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Can Hamsters Eat Cherries?

If you have hamsters at home, the idea of sharing every meal with them is likely a common thought. You want to give your hamsters the finer things in life — and that includes letting them enjoy all of the delicious meals you’re getting, right?

If you’re thinking of sharing cherries with your hammies, good news! Cherries are generally safe for your hamsters and provide tons of health benefits, namely:


Cherries contain high levels of antioxidants that can protect your hamsters from the effects of aging and reduce their risks of developing cancer. Antioxidants also neutralize the impact of chronic inflammation in your hamsters’ bodies. 

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is essential to the health and wellness of your hamsters. By having sufficient levels of vitamin C in their bodies, your hamsters will have a stronger immune system. As a result, they’ll be protected against common infections and diseases. 


Potassium found in cherries can help regulate the blood pressure of your hamsters. This will reduce your hamsters’ risk of hypertension and help maintain their cardiovascular health. 

Dietary Fiber

Cherries also contain dietary fiber that can soften your hamsters’ stool and reduce their risk of constipation and diarrhea. Having dietary fiber in the body ensures that your hamsters’ digestive tract stays healthy. 

What Are The Health Risks Of Overfeeding Your Hamsters With Too Many Cherries?

When it comes to giving your hamsters human food, moderation is the key. Giving your hamsters too much cherry, especially in one sitting, can lead to several health risks, namely:


Do you know that hamsters can also suffer from diabetes? When you give your hamsters too much cherry, you’re increasing their risk of developing the disease. 

Diabetes can shorten the lifespan of your hamsters and make them susceptible to other chronic illnesses, such as eye, kidney, and nerve damage. 


Cherries contain sugar, and feeding too many to your hamsters can lead to excessive weight gain and obesity. This can dramatically shorten the lifespan of your hammies.

Nutritional Deficiencies

Hamsters are small and get full quickly. When you feed them too many cherries, you’re preventing your hamsters from eating other nutritional foods that are essential for them to stay healthy. Over time, this can cause nutritional dependencies and can become the reasons why your hamsters grow weak and malnourished. 

Digestive Issues

Hamsters don’t have the same metabolic processes as humans and will require more time to digest fruits, such as cherries. Giving large quantities of cherries to your hamsters might upset their stomachs, resulting in diarrhea and constipation. 

How Many Cherries Should Hamsters Eat?

The amount of cherries you give to your hamsters depends on their age. Baby hamsters should never be given any cherries as their bodies are not yet fully developed to eat fruits. Baby hamsters rely on their mother’s milk, and feeding fruit of any kind will only upset their stomachs. 

As for adult hamsters, you can feed them one small cherry or half of a large cherry. If you’re introducing the fruit to their diets for the first time, start by giving them small portions and then gradually increase the amount as you go along. 

How Often Should You Give Cherries To Your Hamsters?

Cherries should be given as occasional treats or snacks no more than twice a week to your hamsters. It’s also important not to give your hamsters too many cherries on the same day to ensure that they can still consume other types of fruits. 

When giving cherries to your hamsters for the first time, wait at least 12 hours to see if they develop any symptoms, such as lethargy and diarrhea. If they do, stop giving your hamsters cherries. If your hamsters don’t exhibit any symptoms, you can make cherries a part of their weekly diets. 

Can Hamsters Eat Cherry Pits?

No, cherry pits contain cyanide, which is poisonous and potentially lethal in hamsters. Because of their size, cherry pits can also become a choking hazard for hamsters. Stay on the safe side, and remove all the cherry pits before feeding the fruit to your pets. 

Can Hamsters Eat Cherry Tree Branches Or Tree Leaves?

No, you should never give cherry tree branches and leaves to your hamsters. Yes, hamsters love to nibble, but tree branches and leaves are exposed to different elements outside, and feeding them any amount can result in health risks. 

How About Cherry Juice?

No, your hamsters should never be given any amount of cherry juice. This product contains high levels of additives and preservatives, which can be harmful to your hamsters. Moreover, nutrients from the fruit are often removed from cherry juices. 

Can Hamsters Eat Frozen Canned Cherries? 

No, you should never give your hamsters frozen canned cherries. This product has high sugar content, which can trigger excessive weight gain and obesity in your hamsters. Frozen canned cherries are also tough to chew for hamsters and can become a choking hazard. 

Can Hamsters Eat Dried Cherries?

No, your hamsters should never eat dried cherries. Dried cherries contain a lot of sugar that can trigger obesity in your hamsters. Dried cherries are also very sticky and can get stuck on your hamsters’ cheek pouches. 

Can Hamsters Eat Sour Cherries?

No, you shouldn’t offer sour cherries to your hamsters. These cherries can cause digestive issues in your hamsters. Keep in mind that hamsters aren’t used to consuming anything that’s too sour, unlike humans! 

How About Cherry Pie?

No, your hamsters should never have cherry pie, even just a slice. Cherry pie contains excessive amounts of added sugar that can harm your hamsters. Save your cherry pie to yourself and let your pets enjoy fresh cherries instead. 

How Can You Make Sure That The Cherries Are Safe For Your Hamsters?

Before serving cherries to your hamsters, thoroughly wash them first. It’s best if you wash or scrub the fruits under running water to remove germs and other residues from the skin. Never clean your cherries with soap or detergent, as this can only cause more harm to your hamsters. 

After washing, wipe the cherries and don’t add any extra toppings. You might like eating your cherries with sugar or salt, but adding the same before serving them to your hamsters can lead to several health risks. Moreover, make sure to remove the stone from the cherries before giving the fruit to your hamsters as it can become a choking hazard. 

Work With A Vet ASAP

As a pet owner, it’s your responsibility to feed safe and healthy foods to your hamsters. Adding the wrong food or giving them the wrong quantity can have detrimental effects on their wellness. 

If you want to be cautious and ensure that your hamsters stay healthy as you’re feeding them cherries, consult a vet first. They can help you incorporate the fruit into your hamsters’ diet and lessen your pets’ risks to any side effects. 

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