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Can Dogs Eat Bok Choy?

When your dog wants to eat food that isn’t their food, it can be tempting to give them a scrap. But not all human foods are safe for dogs to eat, and some can even be deadly. So it is crucial to know which foods are safe and which aren’t.

Fruits and vegetables are safe and beneficial for humans, but can we say the same for dogs? Let’s say you left a bunch of bok choy leaves on the counter as you’re preparing your meal, but your dog managed to swipe it and have a taste. Should you worry or not?

Can Dogs Eat Bok Choy or Not?

Bok choy is a type of cabbage that has green leaves and white stalks at the bottom. It is commonly used in Asian cuisine, most popularly in stir fry and soup dishes. Bok choy offers many nutritional benefits to humans. 

But can dogs eat bok choy? The answer is yes! Bok choy is safe for dogs to eat in small quantities and in moderation. Bok choy also contains a number of nutrients that are beneficial for your dog’s health. Let’s check them out!

Health Benefits of Bok Choy for Dogs

High in Fiber

Fiber promotes healthy digestion in dogs. It adds bulk to your dog’s stool and aids in regular bowel movement.

Soluble fibers aid in lowering your dog’s cholesterol and helps maintain a good environment for good gut bacteria to flourish. These good bacteria act as probiotics that aid in digestion. They can also protect your dog from immune diseases affecting their digestive tract.

Regulates blood pressure and promotes healthy heart

Bok choy contains 171 milligrams of potassium per 100 grams of serving, according to USDA. But how is potassium beneficial for dogs?

Potassium is helpful in regulating blood pressure and relaxes the blood vessels. Bok choy also contains magnesium and calcium which are also essential in reducing the risk of elevated blood pressure and severe heart diseases.

The vitamin B and folate traces in bok choy can also aid in promoting a healthy heart.

Good source of Vitamin C

Bok choy belongs in the cruciferous family of veggies, which means it contains phytonutrients and vitamins, particularly Vitamin C.

Phytonutrients and vitamin C both work as antioxidants that have anti-inflammatory properties for your dogs. Antioxidants bind with free radicals in the body which prevents cell aging and can boost your dog’s immune system. Antioxidants are essential to prevent cardiovascular diseases and are known to prevent cancer.

Vitamin C can also promote bone and joint health because it is helpful in collagen production. Bok choy also contains traces of zinc and iron which also aids in collagen production.

Vitamin C is also helpful in maintaining your dog’s fur coat to be healthy and shiny.

Has potential anti-cancer properties

Scientists have begun the study of anti-cancer properties in cruciferous vegetables. Bok choy, like other cruciferous vegetables, contains compounds called isothiocyanates that have anti-cancer potential. 

Selenium to support thyroid function

Bok choy is also a good source of selenium, which can help your dog’s thyroid gland to function properly. The thyroid gland secretes hormones that are responsible for proper metabolism and growth.

Are there risks involved in eating bok choy?

Dogs can eat bok choy without any problems. It is a very healthy vegetable that is low in calories and high in several vitamins and minerals. Although there are no known side effects from feeding your dog cooked bok choy, there are some things to watch out for when introducing this vegetable into their diet.


Raw bok choy contains an enzyme called myrosinase which can hinder proper thyroid function. Some glucosinolate compounds, despite having anti-cancer potential, can also inhibit thyroid function. So we don’t recommend giving raw bok choy to your furry pals.

Stomach issues due to pesticides or wax coating

The bok choy you find in your grocery store may be sprayed with a coating (such as wax) so that it stays fresh longer during transport and on the shelf. Dogs should not ingest this coating because they may suffer an upset stomach. 

Pesticide residues can also be found in bok choy so it is important to wash the vegetables properly and cook them for your dogs to fully enjoy eating bok choy.

Kidney and bladder issues

The green leaves of bok choy contain oxalates. These compounds can cause problems if consumed in large amounts. If your dog eats too much bok choy, they may develop kidney stones or bladder issues.


Some dogs are allergic to certain types of vegetables and may even develop diarrhea or vomiting if they ingest them. If you’re giving your dogs bok choy for the first time, you should not give them a large amount all at once.

They might have a severe allergic reaction. Always make sure to introduce new food to their diet in small amounts.


Since bok choy contains a significant amount of fiber, too much consumption can lead to constipation.

How to prepare bok choy for dogs

Bok choy is one of the healthiest foods to give your dog in moderation. As previously mentioned, you should give them a small taste first to check if the vegetable suits their preference.

Mix them with their usual food

Dogs may not like the taste of bok choy. You may have to mix the vegetable with meat or wet dog food with it. If your dog still refuses to eat it after several attempts, then you should switch to other vegetables that suit their palate.

Wash and cook the bok choy properly before giving it to your dogs. Never give your dogs a whole piece of bok choy because it may cause choking, especially with the firm stems still attached. Opt for the green leafy parts instead so they can digest it easily.

Steamed or stir fried

Bok choy can be steamed or stir fried and fed as a treat to your dog. You should also avoid any extra seasonings or oils when feeding this food to your dog, as most added ingredients like salt, butter, or garlic can upset their stomachs.

However, since bok choy has a high water content, you should use caution when feeding it to your dog for the first time. It could cause diarrhea if your dog has a sensitive stomach. 

If you feed your dogs broccoli or cabbage regularly and don’t show any digestive issues with these vegetables, they should also be able to handle bok choy without trouble.

Yes, dogs can eat bok choy!

Bok choy is an Asian vegetable that is excellent for dogs. It is high in vitamin C, low in calories, and contains essential nutrients like fiber, potassium, calcium, selenium, zinc, and iron that maintain different important body functions.

Bok choy is also high in antioxidants which keeps your dog’s cells from aging and degeneration. It also has anti-cancer potential so your dogs can really benefit from this vegetable.

They can enjoy bok choy as long as it’s prepared and cooked properly. However, it’s important to remember not to overfeed your dogs this vegetable to prevent illnesses and other harmful effects to their bodies. These harmful effects can range from a simple stomach upset to more severe illnesses like thyroid and kidney issues.

As a general rule, always consult your vet if you have any concerns or are unsure about feeding your dogs any kind of food.

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