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Can Cats Drink Almond Milk?

With so many people these days seeking out healthier alternatives to cow’s milk, it’s no wonder that almond milk has become so popular and beloved! This delicious plant-based milk offers a trademark nutty taste and smooth texture that goes with and enhances practically any beverage or dessert. Not to mention it offers plenty in the way of health benefits! 

As a cat parent, it’s only natural for you to want to share your favorite treats with your precious kitty. But can cats drink your beloved almond milk? Well, the short answer is: yes, almond milk is perfectly safe for cats to consume in moderation. However, it’s still best to avoid giving your cat almond milk as it poses risks to her health that outweigh any potential benefits it offers. 

Read on as we explore the advantages and drawbacks of giving your cat almond milk in detail, and how to give it to her safely if your cat insists on having a taste of it. 

Quick Facts About Almond Milk

While it seems like a modern invention made to satisfy the current market’s demand for plant-based alternatives to dairy milk, almond milk has actually been around since the Middle Ages. Historians claim that it was invented in medieval Europe and featured heavily in many recipes at the time. In fact, it might have been even more popular than cow’s milk, which was prone to quick spoilage.  

Today, almond milk enjoys a reputation for being one of the healthiest cow milk substitutes! Its light, unique flavor makes it a favorite among bakers and coffee aficionados, while vegans and health enthusiasts praise its many health benefits. Studies have found that it promotes heart health, skin health, and weight loss while helping combat illnesses like cancer.

Another reason why it’s so popular is that it’s incredibly easy to make on your own. Almond milk is made by soaking almonds in water overnight, then blending them with water and straining the mixture to get rid of all the solids. So if you want almond milk without additives, preservatives, or added sweeteners, you can whip up your own version at home in a pinch! 

Benefits of Giving Your Cat Almond Milk

Since almond milk is so nutritious for humans, then it should be just as beneficial for cats, right? Sadly, no; the vast differences in human and feline physiology must be accounted for when discussing the safety of human foods and drinks for cats. 

That said, it’s better to give your cat almond milk than cow’s milk! This is because it poses fewer health risks and offers more nutritional advantages. 

Here are some of the health benefits of almond milk for cats:


The popular depictions of kittens with bowls of milk in countless movies and TV shows had generations of viewers believe that cats drink milk, but the opposite is actually true. 

Most cats are lactose-intolerant; they outgrow the ability to digest lactose from milk when they become adults. While kittens drink and gain energy from their mother’s milk, the lactase in their gut—which is responsible for breaking down lactose—starts to disappear as they grow. 

This means that consuming cow’s milk and other dairy products can upset an adult cat’s stomach. But this doesn’t stop cats from begging for milk! 

As such, many cat parents have sought to satisfy their kitty’s cravings with plant-based alternatives, such as almond milk. It’s among the best lactose-free alternatives that are safer and healthier for cats.  

Lower in Calories

Compared to cow’s milk, almond milk is lower in calorie content. A 100g serving of cow’s milk has around 42 calories, while the same serving of almond milk contains around 15 calories. 

This makes almond milk more ideal for cats than cow’s milk. Remember that milk should only be given as a treat, and it’s best to go for the lowest-calorie option when it comes to treats to ensure your cat stays at a healthy weight. 

Low in Phosphorus & Potassium

While phosphorus and potassium offer plenty of health benefits for young, healthy humans, they can be detrimental to the health of both people and felines with chronic kidney disease. This is because the kidneys regulate the level of potassium in the blood. When they are unable to do so, potassium and phosphorus levels start to build up, putting the heart at risk. 

Cats with chronic kidney disease or any kidney issues can benefit from low-phosphorus, low-potassium treats like almond milk. It has around 30% less phosphorus and 40% less potassium than cow’s milk. 

Full of Vitamins & Minerals 

Almond milk is loaded with a wide array of vitamins and minerals, most prominently of which are vitamins D and E. 

Both of these vitamins offer plenty of health benefits for cats. Vitamin D aids in the growth and maintenance of strong, healthy bones by maintaining the proper levels of calcium in the feline body. It also supports proper muscle and nerve function. Low levels of vitamin D can lead to heart disease, heart failure, bone disorders, and even cancer. 

Vitamin E, on the other hand, helps promote overall health in cats. It helps provide relief for skin problems and acts as an antioxidant that fights oxidative damage, aiding in the prevention of heart, vision, and neurological issues. 

Risks of Giving Your Cat Almond Milk 

It’s worth noting that most of the health benefits almond milk offers are maximized when it’s consumed in large quantities. However, having your cat drink too much almond milk can pose major risks to her health. 

Here are some of the possible dangers of giving your cat almond milk:

Upset Stomach 

Despite being lactose-free, large quantities of almond milk can still upset your cat’s stomach, especially if he has existing digestive problems. Symptoms of an upset stomach in cats include:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Flatulence
  • Cramps


Almonds are generally safe for cats to eat, but unfortunately, some felines may be allergic to this delicious nut. Consuming small to large amounts of almond milk can trigger an allergic reaction in your cat and cause symptoms like:

  • Itchy and watery eyes
  • Itchy skin
  • Runny nose
  • Swollen paws
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea

If you’re unsure whether your cat has a nut allergy, try giving her a sip or two of almond milk or one to two almonds first. Keep a close eye on her for the next few hours and watch out for any of the symptoms listed above. 

Artificial Sweeteners

Many sweetened versions of almond milk are available on the market, and these typically contain added sugar or artificial sweeteners. Excess consumption of sugar can upset your cat’s stomach, causing symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea. If your cat consumes too much sugar on a regular basis, she may be at higher risk for obesity, diabetes, and other health problems. 

Some sweetened almond milk products may also contain xylitol, a sugar alcohol that’s highly toxic to cats. Consumption of this sweetener causes a sudden and drastic drop in a cat’s blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia). This can cause liver failure and may have other devastating long-term effects on your cat’s health. 

Symptoms of xylitol poisoning in cats include:

  • Vomiting
  • Weakness
  • Lethargy 
  • Tremors
  • Seizures
  • Lack of coordination
  • Sudden collapse

If your cat has ingested almond milk with xylitol, take her to the vet or call the Pet Poison Helpline right away. 

Added Calories

While almond milk is lower in calories than cow’s milk, your cat will still get an unnecessary amount of extra calories from it. An average indoor cat needs only around 200 calories per day to stay healthy, and 1 cup of almond milk already has around 40 calories. This means a single cup of this drink will make up 20% of your cat’s daily calories. 

How to Give Your Cat Almond Milk Safely 

Can’t keep your cat away from helping herself to your glass of almond milk? Cats are naturally drawn to the high-fat content of milk, so you can’t blame your poor kitty for trying to steal sips of it. Nevertheless, giving your cat too much almond milk can put her health at risk. 

What you can do is follow the guidelines below on giving your cat almond milk in the safest and healthiest way possible: 

Give almond milk in strict moderation 

Your cat can have a few sips of your almond milk, but don’t make it a daily or even weekly treat. Giving her a 1/3 cup of almond milk once in a while should be enough to satisfy her craving without compromising her health. 

Go for plain, unsweetened almond milk

Sweetened almond milk contains artificial sweeteners that are extremely unhealthy—-or even downright life-threatening—to your cat. Make sure to purchase only plain almond milk with no sweeteners. 

Fun fact: cats can’t taste sweetness, so the plain flavor of unsweetened almond milk won’t make much of a difference to your kitty.  

If you’ve got the time, you might want to make your own almond milk to ensure it’s completely free of harmful additives and preservatives! This will not only be safer for your cat to consume, but it may even be a healthier, more wholesome option for you. 

Stick to milk for cats

Other dairy milk alternatives like soy milk and oat milk are also safe for cats to consume in moderation. But if you want to give your cat more than a few sips of milk, then your best bet is to give her lactose-free milk for pets. 

Take note that even milk specially formulated for cats shouldn’t make up more than 10% of their daily diet. 

In Closing

Almond milk is a tasty, healthy beverage that both you and your cat can enjoy, but keep in mind that your cat shouldn’t have as much of it as you do. A few sips of almond milk can be a delectable occasional treat for your kitty, but any more than that is not advisable. Remember: you can spoil your beloved kitty with delicious treats like almond milk without risking her health! 

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