Home » Rabbits » Do Rabbits Eat Bleeding Heart Plants?

Do Rabbits Eat Bleeding Heart Plants?

Bleeding heart plant, heart flower, lady-in-a-bath, lyre flower, Asian bleeding-heart, or Lamprocapnos spectabilis (previously known as Dicentra spectabilis) is a flowering plant species belonging to the family Papaveraceae (poppy family) native to Northern China, Siberia, Japan, and Korea.

The pink and white heart-shaped flowers with a droplet like beneath that bloom in spring are what most gardeners and florists love. Will rabbits eat this plant, and is it safe for these animals?

Do Rabbits Eat Bleeding Heart Plant

No, rabbits don’t like the bleeding heart plant. They are unlikely to eat it since it is one of the plants that they tend to avoid, just as they avoid chives, catmint, alyssum, calendula, cleome, dahlias, dianthus, lavender, lamb’s ear, foxglove, among others.

Besides letting you know that rabbits don’t eat bleeding heart plant, you also deserve to know that all parts of this plant are toxic to bunnies, and contact with even some people result in skin irritation. Its toxicity is associated with isoquinoline-like alkaloids.

Therefore, ensure your rabbit doesn’t eat this ornamental plant and if they are fond of nibbling various things, consider exclusion and use of repellents or deterrents to keep them away.

Some of the toxicity signs may include abdominal discomfort, reduced appetite, diarrhea, lethargy, drooling, and so on. Talk to your vet for further diagnosis and treatment if you suspect your furry friend has eaten a lot of this plant.

More about heart flower

The bleeding heart can grow up to 47 inches tall, has fleshy green to a pinkish stem, lobed leaves, and its flower has outer petals that are bright fuchsia-pink while the inner ones are white.  

Finally, for its cultivation, you need a moist and cool climate. While it can grow in full sun, it requires shade if it’s warmer and drier.


Finally, rabbits don’t love plants that bloom during spring, including daffodils, fleabanes, bleeding hearts, crocus, violets, catmint, forget me not, iris, or hellebore. However, this doesn’t guarantee they will not nibble these plants given a chance or when they don’t have a choice.

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