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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Celery?

Celery is a pretty versatile vegetable. It can be eaten raw, cooked, juiced, or even used as decoration. It’s excellent for salads, stir-fries, and soups. 

You might have wondered if you can add this tasty and crunchy veggie to your beardie’s diet. Bearded dragons are omnivores that require both plants and insects in their diet. 

Indeed, something as healthy and nutritious as Celery must be good for them, right? It’s also composed of water, so it must also be an excellent way to hydrate your dragon. 

But can bearded dragons eat Celery?

Yes, Celery is entirely safe for your bearded dragon. However, some restrictions and conditions need to be met for it to be a part of a healthy diet.

Celery is one of the veggies that bearded dragons love to eat? That’s right! It’s not just a human thing. Celery is one of the most popular vegetables among these reptiles.

The nutritional value is also suitable as a supplementary type of food. Celery is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals that you’ll want to have for your bearded dragon.

However, Celery should only be fed to your bearded dragon in moderation. It shouldn’t be a staple food for your bearded dragon. 

But why is this the case? Let’s delve deeper and learn more about why you should only feed Celery to your bearded dragon now and then.

What Is Celery?

Celery is a vegetable that is part of the Umbelliferae family. This family also includes other vegetables such as carrots, parsley, and fennel. 

The most popular type of Celery is the Pascal celery. It has rich green leaves and a pale, greenish-white stalk. Celery is typically eaten raw or used as a flavoring agent in soups and stews.

Celery is a good source of nutrients. It’s also low in calories and fat. This makes it a great vegetable not just for humans but bearded dragons as well!

A cup of chopped Celery contains 14 calories, less than a gram of protein and fat, 3 grams of carbohydrates, 1.6 grams of fiber, and a gram of sugar. Celery is a good source of Vitamin A, C, and K and minerals such as potassium and folate.

Celery also contains several types of antioxidants, such as flavonoids and luteolin. These are important because they help to protect cells in the body from damage. 

Is Celery Safe For Bearded Dragons?

Yes, Celery is perfectly safe for bearded dragons to eat. It’s a great vegetable to add to their diet because of its nutritional value.

However, you should only feed Celery to your bearded dragon in moderation. This is because Celery is high in oxalates, which can bind with calcium and cause kidney stones.

Oxalates are found in most vegetables and fruits. However, some vegetables, such as spinach and rhubarb, have higher levels of oxalates than others. Celery falls into this category as well.

This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t feed Celery to your bearded dragon. You should include Celery in your bearded dragon’s diet as a minor component. Just don’t make it a staple food, as the oxalate will offset any nutritional value that Celery brings to the table.

Can Celery Poison Your Bearded Dragon?

No, Celery cannot poison your bearded dragon. Celery is not toxic to these reptiles and is safe to add to your beardie’s diet.

The only problem with Celery is the oxalic acid content. If your bearded dragon overeats it, the oxalic acid will bind with calcium in its body and could cause kidney stones and other health problems.

But as long as you feed Celery to your bearded dragon in moderation, there’s no need to worry about it poisoning them. But, again, it should only be a small portion of your bearded dragon’s diet.

Health Benefits of Celery to Bearded Dragons

Good Calcium-To-Phosphorus Ratio

Bearded dragons need both calcium and phosphorus for growth and development. However, content-wise, the latter should not exceed the former.

If your bearded dragon doesn’t get enough calcium or gets too much phosphorus, it can develop a condition known as metabolic bone disease. This is a painful and potentially fatal condition that can cause paralysis.

Celery is a great vegetable to add to your bearded dragon’s diet because it has an excellent calcium-to-phosphorus ratio. This means that your beardie can easily absorb the calcium from Celery without having to worry about the phosphorus binding with it.

Aids In Digestion

Celery is a good source of fiber. This helps to promote a healthy digestive system. Fiber also helps to regulate bowel movements and can prevent constipation.

Bearded dragons are prone to digestive problems, so adding Celery to their diet can be beneficial.

Good Source Of Vitamins And Minerals

Celery contains decent amounts of vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin A, Beta Carotene, Vitamin C, and Vitamin K. These are important for a bearded dragon’s immune system, metabolism, and growth.

Celery also contains minerals such as manganese, potassium, and folate. Potassium is essential for a bearded dragon’s heart health, while manganese is necessary for bone development. Folate is critical for cell growth and metabolism.

Low In Sugar

Another benefit of Celery is its low sugar content. So adding it won’t cause obesity or other sugar-related health problems in your bearded dragon.

Good Source Of Hydration

Celery is roughly 95% water. This means it’s a great vegetable to feed your bearded dragon if they’re not drinking enough water.

Dehydration is a common problem in bearded dragons. They can get dehydrated from not drinking enough water or from not having enough humidity in their enclosure.

Risks Of Feeding Celery To Your Bearded Dragon


The only problem about feeding Celery your bearded dragon is the oxalate content. As mentioned earlier, oxalates are found in most vegetables and fruits. 

They bind with calcium and can cause health problems such as kidney stones. So if your bearded dragon overeats Celery, it might develop these stones.

To prevent this, feed Celery to your bearded dragon in moderation. It shouldn’t be a staple food but a minor component of their diet.

As long as you don’t overfeed your bearded dragon, they should be fine and enjoy all the nutrients Celery brings to the table. 


Another thing to watch out for is pesticides. Celery is often sprayed with these chemicals to prevent pests from destroying the crop.

If you’re going to feed Celery to your bearded dragon, wash it thoroughly. This will help to remove any pesticides that might be on the vegetable.

You can also buy organic Celery to be on the safe side. This type of Celery is grown without the use of pesticides.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Should You Serve Celery To Your Bearded Dragon?

You can serve Celery to your bearded dragon in a few different ways. The most common is to chop it up into small pieces and mix it in with their food.

Just wash it thoroughly and remove any pesticides before giving it to them. Also, ensure you serve raw Celery to Your Bearded Dragon as it contains the most nutrients. Cooking Celery will remove some of the nutrients.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Celery Leaves?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat the leaves of celery plants. The leaves contain more nutrients than the stalk.

Like the Celery Step, the leaves are a good source of Vitamin A, Beta Carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and Manganese. They’re also a good source of fiber, which benefits a bearded dragon’s digestive system.

How Often Should You Feed Celery To Your Bearded Dragon?

Celery is best served once every week or two. This will give your bearded dragon the necessary nutrients without overfeeding them and causing Oxalate-related health problems.

If you want to feed Celery to your bearded dragon more often, chop it into small pieces and mix it with their food. This will help to prevent them from overeating Celery at once.

Can Baby Bearded Dragons Eat Celery?

Yes, baby bearded dragons can eat Celery. It’s a great vegetable to feed them as it contains many essential nutrients.

Just make sure to chop the Celery into small pieces and mix it with their food. This will help to prevent them from choking on the pieces.

What Happens When You Feed Celery To Your Bearded Dragon Every Day?

Feeding Celery to your bearded dragon every day, they might develop kidney stones due to the high oxalate content.

To prevent this, feed Celery to your bearded dragon in moderation. It shouldn’t be a staple food but a minor component of their diet.

Just make sure you don’t overfeed your bearded dragon Celery to make sure it enjoys all the benefits this vegetable has to offer. 

So, Can Bearded Dragons Eat Celery?

Yes, Bearded Dragons can eat Celery as part of a healthy and balanced diet. Just wash it thoroughly, remove any pesticides, and chop it into small pieces before feeding it to them.

The only downside to Celery is the high Oxalate content. This can cause health problems if your bearded dragon overeats it. So make sure to feed it to them in moderation.

Feeding Celery to your bearded dragon in moderation will give them the nutrients they need without causing any health problems. So add this delicious vegetable to your bearded dragon’s diet today.

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