Have you ever wondered whether you can give your pet bearded dragon a bath, or whether it can swim? You’re not alone!
Many beardie owners have often wondered whether these scaly creatures enjoy swimming in water, and whether it is good for them. With our guide, we can answer all of these questions for you!

What is a Bearded Dragon?
A bearded dragon, also known as a beardie, is one of the most popular lizards that are kept as pets in captivity. However, they are still wild animals and should be treated as such.
This is why it is so important to give your pet bearded dragon all the care and attention that they need to thrive and survive in captivity.
These small lizards are actually native to Australia, and can be found in rocky and arid regions in the countryside. In their natural habitats, bearded dragons can be found on branches, climbing up trees, or basking on rocks to stay cool.
In addition, the bearded dragon can be identified by its large triangular head, flat body and pointed ridges along its back and sides.
With spiny scales, these lizards are not very sharp or dangerous, and are actually very soft, flexible and gentle creatures.
It is for these reasons that they make wonderful pet reptiles, along with the fact that they do not grow very large or eat too much food. When bred in captivity, they can be very friendly, gentle and great additions to the home.
One of the biggest misconceptions about this species of reptile is that it is from the desert. Although it may look like it belongs on the hot sands of the Sahara, the bearded dragon is actually native to regions in Australia.
Because of this misconception, many people believe that bearded dragons are not natural swimmers, or that they are not able to swim, but this may not actually be the case.
Luckily, this guide will tell you everything you need to know about whether bearded dragons can swim, and which conditions are best for them to swim in!
Can Bearded Dragons swim?
Yes, bearded dragons can swim very well, and are actually very adept swimmers. Despite their small size, bearded dragons can swim perfectly, and are able to inflate themselves in order to float easier on the water.
In addition, whilst on the water, bearded dragons will move smoothly and swiftly in the water, with movements that are similar to when a crocodile swims.
Swimming is also a great way of exercising your bearded dragon, whilst also helping it digest its food and clear impaction problems.
Bearded dragons are surprisingly good swimmers, and can even swim in very deep waters without any issues.
However, they can tire quickly, and will need to rest, so they require easy ways to get in and out of the water, or constant supervision whilst swimming.
Do Bearded Dragons enjoy swimming?

It is hard to give a definitive answer to this question as all bearded dragons can be different, and have their own unique personalities.
Some will take very well to swimming, whereas others may not be as interested, and will prefer to bask in the sun instead.
It is for this reason that you should not ever force your bearded dragon into swimming, as it may want to bask rather than hop in the water. You have to be respectful of your bearded dragon, as it is a wild creature that has its own wants, needs and wishes.
If you do force your bearded dragon into the water, it can become stressed, anxious and unhappy. However, others will take very well to some encouragement, and will love getting into the water to relieve some stress and calm down.
To see which way your bearded dragon is inclined, you should try placing a large water bowl inside the tank or enclosure, and watch them to see if they seem interested in the water, or if they try to enter the water themselves.
In addition, if you leave the water bowl there everyday, your bearded dragon may feel interested in exploring the water, and start to swim for themselves.
Is it safe for Bearded Dragons to swim?
As long as the bearded dragon is not forced to swim, and the temperature is okay for the lizard, swimming is safe and very good for your bearded dragon. It can work as an excellent form of exercise, and help promote healthy bowel movements.
In addition, it can improve your bearded dragon’s wellbeing by creating a change of scenery for your bearded dragon. Some bearded dragons can become very bored, depressed or inactive when left in their enclosures for long periods of time.
By introducing some swimming or a pool to the tank, your bearded dragon can run around, explore and exercise, which will keep their brains engaged and minds active.
Bearded dragons can also gain weight very easily, as when kept in captivity, they do not have to work for their food. They may instead simply lay on a rock, bask and get very overweight. Swimming can assist with this, as it is a great form of exercise!
Is it good for Bearded Dragons to swim?
Yes, it can be good for bearded dragons to swim, as swimming can help ease impaction in bearded dragons. A bearded dragon can become impacted due to eating too much food or food that is too big for them to digest properly.
Some bearded dragons may suffer from this more than others, especially those who live in terrariums.
By taking part in a little swimming in some warm water, this should relax the bearded dragon, which will make it much easier for it to digest its food and defecate.
In addition to implementing swimming into your bearded dragon’s life, it may benefit from a gentle belly rub, as this can also move the process along.
On the other hand, if your bearded dragon gets impacted a lot, then it may be time to change its diet, or seek medical assistance.
Why you have to keep the water moving
Whilst it is safe for your bearded dragon to swim, and rather good for them, there is something that you must keep in mind. Bearded dragons cannot see still water, and they will not be able to gauge where the water is, unless you keep it moving.
You can do this by twiddling your fingers in the water, or swirling it around to show your bearded dragon where the water is exactly.
In addition, you can install a water dripper into the tank, so that water drips and creates a rippling effect in the water, which will help the bearded dragon see the water more clearly.
Frequently Asked Questions
Should Bearded Dragons swim in chlorine water?
Bearded dragons can swim in a pool with a low chlorine content, but not one with a high chlorine content as they may drink the water as they swim, which can be dangerous for them.
In addition to this, the chlorine in the water can dry out or damage the skin.
For the most part, a personal pool will not be too overly chlorinated, that you should not let your bearded dragon swim in it, and should be safe for your pet to use.
However, it may be a good idea to wash your bearded dragon in regular water afterwards to protect the skin from damage.
Can Bearded Dragons swim underwater?
The funny thing is that bearded dragons can inflate themselves with air to help them stay afloat in the water. However, they can also swim underwater for a little bit, but they cannot really deep dive in the water.
Can Bearded Dragons swim in the sea?
It is not advisable for bearded dragons to drink salt water, and so they should not really swim in the ocean. In addition, the sea can be very bumpy and rough, which can be dangerous for these small lizards, and pose the risk of drowning.
Do Bearded Dragons naturally swim?
Contrary to popular belief, bearded dragons do not reside in the desert, and can be found in wooded areas in Australia in the wild.
Therefore, they are used to being around water, and will feel at home swimming and bathing in nearby pools or bodies of water. However, they can swim very well, but are not natural born swimmers.
They can also swim in very deep water without any issues, but can tire quickly and so they will need a means of getting out of the water easily to rest.
Should Bearded Dragons swim in saltwater?
Bearded dragons are able to swim in salt chlorinated pools, but you should be careful that the chlorine content is not too high that it dries out their skin. Also, bearded dragons should not drink salt water as this is very unhealthy for them.
Should Bearded Dragons swim in a pool?
The answer to this question depends on what the pool is filled up with. For instance, bearded dragons should avoid pools that are filled with a lot of chlorine, as the high chlorine content can damage the skin, eyes and make them unwell.
If you have a pool in your backyard, then generally this should be okay as there will not be too many chemicals in it. Just make sure that you keep an eye on your bearded dragon, and be ready to take them out if they need to rest.
Should Bearded Dragons swim in cold water?
You should be careful when letting your bearded dragon swim, as cold water can lower the body temperature too fast. This could leave your bearded dragon struggling to swim, and they could be at risk of drowning.
This is why you need to be near your bearded dragon when it is swimming, or give it ample opportunities and ways of getting out of the water, so that it can warm up by basking.
In addition, you should not force your bearded dragon to swim, as it may need to bask instead. In these cases, making it go swimming can lower the temperature too much and threaten your bearded dragon’s health.
To summarize, bearded dragons are actually very good swimmers, and can do this in order to exercise, engage their minds and keep themselves active.
However, you should never force your bearded dragon to swim, and only allow them to swim if they seem naturally interested in it, or if they are very overweight.