Yes. Calathea Freddie (Calathea concinna) is safe to cats and dogs just as the rest of calatheas are safe, including rattlesnake plant, peacock plant, Calathea Ornata (pinstripe plant), C. warscewiczii, C. orbifolia, Calathea medallion, and C. rufibarba.
This temperate houseplant is native to Brazil’s northwestern regions and belongs to the prayer plant or arrowroot family, Marantaceae. It is loved because of its streaky leaves with contrasting light and dark green patterns.

While cat safe and quite charming, Calathea Freddie, being a tropical floor plant, needs certain conditions to thrive. Such include indirect light, high humidity (over 50%), and well-drained soils. Also, it would help if you watered regularly, keeping the soil moist and never soggy.
if you don’t find caring for this plant too much, many other alternative plants are safer for your pets, and they include:
- Bromeliad
- Africa violets
- Aluminum plants
- Ghost plants
- Haworthia Zebra
- Wax plant
- Spider plant
- Money tree
- Moth orchid
- Bost ferns
- Christmas cactus
- True palms like majesty, areca, parlor, or ponytail
The list goes on. You cannot fail to get a houseplant that will match your needs if you don’t want to buy toxic ones as they will need to be protected from pet and children’s access.