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Causes and Dealing Demanding Cats

Besides being clingy or needy, your cat may be so demanding meaning they will want a lot of attention, time, and care in a way that implies that they feel they deserve it or are confident about getting it, i.e., they have a kind of entitlement at that cannot be pleased easily.

Usually, such kitties are often independent, pushy and self-confident and will only show their demanding behavior or become too manipulative when they need something which they are unable to get on their own.

While you are supposed to love and care for your feline friend, being overly demanding can be irking and obnoxious. In fact, it is the third most commonly complained cat behaviors besides urinating inappropriately or being aggressive.

Recognizing demanding cat behavior

Signs you may notice include:

Is your cat demanding
Is your cat demanding
  • Yowling and excessive vocalization when it’s time for them to eat or play if they have a regular schedule.
  • Disrupts anything you are doing including waking up in the morning or if you are are on your desk doing something by things such as meowing, pawing your face, yowling, kneading you, jumping onto your desk, and so.
  • Pawing you or meowing continuously until you pick him or her.
  • Jumping to your lap when you sit down.

When is this behavior so common?

You know the signs that you have a demanding cat. Some of the times when it is shown most include the following:

1. Food

When demanding food, you will see your fluffy friend meowing insistently on high pitches, staring at you, following you when you walk to the kitchen or where you normally keep his or her food. Some may sit near their feeding bowl.

2. Attention

When they want attention, they may meow excessively, keep staring at you, paw your leg or arm, knock things down or walk around your legs.

Also, some may jump onto you, your working desk or where they are not usually allowed as well as it directly in front of you, wait for you outside the door or show inappropriate scratching behaviors, among other things.

3. Petting

When your cat is demanding for petting, it is normal for your kitty to stare at you, rub you, walk around your legs, staring at you and making body contacts.

You need to properly interpret these signs and ensure you know how to pet your kitty. Otherwise, some doing it wrongly may backfire.

Are there demanding cat breeds?

There are obviously feline breeds that require much attention and those that do not. In the case of them being demanding the Siamese is often considered bossy and quite vocal.

On the other hand, some breeds such as Sphynx has a reputation of wanting to affect and sometimes being needy.

However, whereas they may be of the same breed, their temperate may vary depending on their upbringing and other factors.

Dealing with demanding kitties

The best way to handle such kitties is positive reinforcement. For instance, when yowling, jumping onto your desk or your chest uninvited, pick and move him or her gently and ignore him or her completely. However, do not shout or roughly push your cat or kick him.

In some situations, such as meowing or scratching your door when the door is already closed and you want to sleep or you have just gotten into your bathroom, learn to ignore him or her.

Learn to repeat the same actions and only give rewards such as snacks, pets, snuggles once she or he calms down.

Secondly, being consistent and repeating the same action will help reinforce positive behavior as well as help your feline friend know what to expect.

A cold shoulder is necessary for dealing with demanding kitties. However, this should not be the same treatment to a needy or clingy cat as they often feel insecure and need reassurance.

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