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Can Dogs Eat Swiss Chard?

Swiss chard is a green leafy vegetable that tastes mild, earthy, sweet, and a little bitter. It’s a bit milder than spinach and resembles flat celery. This vegetable is often used like spinach — its small leaves are added to salads while the bigger leaves are cooked. Swiss chards are very versatile as you can use them to make tarts, stews, and pies. 

But can dogs eat Swiss chard? Is this vegetable safe and healthy for your furry friends? This article will answer these questions, as well as provide you with in-depth information about Swiss chards and dogs. 

The answer to the question is: Yes, your dogs can eat Swiss chard. This vegetable has high nutritional value and provides the following health benefits:

Excellent Source of Soluble Fiber

Fiber is a fundamental nutrient in your dogs’ bodies. Because Swiss chards contain high levels of soluble fiber, feeding the vegetable to your fur babies helps regulate intestinal transit, maintain the intestinal microbiota, and improve their overall digestive health. Fiber also helps your dogs produce formed, firm stools. 

Contains Lutein

Lutein is synthesized by green leafy vegetables, helps maintain visual acuity, and lessens the risk of cataracts in canines. Lutein also reduces glare impairment, protects eye tissues from sun damage, and reduces cell death related to eye diseases.

Rich in Minerals

Swiss chard is one of the healthiest vegetables you can give to your fur babies because it’s packed with different minerals, such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, and salt. All of these are essential to your dogs’ diets. 

Magnesium is required for more than 300 biochemical reactions in your dogs’ bodies. They need magnesium to maintain normal muscle and nerve functions, achieve a healthy immune system, and keep their bones strong. Magnesium is also necessary to regulate blood glucose levels and produce protein and energy. 

Potassium is responsible for ensuring that your dogs’ hearts, nerves, and muscles are functioning properly. Without potassium, your dogs will become lethargic and lose their appetite. 

Similar to its impact on humans, your dogs also need calcium to maintain healthy, strong bones and teeth. Calcium also prevents health complications, especially in puppies.

Iron is also important because it helps carry oxygen throughout your dogs’ bodies to produce energy. Iron deficiency can adversely affect your dogs’ circulatory systems, which can become life-threatening in the long run. 

Dogs naturally need salt to maintain their normal body functions. Salt works by maintaining healthy nerve and muscle functions, ensuring fluid balance, and stabilizing blood pressure. Salt also maintains the cellular environment in your dogs’ bodies to prevent cells from dehydration or swelling. 

Are There Any Risks When Feeding Dogs With Swiss Chard?

Unfortunately, there are. Like other green leafy vegetables, Swiss chards also contain oxalic acid that forms calcium oxalate in the body. Once this salt passes into the urine, your dogs are at high risk of developing urinary stones. 

Additionally, Swiss chards also contain nitrates that are converted into nitrites in the body. Over time, this can cause a blood disorder in canines known as methemoglobinemia. Some of the most common symptoms of the disorder are depression, weakness, rapid breathing, and discoloration of the skin.

Feed your dogs with Swiss chards sparingly and in small quantities to minimize these risks. Ideally, this vegetable should only be given as treats once in a while. 

How Should You Feed Swiss Chard to Your Dogs?

There are two ways to feed Swiss chard to your fur babies: boiled or raw. Regardless of how you feed the vegetable to your dogs, make sure to wash it thoroughly under running water, remove leaves that show signs of wilting, and cut it into bite-sized pieces. 

Avoid serving Swiss chard to your dogs with any salt or sauce. Artificial flavorings can adversely affect your dogs’ bodies, especially their kidneys. 

Can Dogs Eat Rainbow Chard?

Yes, your dogs can. Swiss chard and rainbow chard are almost the same vegetables, except rainbow chards have a more colorful stalk.

Can Dogs Eat Green Chard?

Yes, your dogs can eat green chard. Like Swiss chards, green chards are leafy vegetables that offer several health benefits to canines. Just make sure to feed the vegetable sparingly, as giving your dog too much in one sitting can trigger diarrhea and vomiting. 

Talk to Your Vet

Swiss chard is healthy for your dogs, but this shouldn’t become a staple in their diets. Before feeding the vegetable to your pets, consult their vet first. Your vet can provide tips on how you can properly and safely introduce the vegetable to your dogs’ diets and recommend the ideal quantity to give based on your dogs’ sizes and nutritional requirements. 

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