Celery or Apium graveolens is a vegetable and herb under the family Apiaceae often known as the parsley family that has other members such as coriander, dill, fennel, chervil, caraway, carrot, parsnip, anise, among others.
It has tiny seeds used as a spice or for extracting its essential oil used in the perfume industry. Traditional herbalism also uses these seeds extracts in making herbal medicines.
Finally, this vegetable and herb can be eaten raw or cooked, added to smoothies, stir-fries, used in soups, juices, among other cooking. Both the leaves and crunchy stalk are used.

Can dogs have it
Yes. Dogs can have celery leaves, stalk or sticks. They are not poisonous or toxic to these pets. Cats can also eat celery.
However, it should be fed as a small snack or treat on top of a nutritionally balanced high-quality commercial dog food and not as a meal substitute.
If served so, celery will be a good low-calorie crunchy and fibrous addition to your dog’s treats. However, since balanced dog food has all the nutrients that these pets require, keep the amount of all treats you give to these animals to be at most 10% of their calorific or food requirement.
Raw or cooked? These pets can eat cooked or raw celery. They are both ok and safe. In fact, you can mix it with other snacks such as eggs, raw carrot, peanut butter without xylitol or canine foods.
Additionally, as Mercola.com notes, “celery seeds safe, but they’re also helpful in detoxifying your pet’s body and calming their digestive system, so they’re a great addition to your pet’s meal.”
Since they may not be very appetizing, while cooking them it is not uncommon for these leaves to be removed leaving only the stalks or sticks.
Dogs can also eat celery root often referred to as celeriac including if pureed or cooked. It is nutrient-rich. However, being high in carbs, limit the amount given to be an occasional snack.
If you have never feed your dog celery, don’t assume they have never eaten it before since tons of their foods have it. For instance, Dr. Harvey’s Canine Health Miracle, Gentle Giants Natural Dog Food, V-Dog Vegan Kibble Dry Dog Food, and Only Natural Pet EasyRaw Human Grade Dehydrated Raw Formula have it.
Is celery good for dogs?
Whereas we have already noted that celery is safe for dogs, this does not qualify it as good or healthy to these pets. Does it have any benefits it offers to your pooch?
Yes. It does. While some people consider dogs to a carnivore like their ancestors the timber wolf, these have evolved to be considered as omnivores able to digest and benefit from vegetables and carbohydrates.
Celery has carbohydrates including dietary fibers, small amounts of fats and proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Your dog stands a chance to benefit from some of these vital nutrients.
Some of the vitamins it has include vitamin A, thiamine, niacin, pantothenic acid, B6, folate, B12, choline, vitamin C, E, and K while calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc are some of the mineral celery has.
Vitamin A, C, limonene, and flavonoids are powerful antioxidants that will reduce oxidative stress damage, reduce inflammation from conditions like cancer as well as ensure your canines do not age prematurely.
Additionally, it is hypolipidemic and antihypertensive (reduce high blood pressure) properties make it good for optimum canine health.[1]
Thirdly, being low in calories, it is a good choice of a treat for obese dogs or those losing weight, i.e., it is a good weight-loss treat and for improved digestion, since it has some fiber.
Do these pets need fiber? Yes, they do. While in the wild, dogs get fiber from fur, tendons, ligaments, and viscera including all the digested and undigested content of their prey intestines.
On the other hand, domesticated ones need fiber and this vegetable could be a good source. It will help increase gut motility and relieve constipation.
Fourthly, being high in water, it is a good choice of snack during hot summers or if your pooch seems not to be drinking water as usual.
Finally, owing to its aromatic scent and antimicrobial properties, it is helpful in refreshing your canine’s breath beside the use of breath mints for dogs.
Preparing and serving celery for dogs
There are many ways to prepare and serve celery dog treats and it can be served raw or in cooked treats. Additionally, it can be mixed with other ingredients to make it more enjoyable for these pets. Here is how to give your cat this herb or vegetable:
- Thoroughly wash it to get rid of any herbicides or pesticides. Fresh organic one is often recommended.
- Secondly, since it is associated with chocking risks especially to small dogs such as Yorkies and puppies, cut or chopped it to small pieces such as bite-size to make eating and chewing much easier. It is also fibrous.
- Introduce it slowly over a long duration as you observe for any tummy troubles including diarrhea, vomiting, gas as well as any signs of allergic reactions.
- While it can be served on its own, cooking it in beef or chicken broths or soups may make it more appealing. Avoid onions, chives, garlic or toxic ingredients.
- Although fully weaned puppies can eat celery, extra care needs to be taken since their digestive system has not fully developed and stomach upsets may arise. Begin with very tiny amounts and see if they can handle it.
While it is healthy and good for pets, avoid giving your dog an excessive amount of this vegetable or herb. For instance, being fibrous, especially the stalks, an excessive amount will result in digestive complications.
Secondly, as with most of the other vegetables, excessive amounts may result in stomach upset, gas, diarrhea or vomiting.
Dogs and puppies are allowed celery since it is not bad, poisonous or toxic. In fact, it is not only safe but also good with some health benefits.
However, if given in large amounts, it will definitely hurt your dog as it may cause tummy troubles, gas, and diarrhea.
Finally, the concern of celery being high in sodium should not worry you since it is only served as a small occasional treat and not a meal substitute.