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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Chicken?

Bearded dragons are small and majestic creatures. If you’re into reptiles and want to take care of one as a pet, you probably have a bearded dragon at home. They’re great pets that are pretty easy to take care of and are relatively low-maintenance. 

Bearded dragons are also known to be voracious eaters. They will eat anything in front of them. That’s also why you should be wary about presenting new types of food to your beardie.

Since bearded dragons look like the typical reptile, albeit smaller, most people might believe they can eat anything that a regular lizard or snake can. However, that’s not necessarily the case. 

With that said, can bearded dragons eat Chicken? 

The straight answer is no. Bearded dragons should not eat Chicken. Although Chicken is a common food item and is relatively cheap and easy to find, it’s not exactly safe for your beardie. 

A bit of Chicken might be good now and then, but if your bearded dragon regularly eats loads of it, it might get sick or worse, die. 

So while Chicken is one of the best foods for humans, it’s not the same for bearded dragons. It’s best to avoid giving Chicken to your pet beardie and stick to their regular diet.

Bearded dragons should stick to their normal diet of veggies and insects instead of eating something they’re unfamiliar with, like Chicken. Doing so can ensure that your pet will have a long and healthy life.

If you’re new to beardie ownership and care, you might wonder why your lizard can’t eat Chicken. So let’s dive deep into this topic and further explain why Chicken is an absolute no-no for your beardie.

What Is Chicken?

Chicken is a common type of poultry that’s popular among many cultures. It’s usually composed of a combination of dark meat that’s both high and low in fat, respectively.

Chicken is one of the most popular meats in the world. It is commonly used in many recipes because it’s pretty versatile. You can cook it any way you want, and it will still taste good. 

In addition to that, Chicken is also a good source of protein. Moreover, it’s packed with vitamins and minerals essential to our health, such as Vitamins B6 and B12. 

The protein found in Chicken can help conserve muscles and aid in building new ones. It can also help with weight loss and maintenance, making you feel fuller for longer. 

Other properties found in Chicken include selenium and niacin. In addition, selenium is a mineral that can help improve your immune system.

Is Chicken Safe For Bearded Dragons?

No, there isn’t any situation where you can say that Chicken is safe for bearded dragons. You shouldn’t give Chicken to your beardie mainly because it’s not part of their natural diet. 

Beardies are omnivores, which means they eat plants and animals. In the wild, the bearded dragon’s diet consists mainly of insects, such as crickets, grasshoppers, moths, and mealworms. However, they also eat the occasional plant matter, such as leaves and flowers. 

The reason why you shouldn’t give your beardie Chicken is that it doesn’t contain the nutrients that they need. For example, bearded dragons require a lot of calcium to keep their bones healthy. 

Unfortunately, Chicken doesn’t have a lot of calcium. And to top it off, it contains a lot of phosphorus. This element can interfere with the absorption of calcium in their bodies. 

In other words, feeding your beardie Chicken can lead to health problems in the long run. So it’s best to avoid it altogether and stick to their regular diet.

Why Is Chicken Bad For Bearded Dragons?

Now that we know what Chicken is and what it contains, let’s look at why it’s not suitable for bearded dragons. As we mentioned earlier, bearded dragons are voracious eaters. They will eat anything you give them, regardless of whether it’s safe for them. 

That’s why it’s essential to be extra careful when feeding your beardie. Some food items that are safe for humans can be poisonous to reptiles. 


One of the reasons why Chicken is terrible for bearded dragons is because it contains high levels of phosphorus. Phosphorus is a mineral that’s essential for our health, but too much of it can be poisonous for bearded dragons. 

Bearded dragons require certain levels of calcium and phosphorus in their diet. However, the calcium to phosphorus ratio should be 2:1. 

That means that for every two grams of calcium, there should only be one gram of phosphorus. If the ratio is not 2:1, it can lead to metabolic bone disease. This serious condition can cause your beardie’s bones to become weak and deformed. 

Water Content

Another problem with Chicken is that it contains a lot of water. Although water is essential for our health, too much of it can be harmful to bearded dragons. 

Bearded dragons are desert animals, so they’re not used to dealing with large amounts of water. Overeating water-rich food can lead to problems like diarrhea and dehydration. 

Salmonella Bacteria

Last but not least, Chicken is a common source of Salmonella bacteria. Therefore, raw Chicken is especially risky because it can contain high levels of bacteria that can cause food poisoning. 

Salmonella infection is a severe condition that can cause food poisoning in humans and reptiles. This infection can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and fever in bearded dragons. In extreme cases, this bacteria can even lead to death. 

So as you can see, there are many reasons Chicken is bad for bearded dragons. It’s best to avoid giving Chicken to your pet thoroughly. 

If you want to give your beardie a treat, there are plenty of other safe options that you can choose from. For example, you can give them fruits, vegetables, or insects. Just make sure to avoid giving them Chicken meat as it can be detrimental to their health.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Chicken Poison Your Bearded Dragon?

Yes, Chicken can poison bearded dragons to some degree. It all depends on how much Chicken your beardie eats and what kind of bacteria is present in the meat. 

For instance, raw Chicken contains high levels of Salmonella bacteria. This bacteria can cause food poisoning in both humans and reptiles. In addition, symptoms of Salmonella infection can cause severe cases that can lead to death. 

So it’s essential to be careful when feeding your bearded dragon Chicken. A small piece of Chicken meat every few months will probably not hurt them. But if they eat a lot of Chicken, it could make them very ill. 

What Happens When Your Bearded Dragon Overeats Chicken?

If your bearded dragon overeats Chicken, he may become ill or die. As said earlier, Chicken contains too many harmful properties that can harm your beardie. 

These include high levels of fat, water, and phosphorus. It can also contain Salmonella bacteria, which can cause food poisoning. 

So if your bearded dragon overeats Chicken, he may suffer from fever and diarrhea that can cause vomiting or even death. That’s why it’s best to avoid giving Chicken to your bearded dragon altogether. 

Can I Give My Bearded Dragon Cooked Chicken?

No, you should not give your bearded dragon cooked Chicken. While cooking, it can kill the bacteria found in raw Chicken meat. It doesn’t make the other adverse properties go away. 

Cooked Chicken is still high in fat, water, and phosphorus. It can also be difficult for your bearded dragon to digest. So it’s best to avoid giving cooked Chicken to your pet beardie completely to prevent any adverse effects. 

What Should I Give My Bearded Dragon Instead Of Chicken?

There are plenty of other safe options to give your bearded dragon instead of Chicken. These include fruits, vegetables, and insects. 

Be sure to avoid giving them Chicken meat as it can harm their health. Instead, try to provide them with various foods to ensure they get all the nutrients they need.

So, Can Bearded Dragons Eat Chicken?

No, bearded dragons should not eat Chicken. Chicken contains all the harmful properties that can harm your beardie. These include high levels of fat, water, and phosphorus. 

It can also contain Salmonella bacteria, which can cause food poisoning. So it’s best to avoid giving Chicken to your bearded dragon altogether. 

There are plenty of other safe options that you can give your pet instead. Try to provide them with various plants, fruits, and insects to ensure they get all the necessary nutrients.

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