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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cherries?

When it comes to a bearded dragon’s diet, small insects and veggies are the staples. But what about fruits?

While pet lizards, in general, are not known to eat fruits, beardies are quite the exception. Bearded dragons are among a few “fruit-eating reptiles” that exist.

However, That doesn’t mean bearded dragons can eat any fruit you give them. The truth is that beardie’s only eaten a select few fruits as an occasional treat. 

With that said, can bearded dragons eat Cherries?

Unfortunately, while Cherries are technically safe for bearded dragons, we advise that you skip this fruit completely and consider other options instead.

Cherries contain two of the most significant prohibited components in a bearded dragon’s diet: sugar and acid.

Most fruits are high in sugar, which is harmful to bearded dragons as it can lead to obesity and other health problems. On the other hand, some fruits contain acid, damaging a bearded dragon’s delicate stomach.

Cherries, in particular, contain both of these components. So while your beardie may enjoy the taste of this fruit, it’s not worth the risk of potentially harming their health.

To better understand why you should avoid adding Cherries to your beardie’s diet, let’s dive deep into what Cherries are, their pros and cons, and some healthier alternative fruit options that you can give your bearded dragon instead.

What Are Cherries?

Cherries are small, red fruits that are often associated with summertime. The two types of cherries are sweet and sour Cherries.

As the name suggests, sweet Cherries are much sweeter than sour Cherries. As a result, they’re often eaten raw or used in pies, jams, and other desserts.

On the other hand, sour Cherries are too tart to eat on their own and are usually used in pies and other recipes that call for a bit of sweetness.

Cherries are a good source of vitamins A, C, and E, as well as potassium and magnesium. They also contain an antioxidant known as flavonoids which can help protect cells from damage.

One hundred grams of Cherries contain 16 grams of carbohydrates, 82 grams of water, 1.06 grams of protein, 12.82 grams of sugar, 2.1 grams of fiber, 14 grams of calcium, and 0.36 grams of iron.

As you can see, Cherries have a lot to offer; but the high sugar content offsets any nutritional benefits.

Are Cherries Safe For Bearded Dragons?

Yes, Cherries are safe for Bearded Dragons in moderation. However, its harmful contents make it not the best choice when feeding fruits to your beardie.

The main concern with feeding Cherries to bearded dragons is the sugar content. As we’ve already mentioned, too much sugar can lead to obesity and other health problems in these reptiles.

That means feeding even a considerable amount of Cherries to your bearded dragon can still result in weight gain and other health complications down the road. So while Cherries are technically safe for bearded dragons, we don’t recommend adding this fruit to their diet.

Can Cherries Poison Your Bearded Dragon?

No, Cherries do not contain any substances that prove poisonous to Bearded Dragons. However, that doesn’t mean it can’t harm your precious beardie.

We’ve already mentioned the harmful effects of the high sugar content in Cherries. Another concern is the acidity levels in this fruit.

Acidic fruits can irritate humans’ digestive tract and cause diarrhea, dehydration, and heartburn. The same effect happens to bearded dragons when they eat too many acidic fruits. 

So while Cherries won’t poison your beardie, the high sugar and acid content can still result in indigestion and other health problems that can be detrimental to your reptile’s health.

Health Benefits Of Feeding Cherries To Your Bearded Dragon

Decent Amount Of Vitamins And Minerals

Cherries are a good source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, an essential nutrient for boosting the immune system. So if you do add Cherries to your bearded dragon’s diet as a rare, occasional snack, they may receive some of the benefits that this fruit offers

Antioxidant Content

Cherries also contain flavonoids, which are antioxidants that can help protect cells from damage. This is beneficial for bearded dragons as it can help reduce the risk of health problems like cancer.

Why Are Cherries Bad For Bearded Dragons?

High Sugar Content

The main concern with feeding Cherries to bearded dragons is the sugar content. The single most significant downside completely nullifies any potential benefits this fruit might offer.

Too Much Sugar Can Lead To Obesity

Excess sugar intake can lead to weight gain and obesity in bearded dragons. This can cause many health problems, including diabetes, fatty liver disease, and heart disease.

Can Cause Digestive Issues

Cherries are also acidic, irritating the digestive tract and causing diarrhea. This can lead to dehydration, as well as heartburn and indigestion.

Imbalanced Calcium To Phosphorus Ratio

Cherries also have an imbalanced calcium to phosphorus ratio. This means they contain more phosphorus than calcium, which can lead to health problems if consumed in large quantities.

Bearded dragons need calcium to maintain strong bones and prevent bone-related problems. However, consuming too many Cherries can reduce calcium to phosphorus balance and lead to issues such as metabolic bone disease.

Low Nutritional Value

As mentioned earlier, the sugar and acid content offsets the already low nutritional value that this fruit brings to the table. Unfortunately, that means there’s no benefit to feeding Cherries to your bearded dragon, even as a rare treat.

Cherries rank relatively low in terms of nutritional value compared to other fruits and vegetables. So if you want a healthy and nutritious snack for your bearded dragon, you’re better off sticking with different options.


Cherries also contain a particular acid called oxalates. These can bind to calcium in the gut and prevent absorption, leading to a deficiency over time.

Another reason it’s not a good idea to feed Cherries to your bearded dragon regularly.

Better Fruit Alternatives For Bearded Dragons

Plenty of other fruits are better for bearded dragons than Cherries. So if you want a better snack for your reptile, consider some options: Apples, Mangoes, Watermelon, Papaya, Dates, Guava, Raisins, Apricots, Plum, and Kiwi.

These fruit options are a much better choice for bearded dragons than Cherries. They’re lower in higher in nutrients and don’t contain any of the harmful acids that can be detrimental to your reptile’s health.

However, remember that most of these fruits are still high in sugar. That’s why fruits, in general, should be given to bearded dragons only in moderation. They should never make up more than 10% of your reptile’s diet.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Happens When Your Bearded Dragon Overeats Cherries?

If your bearded dragon consumes too many Cherries, it may experience digestive issues such as diarrhea and indigestion. This can lead to other problems such as dehydration, heartburn, and indigestion.

In severe cases, it can also lead to an imbalance in the calcium to phosphorus ratio, which can cause health problems down the road. So if you think your bearded dragon has eaten too many Cherries, it’s essential to monitor them closely and seek veterinary care if necessary.

How Often Can You Feed Cherries To Your Bearded Dragon?

You should only feed Cherries to your bearded dragon occasionally, as they are not an exceptionally nutritious fruit. 

If you give them Cherries, do so in moderation and never let it make up more than 10% of their diet. And since it should only be an occasional treat, you should only feed it to them at most once per two weeks.

Is It Okay If My Bearded Dragon Eats The Cherry Pit?

No, it’s not okay if your bearded dragon eats the Cherry pit.

If your bearded dragon accidentally eats a Cherry pit and is experiencing discomfort, take it to a veterinary clinic immediately, as the pit might be stuck in its gut.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat A Whole Cherry?

If you’re feeding Cherries to your bearded dragon, always be mindful of the portion sizes. For example, a whole Cherry might be too large for your bearded dragon to consume, and it can also lead to digestive issues if they eat the pit.

If you feed Cherries to your beardie, slice them into small, bite-sized pieces to prevent any problems. And as always, moderation is key; don’t let them eat too many at once.

So, Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cherries?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat Cherries; but that doesn’t mean they have to. Cherries are not an exceptionally nutritious fruit; they can even be harmful if fed in excess.

Cherries contain high sugar and harmful acids that can cause digestive issues if your bearded dragon eats too many. It also has imbalanced calcium to phosphorus content that can bind to calcium and prevent absorption, leading to health problems. 

So while Cherries are technically safe for bearded dragons to eat, they’re not the best choice when it comes to nutrition. Plenty of other fruits are better for them, so it’s best to stick to those instead.

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