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Can Hamsters Eat Blueberries?

When you love someone, you’d want to share all the great things you experience in life—and this includes the food you consume daily. If you have hamsters at home, you’ll likely want to share every meal with them, including fruits. Besides, pets deserve to be spoiled, right?

When it comes to blueberries, the good news is you can give some to your hamsters. As long as given in moderation (approximately one teaspoon of blueberry for adult hamsters), your pets can enjoy the following health benefits from the fruit:

Vitamin C

Even if your hamsters are staying at home, they are still at risk of developing different illnesses. If you want to protect your hamsters and ensure that they remain healthy, giving them blueberries can help. 

Blueberries are excellent sources of vitamin C that can help boost your hamsters’ immune system function and improve their ability to heal. Vitamin C is also responsible for supporting healthy tissues in your hamster.


Blueberries also contain manganese. This mineral is necessary to produce energy and metabolize carbohydrates and proteins in your pets’ bodies. Manganese also plays a crucial role in the maintenance of the bones and cartilages of your hamsters.


Just like humans, your hamsters can also suffer from digestive tract issues. For one, hamsters are at risk of diarrhea, which can result in dehydration when left untreated. 

Giving blueberries to your hamsters is a great way to keep their guts healthy. Blueberries are packed with fiber that promotes healthy digestive functions and reduces the risks of heart diseases. 


As your hamsters’ age, their bodies will be more susceptible to various illnesses and diseases. Fortunately, blueberries are rich in antioxidants that can protect your hamsters from the negative effects of aging. Antioxidants can also reduce your hamsters’ risks of cancer. 


When diagnosed with high blood pressure, your hamsters can become dehydrated as their bodies lose fluid at an alarming rate. When this happens, your hamsters’ brains can’t function properly, which can lead to coma and seizures.

Feeding your hamsters with blueberries is a great way to regulate their blood sugar levels. Studies show that blueberries have the ability to improve insulin sensitivity in the body, keeping your pets’ sugar levels under control. 

Are There Are Risks To Feeding Too Many Blueberries?

As a pet owner, you should pay attention to the number of blueberries you feed to your hamsters. Yes, these fruits are healthy, but giving them too many can cause several health risks, such as:


Blueberries contain sugar, and giving your hamsters an excessive amount of this fruit can increase their risk of diabetes. This health condition can cause loss of appetite, inactivity, hair loss, diarrhea, and wetness around the tail. Diabetes can also shorten the life expectancy of your pets. 


Because of its sugar content, feeding your hamsters with a lot of blueberries can cause obesity. Obese hamsters are at higher risk of severe health conditions, namely respiratory problems, osteoarthritis, and cardiovascular diseases. Being overweight can also adversely impact the overall well-being of your pets.

Nutritional Problems

Your hamsters need to consume a complete, balanced diet every day. If you feed them too many blueberries in one day, their bodies will no longer have enough room for other foods. This can result in nutritional problems and might even prevent their bodies from functioning properly. 

Can Hamsters Eat Blueberries Every Day?

Although blueberries are packed with many vitamins and minerals, you should never give this fruit every day to your hamsters. Blueberries should only be given as treats or desserts, not meals to your pets.

Can Hamsters Eat Blueberry Muffins?

Blueberry muffins are healthy and delicious treats for humans. However, this doesn’t mean that you should allow your hamsters to gorge on this dessert the same way you do. 

As long as given in small quantities (crumbs), blueberry muffins are generally safe for hamsters. Just make sure that you give this snack in moderation, as blueberry muffins contain unhealthy levels of sugar and carbohydrates. 

Can Hamsters Drink Blueberry Juice?

Although made from blueberry fruits, you should never let your hamsters drink blueberry juice. The nutrients from the fruits are often taken out to produce fruit juices. Moreover, blueberry juices contain too much sugar, additives, and preservatives, which can take a toll on your hamsters’ health. 

How About Blueberry Jams?

Similar to blueberry juices, blueberry jams also have unhealthy levels of sugar. In fact, tons of sugar are added to blueberries to preserve the fruit and produce jams. These products also lack vitamins and nutrients that are naturally present in fresh blueberry fruits. 

Can Hamsters Eat Frozen Blueberries?

Frozen blueberries can be a choking hazard to hamsters, so never give any to your pets. Stick to using frozen blueberries in your smoothies, so you and your pets can stay healthy. 

Can Hamsters Eat Blueberry Leaves?

Hamsters can feast on blueberry leaves as these contain more antioxidants than the actual fruit. But because blueberry leaves aren’t as tasty as the fruit, don’t expect that your pets will immediately love nibbling on them.

How Can You Properly Introduce Blueberries To Your Hamsters’ Diets?

When feeding your hamsters with blueberries, start by looking for high-quality fruits. Only feed your pets with blueberries with smooth and unbroken skin. Make sure that the fruit is dry, plump, and firm, as these indicate the quality of the blueberries.

Once you have these blueberries, soak them in a mixture of vinegar and water for five minutes. Then, rinse them with cold water and slice them into bite-sized portions. Never give your blueberries whole, as this will cause them to choke. 

Are There Any Other Tips To Remember When Giving Blueberries To Hamsters For The First Time?

If your hamsters aren’t used to eating fruits, keep a close eye after feeding them with blueberries. Wait for 48 hours and assess if your hamsters show symptoms, such as diarrhea and vomiting. If they do, remove blueberries from their diets and visit your vet as soon as possible.

Some hamsters have sensitive food allergies, and if your hamsters are one of them, expect that they’ll exhibit several symptoms when you change their diets. 

On the other side of the coin, if your hamsters remain energetic and happy even after feeding them with blueberries, congratulations! This shows that your hamsters aren’t allergic to blueberries, and you can continue to incorporate the fruit into their diets. 

Your Vet’s Advice Matters

The diet you provide to your pets can significantly affect their health and wellness, which is why you should be careful about the foods you give them. Making drastic changes to your hamsters’ diets can actually do more harm than good. 

Before introducing blueberries to your hamsters’ diets, talk to their vet first. Ask if you need to follow certain dos and don’ts when feeding them the fruit. With the vet’s help, you can easily add blueberries to your hamsters’ diet without causing any symptoms.  

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