Also known as the pinstripe plant or Calathea pinstripe, Calathea ornata is a popular temperate region pot plant with large green leaves with pink stripes. It belongs to the arrowroot or prayer plant family Marantaceae and is native to South America, Columbia, and Venezuela.
Is it safe for cats? Yes. Calathea ornata or pinstripe plant is safe to cats as well as dogs and even humans. Therefore, should you have a cat that loves to graze, there is nothing to worry about, even if they nibble a little bit of the plant.

All the plants in the genus Calathea are safe to cats, and they include rattlesnake plant, medallion, Freddie, Calathea orbifolia, peacock plant, Calathea rufibarba, among others.
If you happen to love the pinstripe plant, you need to ensure you grow it in the right conditions as it is not one of the easy or hardy plants that can thrive even under neglect. It needs plentiful indirect light, high humidity, adequately watered but not soggy, and well-drained soil.
Additionally, you need to watch out for some common pests that include spider mites, which you can treat by spraying the plant with a mixture of dish soap and water and any signs of trouble.
Leaves turning yellow or the pink strip fading may indicate that you miss out on its care requirements.