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Can Dogs Eat Hawaiian Bread?

Originated from Hilo, Hawaii in the early 1950s, Hawaiian bread has become a favorite among many households worldwide. This bread is known for its distinct sweetness, flaky outside, and fluffy interior. Depending on your preferences, you can make Hawaiian bread from scratch (it requires the simplest ingredients) or buy some in stores!

The tastiness of Hawaiian bread might have you thinking of sharing some with your dogs. Your pets deserve to be spoiled, and that includes sharing with them if not all, most of your food, right? But dogs’ bodies aren’t built the same way as humans, so you need to be careful when giving them human foods, such as Hawaiian bread. 

Fortunately, dogs can eat Hawaiian bread. This bread doesn’t contain any toxic or harmful ingredients, meaning you can share some with your fur babies. However, keep in mind that Hawaiian bread doesn’t provide any nutritional value to your dogs’ diets. This is the reason why you should only give Hawaiian bread as occasional treats to your dogs. 

Are There Any Health Benefits of Giving Your Dogs Hawaiian Bread?

Because it doesn’t contain common allergens, such as corn, wheat, soy, and dairy products,  Hawaiian bread can help soothe dogs’ sensitive stomachs. As long as it is given in moderation, you won’t have to worry about your dogs suffering from an upset stomach after giving them  Hawaiian bread.

Can Puppies Eat Hawaiian Bread?

Yes, they can. But because puppies’ bodies are still small and developing, it’s important to limit their intake. You should also stop feeding your puppies Hawaiian bread the moment you see any adverse reactions, such as lethargy, vomiting, and diarrhea. 

How Can You Feed Hawaiian Bread to Your Dogs?

There are many ways to feed Hawaiian bread to your dogs, namely:

  • Hawaiian bread crumbs and yogurt: If you’re looking for ways to keep your dogs cool during the hot summer months, mix some Hawaiian bread crumbs with plain yogurt. This can also aid in your dogs’ digestive health. 
  • Hawaiian bread and peanut butter: Slice a piece of Hawaiian bread and add a generous amount of peanut butter at the center. This is an easy-to-make snack that’s sure to keep your pets full for hours. 
  • Hawaiian bread and fruits: Slice the Hawaiian bread into small bite-sized pieces and mix with your dogs’ favorite slices of fruits. Some of the healthiest fruits you can give to your four-legged friends are bananas, strawberries, and apples (as long as the core and seeds are removed). 

Can You Feed Hawaiian Bread to Your Dogs Every Day?

No, you shouldn’t feed Hawaiian bread to your dogs daily. As mentioned, Hawaiian bread doesn’t provide any vitamins and minerals to your dogs. In fact, feeding your dogs Hawaiian bread every day can lead to several symptoms, such as vomiting, diarrhea, and other complications. 

How Much Hawaiian Bread Should You Give Your Dogs?

You shouldn’t give your dogs more than two slices of Hawaiian bread daily. The excessive consumption of salt and sugar can trigger abnormal levels of sodium in your dogs’ bloodstreams, which can cause dehydration. Long-term, too much salt, and sugar in their diets can also trigger weight gain and diabetes.

When Should You Take Your Dogs to the Vet?

If your dogs don’t exhibit any symptoms after eating Hawaiian bread, there’s no need to take them to the vet. This shows that their bodies were able to adjust to the bread. But on the other side of the coin, if they start to develop any type of symptoms, take them to the vet immediately. Your vet can properly assess your dogs and provide treatments right away. 

Can Diabetic Dogs Eat Hawaiian Bread?

No, you should never feed diabetic dogs with Hawaiian bread. In fact, you should never feed any type of bread to diabetic dogs because its high sugar content can cause high or low blood pressure. The salt content of bread can also increase diabetic dogs’ risks of dehydration. 

Can Pregnant Dogs Eat Hawaiian Bread?

No, Hawaiian bread isn’t recommended for pregnant dogs. As mentioned, Hawaiian bread contains excessive amounts of salt and sugar that can adversely affect the health of the pregnant dog, as well as her unborn puppies. 

What Kind of Bread Should Dogs Avoid?

You should never feed your dogs any bread that contains nuts, raisins, chocolate chips, onions, garlic, and xylitol. Although these ingredients make your plain, white bread tastier, these ingredients are actually toxic for your fur babies. Raisins, for example, can trigger kidney failure in dogs, which can worsen and cause sudden death. 

Talk To Your Vet

Although Hawaiian bread is generally safe and harmless, you should always consult your vet first before giving any to your pets. Dogs naturally have sensitive stomachs and changing their diets abruptly by adding Hawaiian bread can do more harm than good. Talk to your vet first to know how you can properly introduce Hawaiian bread to your fur babies. 

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