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Can Dogs Eat Slim Jims?

Slim Jims are a favorite American snack primarily made from processed meats. It’s available almost anywhere, convenient to eat, and comes in several varieties. These are probably the reasons why you love Slim Jim and stock a couple at home. 

And because you love your dogs so much, you might be thinking of sharing some Slim Jim with them. But should you? Is this American snack safe and healthy for your furry friends?

The short answer to the question posted here is: no, Slim Jim is unhealthy and harmful for your dogs, and it’s best not to give them any. The ingredients listed below are necessary for creating Slim Jim, and all can have adverse effects on your dogs’ health:


Slim Jim contains three different types of sugar: corn syrup, dextrose, and maltodextrin. Letting your dogs eat foods with high sugar content can harm their livers and cause liver disorders. Too much sugar can also put your dogs at risk of obesity and diabetes. 


Salt or sodium is necessary for your dogs’ diet to keep their nervous and muscular systems working properly. Although Slim Jim contains salt, the amount is too much for your dogs’ daily sodium requirement. One serving of Slim Jim (four sticks) already contains 120 milligrams of sodium — an amount way too much to meet a dog’s 100-milligram daily sodium requirement. 

Besides, your dogs usually get enough sodium from their kibbles. So by feeding them Slim Jim, you’re only putting them at risk of sodium poisoning. 

Sodium Nitrite

Slim Jim contains sodium nitrate that acts as preservatives. In large amounts, sodium nitrate can cause blood disorders and even sudden death in dogs. 

Sodium nitrate can also cause cancer in dogs. This happens because once sodium nitrate comes into contact with the proteins in your dogs’ bodies, it turns into nitrosamines. Nitrosamines are organic compounds known to be carcinogenic and can cause cancer in different organs, such as the lungs, liver, kidney, brain, and nasal sinus. 

Hydrolyzed Soy Protein

Hydrolyzed soy protein in Slim Jim functions as flavor enhancers, similar to monosodium glutamate or MSG. Consuming a large amount of hydrolyzed soy protein can lead to many health problems in canines, namely neurological, reproductive, and metabolic disorders. 

Corn, Soy, And Wheat

Slim Jim uses corn, soy, and wheat. And while these ingredients are generally harmless to dogs, those with a gluten allergy can experience severe symptoms after eating these foods. These symptoms often include itchy skin, skin rashes, and stomach problems. 

Onion and Garlic

Slim Jim contains onion and garlic to add more flavor. These two ingredients are toxic to dogs because they damage the red blood cells in their bodies and trigger anemia. Anemic dogs will usually exhibit lethargy and rapid breathing. 

Does Slim Jim Provide Any Nutritional Benefits?

No, Slim Jim doesn’t provide any nutritional benefits for your dogs. One serving of Slim Jim (four sticks) only contains 8 grams of protein. This amount doesn’t significantly contribute to the daily protein requirement of your dogs, which is about 25 grams (for average-sized dogs). 

Additionally, the 14 grams of fat in Slim Jim are already equal to the recommended dietary allowance of your dogs. This means that feeding your dogs any other food that contains fat will put them over their daily nutritional allowance. A high-fat diet can increase your dogs’ risk of cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and heart diseases. 

The amount of sodium and additives used in Slim Jim also don’t give any nutritional benefits to your furry friends. This snack also doesn’t have any additional minerals or vitamins. 

What Should You Do If Your Dog Ate Slim Jim?

Eating a small amount of Slim Jim will not poison your dogs. Their bodies can usually tolerate the amount, and they will naturally flush the ingredients out from their systems by urinating frequently. 

However, if your dogs consume an entire pack of Slim Jim (4 sticks), it’s best to take them to the vet right away. Eating too much Slim Jim at once can trigger several symptoms and might even become fatal when left untreated. 

Are There Safer And Healthier Alternatives To Slim Jim?

Yes, there are! Tick off Slim Jim from your dogs’ diets and feed them any of the foods listed below instead:


One serving of liver contains 10 to 100 times more nutrients found in a serving of muscle meat. Liver is a healthy snack for your dogs as it’s loaded with iron, essential fatty acids, protein, and B vitamins. Liver also contains vitamin A which supports healthy eyesight in dogs. 

Before feeding liver to your dogs, make sure to boil them in water first. Avoid adding any flavoring or spices when boiling, as these ingredients can be harmful to your canine friends. 

Chicken Breast

Chicken breast is a must in your dogs’ diet because they’re a healthy source of protein. This nutrient is important for dogs to have energy throughout the day. Chicken breast also has omega-6 fatty acids that can keep your dogs’ skin, coat, and bones healthy. 

Just like how you would prepare liver, boil the chicken breast for a few minutes before feeding it to your dogs. Remove any bones and cut the meat into tiny pieces to prevent your dogs from choking or experiencing intestinal blockages. 

Fresh Fruits And Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables have vitamins and minerals that are necessary for your dogs’ health. Some of the healthiest fruits you can feed to your dogs are apples (make sure to remove seeds and core), blueberries, strawberries, and bananas. When it comes to vegetables, carrots, green beans, and broccoli are excellent options. 

Before feeding fruits and vegetables to your dogs, wash them properly with running water. Don’t forget to chop them into bite-sized pieces, so your dogs can easily chew and digest them. 

Always Consult A Vet 

If you want to spoil your dogs by sharing some of your favorite snacks and meals, consult a vet first. Your dogs’ bodies are built differently, and feeding them different human foods without the go signal of a vet can do more harm than good. 

Talk to your vet before changing your dogs’ diets. In this way, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that you’re feeding safe and healthy foods to your fur babies! 

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