposits in their kidneys. 

Pets are extremely reliant on their owners. Hence, even though kiwi is safe, pay attention to how much you will give to your guinea pig. This way, they could savor its refreshing taste without worrying about potential complications.

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