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Can Dogs Eat Lychee? 

Lychee, also known as litchi, is a tropical fruit that is native to Asia, particularly in China, Taiwan, India, and some countries in Southeast Asia. Its white juicy flesh is sweet which makes it a popular fruit snack, and some compare its flavor to a mix between a grape and a pear.

But have you ever wondered if dogs can eat lychee?

In this article, we’ll go over some of the most pressing questions regarding lychee and dogs.

Can dogs eat lychee? Is it good for them?

If you love to eat lychee and want to share it with your dogs, good news! You can definitely give your furry pals a taste, but in moderation. You can give them lychee as a treat, mix it with their food, or as an ingredient of a dog-friendly recipe.

Lychee is also good for dogs because it contains nutrients that are beneficial for their health. But eating lychees can also bring some harmful effects to your dogs, and we’ll discuss them further.

Health benefits of lychee for dogs

Good source of antioxidants

Lychee is an excellent source of vitamin C, which works as a good antioxidant to prevent absorption of free radicals in the body. Vitamin C also boosts your dog’s immunity, reduces inflammation, and promotes collagen production which is great for their bones and joints.

Your dogs can actually produce vitamin C in their bodies, but a little boost can be helpful to keep illness at bay. Vitamin C is also good in keeping their fur and coat healthy and shiny. Older dogs can also benefit from this additional vitamin C boost as they might not be able to efficiently produce it anymore.

Another antioxidant that can be found in lychees is oligonol. Oligonol is a polyphenol that acts as an antioxidant that prevents cell aging and degeneration. Antioxidants are also known to reduce the risk of getting cancer.

Contains Fiber

Fiber-rich foods can promote healthy digestion and regular bowel movement. Lychee has a significant amount of fiber, 1.3 grams per 100 grams of serving, which helps to add bulk into their stool to aid digestion.

Fiber also helps maintain the optimal environment for the good bacteria to flourish in their digestive tract. These good bacteria serve as probiotics to aid their digestion. Foods high in fiber can also keep their hunger at bay.

Can help control blood pressure

Lychee also contains a significant amount of potassium, which can help in controlling blood pressure. The low sodium content also helps to prevent elevated blood pressure and related hypertensive illnesses to your dogs.

Promotes healthy kidneys

Lychee also contains high amounts of water. The high water content helps in promoting kidney function and detoxifying your dog’s body by increasing the frequency of their urination.

Besides these significant health benefits, lychee also contains these nutrients that are beneficial for your furry friend:

  • Copper
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • Phosphorus

What makes lychee bad for dogs?

May cause low blood sugar

An unripe lychee fruit contains a compound called hypoglycin A or methylene cycloprolylglycine (MCPG), that causes low blood sugar or hypoglycemia. 

In fact, there were reported cases of hypoglycemic encephalopathy that affected malnourished kids in India. This disease affects their brain function, triggered by the low blood sugar due to consumption of unripe lychee fruits.

Canned and processed lychee contains high sugar

Canned and processed lychee, on the contrary, contains excessive amounts of added sugar since the fruits are preserved in sugar syrup. Too much sugar can contribute to diabetes, and weight related problems like obesity for your dogs.

Overconsumption of sugars can also cause stomach issues and hyperactivity to your dogs so it’s not recommended to give them canned lychees.

Lychee seeds and pits can cause choking

The seeds and pits of lychee can be a choking hazard so you should never offer lychees with seeds still attached. A whole lychee can also be a choking hazard so it’s recommended to slice or divide them into smaller pieces before giving your dogs a taste. The seeds also contain MCPG so it can be toxic for your dogs.

If your dog accidentally swallowed a whole seed, make sure to act immediately by dislodging the seed from their throat if you can. You can also try to perform a Heimlich maneuver to manually dislodge the seed, but if you’re unsure, you can call your local vet.

In case they accidentally ate a small piece of the seed, here are some symptoms you should watch out for:

  • Vomiting
  • Dark or discolored urine
  • Upset stomach
  • Diarrhea
  • Drooling
  • Seizures

In this case, calling your local vet is the best option.

How much lychee fruit can you give your dogs?

Like what we’ve mentioned, giving your dogs a moderate amount of lychee is recommended. Dogs love sweet snacks and they might encounter some health problems if they eat too much lychee.

Ripe lychee flesh without the seed is the best and safest option if you want to let them eat the fruit, but don’t give them lychee every day. Also avoid giving them the seeds, peel, or any other part of the plant.

Conclusion – Can dogs eat lychee?

Dogs can definitely eat lychee, but like every food, it should only be given in moderation. If you’re a pet owner who loves to share their food to their dogs, you can add lychee fruit to your safe list.

Lychee contains nutrients that can benefit your dog’s health, but it can also cause some harm to your dog’s health.

You can give this fruit as an occasional treat or mix it in their food, but make sure to only let them eat the flesh. The seeds and the peel can cause choking because of their hardness and rough texture.

You can also opt to give them other fruits or veggies like artichokes, which are known to be dog-friendly.

As always, consult your vet if you want to introduce new food to your dog’s diet.

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