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Can Mice Eat Cheese?

Mice are very social animals, both with other mice and with humans. Although keeping these tiny rodents as pets is not as common, we share the same love for them. 

Besides, we are very wary of our pet mice as they could be very lax about what they eat. They also have the tendency to munch on non-food materials such as wood, papers, and electrical cables. Therefore, being cautious about what we give these tiny creatures is a way to protect them from potential danger.

We want to give them meals and treats that they enjoy and are harmless to them. As such, some delicacies, like chocolates, are safe in moderation, while others could be hazardous for them. As a pet parent, you might be wondering if cheese is indeed mice’s favorite treat. Can mice eat cheese? Should we feed it to them?

Can mice eat cheese, and is it safe for them?

Yes, cheese is safe for your mice to eat. This treat is not toxic to them, and you could feed them a few pieces. Although cheese is a harmless treat, it should not be their only source of nutrients.

Aside from this, your lovely pets may also be uninterested in eating cheese. They may prefer sweeter treats and dislike the scent of cheese. Hence, mice might like some varieties of cheese over others.

Furthermore, owners are advised to keep cheese away from rodents, as they may consume too much of it when hungry. 

Feeding your pets this treat is also not recommended as it provides very little nutritional value. Moreover, giving your mice too much cheese may upset their tummies and cause gastrointestinal problems.

What do mice eat?

Mice consume a wide range of foods. They eat both animal and plant-based produce since they are omnivorous creatures. Fruits, grains, and seeds are the staples of their diet. But, they prefer sweet and carbohydrate-rich treats.

They’re also opportunistic feeders. This means that they can adapt their diet to survive on the resources available to them. As a result, as long as they have access to water, they can survive on very little food. 

Is cheese mice’s favorite food?

In the Tom and Jerry cartoons, we’ve all seen Jerry indulge in Swiss cheese. Similarly, Shakespeare’s writings also included a depiction of a cheese-loving mouse. Contrary to what you may have seen in popular media, cheese isn’t actually their favorite.

If available, mice will eat any other food than cheese. It turns out that sweet foods are more appealing to them. Furthermore, they are generally repelled by the smell of cheese. They will, however, still eat cheese when starving.

The “cheese-loving mouse” myth has a cheesy origin. According to a theory, people used to hide grains and meats quite effectively in the past. Cheese, however, is not kept in the same secure manner. As a result, hungry mice resorted to eating cheese. This gave rise to the misconception that it is their favorite food.

Are cheese-flavored snacks safe for mice?

You can feed your mice other cheese snacks. However, they are most likely not interested in it as well. These snacks may also be high in sodium, which could endanger their health. 

Offering your pets too much of these might cause sodium imbalance. This could lead to kidney problems, urinary tract infections, and other health concerns. Hence, offer them only small quantities and also make sure to give them water.

Is cheese healthy for your mice?

Eating cheese may provide several health advantages. However, mice do not benefit as much from most of these nutrients. 

According to research, the calcium included in cheese does not affect the bone development of mice. Similarly, they did not gain any significant health benefits from vitamin D.

Although eating cheese offers relatively few health advantages for your mice, it is worth mentioning that some of these are still beneficial for them:


Mice require protein in their diet. Protein is a mineral vital in the growth and maintenance of your mice’s muscles.

Vitamin A

Cheese contains vitamin A, which may help your mice’s vision. It is also necessary for preventing vitamin A deficiency, which causes eye difficulties, and weakens their immune system.

Vitamin B12

Cheese also has significant vitamin B12 content. This is essential for their reproductive health and overall development.

Vitamin K

Cheese also contains vitamin K. A study has indicated the importance of this nutrient in your mice’s diets. This aids in faster wound healing by reducing the time it takes for blood to clot.

Is cheese bad for your mice?

Although cheese is generally safe for your mice, there are some circumstances when it could be problematic for them:

Some mice are lactose intolerant.

Aside from having a low preference for dairy items, some post-weaned mice may also be lactose intolerant.

Lactose intolerance is the inability to process lactose without experiencing digestive problems. Any animal, including mice, could be affected by this condition. However, the belief that all mice are lactose intolerant is actually false.

Nonetheless, it is best to check with their veterinarians before feeding your mice dairy goods like cheese. Moreover, keep a close eye on how much of this treat they consume and be alert to possible adverse reactions.

Cheese contains high amounts of fat.

Depending on the variety, cheese can contain up to 33 percent fat. Thus, it isn’t exactly the healthiest treat to feed your mice.

Feeding your pets too much cheese may lead to obesity. This could result in serious medical conditions. As such, overweight mice have a higher risk of developing illnesses such as diabetes mellitus, fatty liver disease, and heart disease.

Thus, keep the amount of cheese you give your lovely pets to a few pieces. In addition, consider offering them low-fat or even fat-free cheeses.

Feeding your mice cheese may cause sodium imbalance.

Cheese also contains sodium. This substance is not completely toxic to your mice. In fact, it’s a mineral that they need in small doses. It also stimulates them to compensate by drinking more water, which is good for their digestion and overall health.

However, excessive sodium intake may cause health issues in your mice. Sodium imbalance may affect their cognitive abilities. It can also cause kidney and bladder problems, urinary tract infections, and weaken their immune system.

Having said that, some cheese types with lower sodium content are also available. Consider those options for your pets.

What should you give your pet mice instead?

Cheese may be harmless to your mice, but there are healthier alternatives that you might want to consider:

Commercial Mouse Food

There are foods and treats for your mice available for purchase. These include a blend of ingredients that have been specially formulated for optimal health.

Choose commercial mouse foods that don’t include additives and are made with healthy and organic ingredients. These could be available for purchase at your local pet store. There are also some available online. Some of the top-rated in Amazon are the ones from Tiny Friends Farm and Oxbow.

Homemade Mouse Food

If you are more meticulous with your pets’ food, it is best to make one yourself. A simple search on the internet shows a wide variety of mouse food mixes, such as this one from Woodgreen suggestion has received the most clicks from other mice owners.


Most fruits are safe for your mice, and they are also healthier. Still, practice moderation in feeding them this treat. Some fruits that you could give to your lovely pets are:

  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Pears
  • Oranges
  • Melon


Veggies are also a healthier addition to your mice’s diet. Not only are they beneficial in moderation, but mice adore crispy vegetables. Listed below are some examples of veggies that you could feed your pets:

  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Carrot
  • Cauliflower
  • Cucumber

Healthy Treats

You may also want to consider giving your mice other healthy treats. Some of these are:

  • Pasta (Cooked and Raw)
  • Sugarless cereals
  • A small portion of hard-boiled eggs
  • Dried mealworms
  • Dog biscuits

What would happen if my mice ate cheese?

Small amounts of cheese are generally safe for your mice. Hence, it is unlikely to cause adverse reactions in your adorable pets. Nonetheless, it is advised to check beforehand with their veterinarian.

Although, there may be instances when you’ve fed your mice cheese despite not knowing if it is suitable for them. In these cases, pay close attention to them and look for the following signs and symptoms:

  • Diarrhea
  • Panting
  • Scratching
  • Sneezing
  • Mucus on nose
  • Too much water intake

If your mice experience some of these symptoms, it is essential to get medical care. Take them to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

How to safely feed your mice cheese?

When it comes to their diet, our pets are heavily reliant on our decisions. As a result, owners must be cautious and responsible when choosing for them. Thus, keep in mind the following tips in feeding your mice cheese:

  • Check with their veterinarian first.
  • It is natural for your mice to dislike the smell of cheese. Try to select cheese types with a less pungent smell, such as ricotta and mild cheddar cheese.
  • It’s advised to feed them low-sodium and low-fat cheeses. Swiss cheese is one example, but sodium-free cheeses are also available. In addition, avoid giving your mice cheese with additives that could be toxic to them.
  • Feed your mice cheese in small bite sizes. Doing this will help you regulate how much cheese they eat and prevent them from consuming excessive amounts.
  • In addition, make sure to give them water. Mice will compensate for hydration after eating cheese. Hence, ensure that it is also available to them.
  • Do not give your mice cheese on a daily basis. This food should only be a treat offered on special occasions.

Conclusion: Can mice eat cheese?

Yes, your mice can eat cheese. In most cases, this food is harmless to them, but it is not healthy either. Nonetheless, you may continue offering them this food as long as it is kept as a treat and not their exclusive food for sustenance. 

Mice, in most cases, will also try to avoid cheese if other options are available, especially sweeter treats. The smell of cheese may also set them back. However, some would still enjoy eating cheese and other cheese-flavored snacks. In this case, you could give them these treats, but it is not advisable.

It is not recommended to feed them cheese because it offers little to no nutritional value. Additionally, too much cheese may be dangerous to them. These are high in fat, which could lead to obesity.

Some types of cheese may also have too much sodium. This could be detrimental to their brain and lead to issues with their kidneys, bladder, and immune system.

Therefore, while cheese may be a safe treat, it is best to avoid them. Other healthier options for your mice’s treats are also available. And, as owners, we only want the best for them. The myth of the cheese-loving mice may not be true, but your love for them is.

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