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Can Hamsters Eat Apples?

Because of the vitamins and minerals it contains, it’s easy to see why “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Apples are essential to maintain and improve human health, but does the fruit have the same effect on hamsters? Should you add the fruit to your pets’ diets?

The good news is that you can give your hamsters apples. As long as given in moderation (one slice of apple per week), your hamsters can also enjoy several health benefits from the fruit, such as:

Lowers Diabetes Risk

Similar to humans, your hamsters can also experience type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Diabetic pets are at risk of developing long-term complications, such as lower urinary tract infections and low blood potassium. 

Giving your hamsters apples can lower their risk of diabetes as apples contain healthy levels of antioxidants. Antioxidants function by protecting the body against several chronic illnesses, namely diabetes. 

Improves Heart Health

Thanks to their soluble fiber content, apples are also known to reduce cholesterol levels among hamsters. The antioxidants found in this fruit, particularly polyphenol, can lower bad cholesterol and blood pressure. 

Supports Good Bone Health

Your hamsters need strong bones—how else can they play in their hamster wheel? Apples can increase the bone density of your hamsters and can keep their bones strong. 

Supports Healthy Immune System

The susceptibility of your hamsters to illnesses depends on their immune system. The stronger their immune systems are, the easier it’ll be for their bodies to fight off infections. 

Apples have vitamin C, which can boost the immune system of your hamsters. Vitamin C encourages the production of phagocytes, which can protect your hamsters’ bodies from infections. 

Improves Gut Health

Fiber is necessary to maintain good gut health. Insoluble fiber helps move food through the digestive system easily and prevents constipation. Soluble fiber, on the other hand, slows digestion, allowing pets to feel fuller for longer periods. 

Apple contains insoluble and soluble fiber, which is why you should include the fruit in your pets’ diets. Make sure to give them some apple skin as well, as this is packed with insoluble fiber.  

What Are The Risks When Giving Hamsters Too Many Apples?

Apples are highly nutritious but giving too many to your pets can do more harm than good. Overfeeding your hamsters with too many apples in one sitting can be very risky because of the following reasons:

Apples Contain Too Much Sugar

Apples naturally have high levels of natural sugar. One medium-sized apple contains about 19 grams of sugar. And while this amount of sugar isn’t a cause for concern for humans, it can be very dangerous for hamsters. This is the reason why your hamsters should only have apples once a week. 

Apple Seeds Are Toxic

Because of its amygdalin content, apple seeds should never be given to your hamsters. When chewed, damaged, or digested, the amygdalin turns into hydrogen cyanide, which can be toxic when taken in large amounts. 

Cyanide blocks the oxygen supply of the cells and causes death among hamsters within minutes. The amount of cyanide found in apple seeds is harmless to humans, but since hamsters are smaller, consuming these seeds can be very deadly to them. 

Lack Of Adequate Nutrition

Although healthy, feeding your hamsters apples every day isn’t enough to maintain or improve their overall wellness. The bulk of your hamsters’ diet should be commercially-made food pellets and freshwater, not apples alone. 

When you give too many apples to your hamster, you’re preventing them from getting the nutrition their bodies need. Hamsters are small, and feeding them with apples all the time will keep them full, making it difficult for them to consume other healthy foods. 

How Do You Properly Feed Apples To Your Hamsters?

As mentioned, you should only feed your hamsters with one slice of apple every week. This should be sliced into smaller chunks to prevent your hamsters from choking. Place some pieces of apples inside their cages and observe as your hamsters nibble on these nutritious and delicious snacks.

Can You Serve Apples To Your Hamsters In Other Ways?

One of the easiest ways to feed your hamsters apples is to cut the fruit into thin, bite-sized portions. However, this isn’t your only serving option available. If you want your hamsters’ snack time more fun, take a look into the following serving options:

Make A Shake

Blend a small piece of a banana, an apple, Greek yogurt, and oats together and serve it in a cup or small bowl. This is a filling snack packed with essential vitamins and minerals for your hamsters!

Shred It

If you’re worried that your hamsters will choke on the apple, shred the fruit instead. Shredding produces smaller, finer fruit slices that are easy to chew and digest for your hamsters. 

When it comes to the type of apples you give to your hamsters, look for ones that are organic. Organic apples are healthier for your hamsters as they have lesser pesticide residues.

After buying organic apples, wash them thoroughly using a mixture of vinegar and water. Soak the fruits into the mixture for above five minutes and then rinse using cold water. Once the apples have dried, cut a slice and inspect to ensure that it doesn’t have any seeds. 

Can Hamsters Eat Apple Skins?

As long as it’s organic and washed properly, you can definitely feed some apple skins to your hamsters. Apple skins contain the same nutrients as apple fruit. 

Can Hamsters Eat Apple Cores?

You can feed your hamsters apple cores. Just make sure that the seeds are thoroughly removed from the cores and stick to the quantity this article recommends. 

How About Apple Juice?

Although apple juice is made from apples, this product contains tons of additives and preservatives, which can cause diarrhea and vomiting to your hamsters. Apple juice doesn’t have the nutrients of apple fruit and contains too much sugar. 

Stay on the safe side and don’t give your hamsters drink apple juice. This drink might be refreshing to humans but can have serious risks when given to pets. 

Can Hamsters Eat Dried Apples?

No, hamsters should never eat dried apples. Dried apples are preserved by adding a lot of sugar, which can cause weight gain in your hamsters. Dried apples are also sticky and can get stuck on the mouth of your hamsters.

Work With Your Vet

Is this your first time adding fruits to your hamsters’ diet? Worried that your hamsters will be at risk of many health issues when you let them eat apples? Before changing your hamsters’ diets, reach out to a vet. They can provide pieces of advice to help you incorporate the fruit into your pets’ diets without compromising their health and safety. 

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