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Can Hamsters Eat Strawberries?

Strawberries are a favorite snack in many households. This sweet fruit is known to provide several health benefits, namely increasing good cholesterol in the body, protecting the heart, and lowering blood pressure. But will your hamsters enjoy the same benefit from the fruit?

The short answer to the question posted in this article is yes—you can feed your adult hamsters with strawberries but in moderation. By giving your hamsters a small strawberry (a quarter of a teaspoon in size), they can enjoy the following health benefits:

Antioxidants to reduce inflammation in the body

Inflammation is the response of your pet’s body when foreign intruders, such as bacteria and germs, are detected. However, chronic inflammation can cause severe symptoms to your hamsters, namely dehydration, diarrhea, weight loss, and a bloated abdomen. 

Studies show that strawberries contain high levels of antioxidants that can reduce chronic inflammation among pets. Antioxidants work by protecting the tissues from damage thus, preventing unwanted inflammatory responses in your pet’s body. 

Vitamins to improve bodily functions

Similar to humans, hamsters also need several vitamins to function properly. By feeding them with strawberries in moderation, you can help meet this requirement as strawberries contain healthy levels of vitamin C. Vitamin C is crucial for your hamster’s health as it boosts their immune system and protects them from various infections and diseases. 

Strawberries also contain vitamin B, which can counter the effects of stress among hamsters. This vitamin also improves metabolism and regulates energy levels. 

Regulates blood sugar to lower risk against diabetes

Do you know that your hamsters can also suffer from diabetes? Studies show that Chinese hamsters can actually get diabetes at some point in their lives and experience symptoms ranging from mild to severe. 

Feeding your hamsters with strawberries is a great way to protect them against diabetes. Strawberries may regulate glucose metabolism and glucose levels in the bloodstream, keeping your pet’s blood sugar levels healthy. 

Fiber to maintain and improve digestive health

A healthy digestive system can provide several health benefits to your hamsters, including optimal nutrient absorption, better immune health, and healthier skin and coats. Since your hamsters can absorb nutrients from their food, healthy digestive health also means better vitality and more energy. 

One way to maintain or improve the digestive health of your hamsters is by feeding them with strawberries. This fruit has high levels of fiber, which can help move food through their digestive systems and prevent constipation. 

How Can You Serve Strawberries To Adult Hamsters?

To keep your hamsters safe and healthy, only add high-quality strawberries into their diets. The fruit should look bright, smell sweet, and feel firm. Never give your hamster strawberries that are discolored or wrinkly, as this can upset their stomach and cause other symptoms. 

Once you’ve found high-quality strawberries, soak these in a mixture of water and vinegar to remove any debris, dirt, and pesticide from the surface. Let the fruits soak for at least five minutes, and then rinse using cold tap water.

Dry the fruits and cut these into bite-sized pieces. Remember, you should never feed your hamsters with more than one teaspoon of strawberry every week. 

What Happens When You Give Hamsters Too Many Strawberries?

As mentioned, you need to pay attention to the number of strawberries you feed to your hamsters. Allowing them to consume too many strawberries in a week can lead to many health issues, namely:


Strawberries contain acid that can irritate the membranes in your hamster’s digestive tract when taken in large amounts. This can dehydrate the hamsters’ bodies and even trigger stomach ulcers, gastritis, and other health problems. 


When hamsters have high sensitivity to food, they can eventually develop allergies once their diets are altered. This can cause hamsters to scratch excessively, have problems with breathing, and produce discharges from the eyes or nose. 

Damage the kidney

Because strawberries contain 90% potassium and water, taking these in large quantities causes a diuretic effect. If your hamsters’ kidneys can’t cope with the heavy load, their kidneys will be damaged. In worse cases, the diuretic effect taking place in their bodies can be fatal and cause death. 

Can Baby Hamsters Eat Strawberries?

The body of a baby hamster is still developing and might not be able to properly digest the sugar content of strawberries. In fact, feeding strawberries to baby hamsters might cause internal issues, which can impair their growth and development. 

Wait until your hamsters fully develop (usually by the age of 12 weeks) before giving them strawberries. By this time, their bodies can already digest strawberries and absorb all of the fruit’s vitamins and minerals.

Can Hamsters Eat Dried Strawberries?

Strawberries come in different forms today, and it’s crucial to determine what form your hamsters can or cannot eat. Just because giving strawberry fruits (in moderation) is safe for your hamsters doesn’t mean that you should incorporate various strawberry products in their diets. 

As for dried strawberries, the answer is no—you can’t feed your hamsters with dried strawberries. Dried fruits contain unhealthy levels of sugar, which can cause problems with your hamsters’ oral health and even lead to weight gain. Too much sugar can also put your hamsters at risk of diabetes. 

Can Hamsters Eat Strawberry Jelly Or Jam?

Similar to dried fruits, strawberry jellies and jams also contain added sugar, preservatives, and spices. These can take a toll on your hamster’s health and trigger plenty of health conditions. 

How About Frozen Strawberries?

No, frozen strawberries are harder to chew and are actually a choking hazard among hamsters. You should never offer frozen strawberries to your hamsters regardless of the amount.

Or Strawberry Juice Or Soda?

Products derived from strawberries often contain unhealthy levels of sugar and other additives—and strawberry juices and sodas aren’t an exemption. These products are made by mixing different compounds into the fruit, which can be very unhealthy for your hamsters.

Stay on the safe side and only offer your hamsters fresh, high-quality strawberry fruits. This will put your mind at ease knowing that their diets are healthy and low in sugar. 

Can Hamsters Eat Strawberry Leaves?

As long as the leaves are washed properly, there’s no reason why your hamsters can’t enjoy nibbling on strawberry leaves. The texture of the stem isn’t too tough, making it easy for them to chew it. Just make sure that you’re nearby as your hamsters feast on strawberry leaves, as these can also become a choking hazard. 

Work With Your Vet

Feeding your hamsters with strawberries has pros and cons, so make sure to consider these when changing their diets. If you’re still hesitant, reach out to a veterinarian. They can provide you with pieces of advice on how to safely introduce strawberries to your hamsters’ diets. 

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