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Can Dogs Eat Pomegranate?

As a dog owner, you’ve probably experienced eating your favorite meals or snacks with those cute puppy eyes in front of you. You know that this gesture is your dog’s unique way of telling you that they want what you’re eating, and you need to share what you’re eating with them.

Not all human foods are safe and healthy for your furry friends, which is why you need to be very cautious about what you feed them. You don’t want your intention of sharing food with your dogs to become the reason why they’ll get sick or die, right? 

When it comes to pomegranates, good news! This is one of those fruits you can share with your furry friends! As long as given in moderation, pomegranate can bring the following health benefits to your dogs:


According to studies, pomegranate contains antioxidants that can reduce oxidative damage on your dogs’ bodies. Antioxidants can also neutralize the effects of chronic inflammation and restore the active muscles of your dogs. 


The potassium content of pomegranate can help regulate your dogs’ water balance and nerve signals in their bodies. Potassium is also essential to ensure that your dogs’ hearts function properly and are free from any kind of disease. 

Vitamin C

Pomegranate has a lot of vitamin C that can aid in the natural wound healing and cell development processes of your dogs. Vitamin C can also strengthen the immune systems of your dogs, so they’ll be protected against common infections and diseases.

Vitamin B6

The vitamin B6 found in pomegranate can improve the serotonin levels in your dog’s brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter responsible for the mood, appetite, and mental health of your furry friends. 

When your dogs’ bodies produce a sufficient amount of serotonin, they’ll have lesser risks of developing depression. Serotonin can also help relieve stress among dogs.

Folic Acid

Also known as folate, pomegranate is also packed with folic acid. This nutrient is important for cell division and DNA production in your dogs’ bodies. Folic acid also expedites your dogs’ natural wound healing process, so their skin recovers fast after an injury or illness. 


Iron is essential for dogs as it aids in oxygen transportation and blood production. As a result, your dogs will have better endurance for exercises and other physical activities. Being iron deficient can cause your dogs to become lethargic and prone to different illnesses. 


Pomegranate also has calcium that can improve the muscle function of your dogs, as well as aid in mobility and weight management. Calcium can also keep your dogs’ bones and teeth stronger. 


Manganese supports the nervous systems of your dogs and healthy brain development among puppies. Manganese is also necessary for your dogs to produce energy and metabolize the carbohydrates and proteins in their bodies. 

Omega Oils

Aside from giving your dogs regular baths, feeding them pomegranate is also an excellent way of improving their skin health. The omega oils in the pomegranate can provide extra hydration to your dogs and keep their skin supple and healthier. 

Can Dogs Eat Pomegranate Skin?

No, you should never feed your dogs with pomegranate skin. The skin has the highest levels of fiber in the fruit, and excessive fiber in your dogs’ diets can upset their stomach and cause diarrhea. When left untreated, diarrhea can cause dehydration. 

Additionally, pomegranate skin is thick and tough, which can become a choking hazard for dogs. The texture of the pomegranate skin can also get stuck on your dogs’ intestine and might require surgery to have it removed. 

When giving pomegranate to your furry friends, make sure to remove the skin first. This will give you peace of mind knowing that your dogs aren’t exposed to any health risks associated with pomegranate skin. 

How About Pomegranate Seeds?

Contrary to popular belief, pomegranate seeds aren’t toxic to dogs. If your dogs ate pomegranate seeds from one fruit, it’s not a cause for concern. However, when consumed in large quantities, pomegranate seeds can cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. 

Can Dogs Drink Pomegranate Juice?

Unfortunately, no. Although pomegranate juice is easier to digest for your dogs, this contains excessive amounts of sugar, additives, and preservatives that can have adverse effects on your furry friends. Pomegranate juice lacks vitamins and minerals found in the fruit. 

Can Dogs Eat Pomegranate Flowers?

Pomegranate trees are native to Iran and India, but you can already find a handful of these trees in other parts of the globe. If you happen to live in an area where pomegranate trees grow, be wary when giving pomegranate flowers to your dogs. 

In general, pomegranate flowers are safe for dogs. However, because pomegranate flowers contain too much fiber, feeding your dogs this part of the tree can trigger diarrhea. Stay on the safe side and refrain from feeding your dogs with pomegranate flowers. 

Can Dogs Eat Fresh Pomegranates?

Yes, raw pomegranate is actually the best choice for dogs. Fresh pomegranates are safe for dogs and contain several vitamins and minerals essential to keep your dogs healthy. 

Can Dogs Eat Cooked Pomegranates?

The answer to this question isn’t a simple yes or no. Cooked pomegranate is safe for your dogs as long as they’re cooked without adding salt, sugar, or any type of seasonings. These additives can be harmful to your dogs and cause stomach problems. 

Can Dogs Eat Pomegranate Yogurt?

If your dog loves plain yogurt, it’s generally safe for them to consume pomegranate-flavored varieties. Just make sure that the pomegranate yogurt doesn’t contain xylitol, as this compound is known to be toxic for dogs. 

How Can You Add Pomegranate To Your Dogs’ Diets?

There are actually many ways to incorporate pomegranate into your dogs’ diets. If you’re willing to exert time and effort to make your dogs’ meals more exciting, you might want to try the following:

Blended Pomegranate

Smoothies are healthy and satisfying treats for humans, so why not give some to your dogs? Smoothies are safe and healthy for dogs, just as long as you use dog-friendly ingredients. 

Instead of merely slicing pomegranates into small bite-sized pieces, add some to a blender to make a smoothie. You can also throw in some dog-friendly fruits to the mix, like apples, blueberries, apricots, strawberries, and bananas. Make sure to give your dogs small quantities of the smoothies to prevent weight gain and other blood sugar irregularities.

Frozen Pomegranate

The humid weather can be very uncomfortable for your furry friends. To help them cool off, give them some frozen fruits to snack on. Letting your dogs enjoy some pupsicles will surely bring comfort to them when the weather gets too hot. 

Simply put some slices of pomegranate into your ice cube tray, let the fruit freeze for a couple of hours, and then grab some pieces to feed to your dogs. This is one of the easiest ways to feed pomegranate to your pets!

Mashed Pomegranate

If you’re worried that your dogs will choke on the pomegranate or the fruit will cause blockages in their intestines, mash the fruit. Feeding mashed pomegranate to your dogs is a great way to avoid any discomfort and ensure that your pets can easily chew and digest the fruit. 

Sprinkle On Food

If you want your dogs to enjoy the health benefits of pomegranate without drastically changing their diets, sprinkle some pieces of the fruit on top of their kibbles. This will add more flavor to your dogs’ meals and make them excited to eat.  

When Should You Call A Vet?

If your dogs ate some pomegranate and they don’t exhibit any symptoms, there’s no need to call the vet. This only shows that your dogs’ bodies tolerate the fruit, and it’s perfectly okay for them to consume the fruit in the future. 

However, if this is your first time feeding your dogs with pomegranate, or they accidentally ate large amounts of the fruit, it’s best to call your vet right away. Make sure to inform them about the amount of pomegranate your dogs ate, the breed and age of your dogs, and if your dogs have any pre-existing medical conditions. 

Most importantly, inform the vet of any symptoms exhibited by your dogs after eating the fruit. Did they vomit? Are they showing signs of lethargy? The more information you give to your vet, the easier it’ll be for them to recommend treatments. 

How Can You Prevent The Potential Dangers Of Pomegranate?

To prevent the potential dangers of pomegranate, make sure that the fruit only makes up 10% of your dogs’ diet. As for the frequency, your dogs should only have pomegranate no more than twice a week. Feeding them more can have several health risks. 

It’s also important not to let your dogs eat any fallen fruit. As mentioned, not all parts of the pomegranate are safe and healthy for your canine friends. Don’t forget to monitor your dogs as they’re eating pomegranate to ensure that they’re not eating too much at a time. 

Never Make Decisions On Your Own; Talk To A Vet

Before you add pomegranate to your dogs’ diets, spend some time visiting your vet. Ask for pieces of advice to determine whether it’s best to give your dogs pomegranate or if there are other healthier alternatives to the fruit. 

Never make drastic and abrupt adjustments to your dogs’ diet, as this can only do more harm than good. Instead of keeping your dogs happy and healthy, feeding the wrong fruit or giving fruits to them in the wrong quantity will only increase their risks to several health issues.   

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