Home » Bearded Dragons » Reasons Why Bearded Dragons Make Good Pets?

Reasons Why Bearded Dragons Make Good Pets?

Bearded dragons are, without a doubt, one of the reptiles gaining a lot of popularity among exotic pet owners worldwide. Why is that so?

1. They are cute and great looking

Their varied colors, behaviors, and unique personalities make them quite appealing or endearing to may people. Furthermore, each of them responds differently to their environment and their owners.

Buying a bearded dragon
Buying a bearded dragon

2. They good with kids and first-timers

They are some of the best reptile pets for kids and first-timers. These lizards are hardy, easy to care for, and don’t require much attention and care. If provided with all the supplies they need including UV light, heat lamps, food, décor or furniture, and so on, they can spend their time alone without getting bored.

3. They are diurnal

Being diurnal, they wake up when we are awake and sleep when we sleep. Therefore, you will have plenty of time for interaction. Furthermore, if you maintain the right nighttime terrarium temperature, these lizards don’t need any attention at night.

4. They have an excellent temperament and personality

There are among the most relaxed, laidback, and friendly exotic reptiles with mellow and even-tempered character. Furthermore, being docile, you can easily interact and handle them.

While most adults are hardly skittish or aggressive, a few and some baby and juvenile bearded dragons may be capricious. Always look at their temperament and personality while buying one.

Finally, once a social bond has grown, they may seek attention or respond to voice or sound from their owners.

5. They are friendly

Beardies are very friendly, something that goes hand in hand with their docile and layback nature, especially once they get used to you. While they don’t get bored being alone, there are many fun things you can do with your bearded dragon such as park walks, watching TV, handling them, and so on.

However, when handling them, do it only if they are willing and ensure you know how to scoop them from the ground correctly.

6. Easy to maintain and care for

Compared to other reptiles like snakes, turtles, chameleons, alligators, tortoise, and geckos, they are hardy and easy to care for and maintain. They require a small area, are easy to feed, and hardly get sick unless there is poor husbandry.

Moreover, people with small houses and apartment dwellers can still have these pets, just like you would have a fish aquarium in your home.

However, you need to ensure you have the right size of a tank since they love exploring, and a small enclosure will not be ideal. Besides size, ensure you include climbing branches, basking platforms, hiding places, among other décor and furniture.

7. They don’t bite

Ordinarily, they are not known to bite or attack humans. If this happens, it will be under extreme hostility or stress.

8. They are fun to have

You will enjoy watching them hunting bugs, interacting with each other, arm-waving, head bobbing, puffing their beard, amongst other typical behaviors.

9. However, they require commitment

They have a long lifespan of 10–15 years. Therefore, you must be ready to cater to them for a long time. Small cages, malnutrition, poor health, and husbandry, including poor housing and living conditions, may tremendously reduce their lifespan.

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