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Can Hamsters Eat Mango?

Having hamsters at home is a very fun and rewarding experience. These little pets are easy to take care of as they don’t require a lot of space and maintenance. However, for you to become the best pet owner, you need to pay attention to what your hamsters eat. Their diets affect their health, as well as their longevity. 

If you’re wondering whether or not you can share some fresh mangoes with your hammies, the answer is a resounding yes! Mangoes are packed with a lot of vitamins and minerals that can provide the following health benefits to your hamsters:

High In Antioxidants 

Antioxidants are essential to the health of your hamster. Antioxidants work by protecting their cells from free radicals and neutralizing the effects of aging on their bodies. When the cells are protected from free radicals, your hamsters have a lesser risk of cancer, heart diseases, and other illnesses. 

Boosts Immunity

Mangoes contain high levels of vitamin C. This vitamin plays an important role in boosting the immune system of your hamsters. Vitamin C also protects your hamsters from being ill. If your hamsters do get sick, vitamin C can help them recover quickly. 

Promotes Healthy Digestive Systems

Because it contains healthy levels of dietary fiber, feeding your hamsters with mangoes is an excellent way to improve their digestive system. Dietary fiber works by softening your hamsters’ stool and reducing their risk of constipation. As a result, your hamsters will have a regular and healthier bowel movement.

What Are The Risks Of Giving Too Much Mango To Your Hamsters?

To ensure that your hamsters remain safe and healthy as you feed them mangoes, give them controlled quantities of the fruit. Giving too much mango to your hamsters can also lead to several health risks, such as:


Mango contains a lot of sugar, and feeding too much of the fruit to your hamsters can put them at risk of excessive weight gain and obesity. Obese hamsters have shorter lifespans and are prone to develop many health issues, such as hypertension and arthritis. 


The amount of sugar found in mangoes can also put your hamsters at risk of diabetes. Diabetes is a chronic illness that can’t be treated and can trigger other health complications.

Nutritional Deficiencies

Just like human beings, your hamsters need to have a complete, well-balanced diet in order to stay healthy. When you feed them too much mango, they can immediately get full and will no longer eat their usual hamster foods. This can cause nutritional deficiencies and can make your hamsters weak and sickly. 

Digestive Issues

Mango also has a lot of acidic content that can cause stomach problems in your hammies. Mangoes can often trigger diarrhea and constipation in hamsters when given in large quantities. In worse cases, these can lead to wet tail, a common health condition among hamsters that can be fatal when left untreated for the next 12 to 24 hours.

Can Hamsters Drink Mango Juice?

Unfortunately, no. Mango juice is a refreshing and delicious drink for humans but can be harmful to your hamsters due to its high sugar content. Mango juice also lacks the essential vitamins and minerals present in the fruit. 

Can Hamsters Eat Dried Mangoes?

No, you should never feed your hamsters dried mangoes because they contain too much sugar, which can trigger excessive weight gain and obesity. Dried mangoes are also very sticky and can get stuck on your hamsters’ cheek pouches. 

How About Mango Pie?

No, never offer even a slice of mango pie to your hamsters. Mango pies contain a lot of additives and preservatives and can be harmful to your hamsters. Keep your mango pie to yourself and feed your hammies with fresh mangoes instead. 

Can Hamsters Eat Mango Ice Cream?

No, hamsters should never eat mango ice cream. This is too sweet for your hamsters and might upset their stomachs and cause diarrhea. 

Can Hamsters Eat Frozen Mangoes?

No, hamsters cannot eat frozen mangoes. Frozen mangoes are tougher to chew, which can become a choking hazard and cause digestive blockages to your pets. 

If you do have frozen mangoes at home, defrost them first by letting the fruit sit at room temperature for a few minutes. Once the fruit has softened, you can cut it into small pieces and then serve them to your hamsters.

Can Hamsters Eat Mango Peel And Seed?

No, mango peel and seed are both harmful to your hamsters. Mango peel doesn’t contain any nutrients, so there’s no point in feeding them to your hamsters. Make sure to remove the mango peel before giving the fruit to your hamsters. 

Mango seeds, on the other hand, are dangerous for hamsters, so never give any to your pets. 

How Much Mango Should Hamsters Eat?

Because of its natural sweetness, your hamsters will likely look to you as an attempt to get a larger portion, but as a pet owner, you need to be very strict. As mentioned, giving your hamsters too much mango can also lead to health risks. 

Baby hamsters should never be given mangoes as their bodies aren’t fully developed to eat and chew fruits. Baby hamsters rely on their mother’s milk for nutrition, and feeding them mangoes will only do more harm than good. 

When it comes to adult hamsters, you should only feed them fresh mangoes no more than ¼ of a teaspoon. Feeding them more will only disrupt their digestive tract and cause constipation and diarrhea. 

How Often Should Hamsters Eat Mango?

Because of its sugar content, you should only give mangoes to your hamsters no more than once a week. Mangoes, along with other fruits, should be given as occasional snacks and treats to your hamsters and should never replace well-balanced meals. 

How Can You Feed Mangoes To Your Hamsters Properly?

Only serve your hamsters with fresh mangoes that are sliced into tiny pieces. The smaller the pieces are, the better. This will prevent your hamsters from choking on the fruit. 

As mentioned, remove the peel and seeds before feeding the fruit to your pets. 

After your hamsters have eaten the mango, remove the fruit from their cages. The fruit can eventually get rotten and attract germs, which can cause diseases to your pets. 

Consult A Vet 

Mangoes are healthy and filling snacks to your hamsters but giving too much to them will only do more harm than good. If you don’t want to take any chances as you’re adding the fruit to your hamsters’ diets, talk to a vet first. They can give you pieces of advice to help you incorporate mangoes into your hamsters’ diets in the safest way possible! 

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