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Can Hamsters Eat Popcorn?

When it comes to guilt-free snacks, popcorn is usually one of the best options for humans. As long as it’s lightly seasoned and air-popped, popcorn is actually a very healthy snack because it’s a whole grain and contains a lot of dietary fiber. According to studies, popcorn has been linked to a lower risk of diabetes, heart disease, and other health problems.  

Undeniably, popcorn is healthy for humans but will it have the same benefits when given to hamsters? Is popcorn safe and healthy for your furry friends? Fortunately, the answer is yes. You can actually feed your hamsters with popcorn as it can provide these benefits to them:

Low Fat, Low Calorie, Low Sugar

As long as given in moderation, popcorn doesn’t lead to heart disease, obesity, or diabetes in hamsters. Popcorn is a low fat, low calorie, and low sugar snack, making them a healthy and filling treat for your hammies.

High Fiber

Your hamsters need to receive a sufficient amount of fiber in their diets to maintain a healthy digestive system. Fiber also aids in weight loss as it makes your hamsters feel full for longer periods and reduces their food intake. 

Popcorn can be a great addition to your hamsters’ diets because it contains high amounts of fiber. By giving your hamsters popcorn, their bowel movement will improve, and they’ll have lesser risks of having constipation and diarrhea. 


Antioxidants are essential to maintain the overall health of your hamsters. Antioxidants can help your hamsters reduce inflammation and minimize the impact of aging on their bodies. 

Healthy Fats

Popcorn is an excellent source of healthy fats that can give energy to your hamsters. This will keep your hamsters more active and ready to take on any type of exercise. 

What Happens When You Give Too Much Popcorn To Your Hamsters?

For your hamsters to enjoy the health benefits of popcorn, you need to feed them the food in very limited quantities. Unlike humans, hamsters’ bodies cannot tolerate too much popcorn. Overfeeding your hamsters with too much popcorn will only result in the following risks:


Hamsters are small creatures and can’t easily chew large pieces of popcorn. Giving them too much will only become a choking hazard, which can eventually take a toll on the health of your little hammies.


Popcorn still contains carbohydrates that can trigger obesity when given in large amounts. Obese hamsters have shorter life expectancies and are more prone to other health problems, such as arthritis and hypertension. 

Nutritional Issues

Popcorn is a healthy snack but doesn’t contain all of the essential vitamins and minerals necessary for the growth and development of your hamsters. Your hamsters still need a well-balanced diet to stay healthy and remain safe against infections and diseases.

When you give too much popcorn to your hamsters, you’re preventing them from consuming other healthy foods. This can result in nutritional issues and can become the reason why your hamsters will become weak. 

Digestive Problems

Hamsters’ bodies aren’t made to consume too much human food. By giving them a lot of popcorn, especially the salted and sweetened varieties, you’re putting them at risk of developing digestive problems, such as diarrhea and constipation. 

Can Hamsters Eat Buttered Popcorn?

Unfortunately, hamsters can’t eat buttered popcorn because buttered popcorn contains high amounts of fat. Given that hamsters are at risk of weight gain and obesity, feeding them with buttered popcorn is never a good idea. 

Aside from having issues with their weight, giving buttered popcorn to your hamsters can also lead to heart diseases and a fatty liver.  

How About Salted Popcorn?

No, you should never feed your hamsters salted popcorn. Hamsters don’t need salt in their diets and feeding them food that contains a lot of salt will only do more harm than good. 

Can Hamsters Eat Cheese Popcorn?

No, it’s not safe to give your hamsters cheese popcorn. The cheese powder added in the popcorn is actually pulverized cheese that contains a lot of fattening additives like salt, sugar, and oil. In some cases, the cheese powder might even contain onion and garlic powders, which can be very toxic for your hamsters. 

Can Hamsters Eat Sweet Popcorn?

Sweet flavored popcorn, such as caramel corn and kettle corn, is a big no-no for hamsters. These contain a lot of sugar that can contribute to weight gain, obesity, and even diabetes. Too much sugar can also cause dental problems in your hamsters. 

Can Hamsters Eat Toffee Popcorn?

No, toffee popcorn is also a no-go for your hamsters. Toffee popcorn is too sweet for your hamsters and can stick to their cheek pouches. This can cause several problems, especially when left unnoticed for days and weeks. 

Can Hamsters Eat Popcorn Kennels?

Hamsters can eat corn cobs (both popped and unpopped) sold by pet stores intended for small animal consumption. However, you should never give your hamsters “regular” popcorn kernels found at the bottom of your popcorn bags, as these can be a choking hazard. 

Because hamsters naturally have a hoarding instinct, giving them regular popcorn kernels might trigger them to hoard some in their cheek pouches. These kernels can eventually get stuck on your hamsters’ cheek pouches and cause a cheek impaction. 

What Type Of Popcorn Is Best For Hamsters?

Your hamsters should only be given air-popped, plain popcorn. These are better options for your pets as they don’t contain any flavoring that can adversely affect their health.

How Much Popcorn Can Hamsters Eat?

Your hamsters shouldn’t eat too much popcorn as it can also lead to several health risks. Keep in mind that hamsters naturally have sensitive digestive tracts, and feeding them with too much popcorn can cause health problems. 

Baby hamsters should never be given popcorn. Yes, popcorn is a healthy snack but isn’t the best choice for baby hamsters. Their bodies are still developing, and feeding them solid foods can likely cause ingestion and other health risks. 

For adult hamsters, they can eat no more than one fully popped popcorn kernel. Even if your hamsters seem to like the treat, never give them more. 

How Often Can Hamsters Eat Popcorn?

Popcorn should be given as a snack or treat to your hamsters and never as a replacement for any of their meals. Ideally, you should only feed your hamsters with popcorn once a week.  

Consult A Vet 

The type and amount of popcorn you feed to your hamsters can significantly affect their health, which is why you should be careful in adding popcorn to their diets. You don’t want your hamsters to be sick just because you want to share your popcorn with them, right?

Aside from using the information in this article as your guide, always consult a vet before altering your hamsters’ diets. Vets can provide pieces of advice to guarantee that your hamsters can enjoy popcorn without any side effects. 

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